Questions and Answers.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Helén, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. Gaploxter

    Gaploxter <Nicest person ever.

    A:I think if you went to AA they would help you with that :p

    Q: What is hataz first name? :-/
  2. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    A:i dunno

    Q: What IS hataz's first name anyhoo
  3. Simzer

    Simzer New Member

    A:Dunno too, it's probably Thai.

    Q:What happens to me in 2007?
  4. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    You get married? Graduate? umm. I'll say you recive 1 million dollars from a turtle in Brazil while juggling 14 chainsaw and 26 torches, while also running around on a log.

    What REALLY happens to you in 2007?
  5. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    A: I don't know.. That's what I'd like to know :O

    Q: What do you think will happen to you in 2007?
  6. Simzer

    Simzer New Member

    I'll drop out of school and get a job at a Gas Station, move into a shack, attempt suicide, and then die in the Sino-European war, trying to push the Chinese out of Europe.

    (Psst, I shoot myself)

    Q: What will happen to you in 2012?
  7. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    A:I'll be Admiral Froggie

    Q:Who are you?
  8. Simzer

    Simzer New Member

    A: A wino

    Q: Fghlfjhlkghkfujemererjm says what?
  9. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    wow...all the interest in my name... first off, im not thai so my name isnt thai...i just happen to live here...if you must know, it is jess

    A: FfhEGHdbeagfkjhdguhRSHGk says ok

    Q: whats your name?
  10. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    A: Meh, I'd prefer to keep the mystery :p

    Q: What do you think my name is? (if you already know it no guessing :p)
  11. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    A: ur name is solid_snake19

    Q: whats your name?
  12. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    A:I don't remember, i'm on meds..:p

    Q:Why is there a purple bunny on your head?
  13. Simzer

    Simzer New Member

    A:You are on meds...

    Q:Where did your ancestors come from
  14. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    A: My paternal ancestors are from Britain. My great-great, etc. grandpappy was the younger son and since, under old English law, the eldest son inherited everything, my grandpappy was forced to come to Canada to earn money for himself (@1650 AD) so he went from having money to having none!! :O My maternal ancestors were Mennonite and fled Russia to avoid persecution just prior to the Russian Revolution in 1917.

    Q: Where do your ancestors come from?
  15. Simzer

    Simzer New Member

    A: My Grandparents on my Father's side are from Scotland, and my Great Grandparents on my Mother's side are from the Ukraine, after they fled WWI.

    Q:Where are your ancestors from?
  16. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    A: England.....

    Q: Do you like salad?
  17. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    A: Ew, no. :p Give me some meat any day. :D

    Q: What's your favorite kind of food?
  18. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    A: DONT! think i like thai food!

    Q: do u like thai food?
  19. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    A: I've never tried it before :(

    Q: What about you? Do you like Thai food?
  20. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    no. No. NO way.

    Do you like Bob' newbie's flamingo?

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