Questions and Answers.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Helén, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Because even thought it has big muscles, it cries over the silliest little things.

    Why does fake tan streak?
  2. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Because it doesn't like clothes.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Why does the Man live in the Moon? I mean - why not Earth? And why not a woman? Is there something wrong with Earth?
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    There IS a woman in the moon. That's why the man lives there. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

    Oh, and there's nothing wrong with Earth. It's perfect for us.

    So why do seagulls stand on one foot?
  4. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Because they're Kung-Fu masters.

    Why do I find Lynet so funny?
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Because her timing is


    (seagull joke revived :rolleyes:)

    Why do people say: boxing clever?
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    'Tis the opposite of Ducking Stupid.

    Why is water blue?
  7. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Because if it was red it would look quite scary.

    Why do I insist on going to bed late so I have huge bags under my eyes?
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Those aren't bags sweetheart, that's your face :p

    Why am I so horrid?
  9. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Because you're British, anywhere else would just call you mean :p

    Why is lunch never long enough?
  10. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Because it's only 5 letters long.

    IDK, I'm trying to be funny, and, well - it just doesn't work. *Shakes head sadly.*

    Will someone shoot me? Not with a dangerous weapon. a water pistol or paintball gun will do.
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I've been laughing out loud at this entire thread. You guys are dead funny.

    And, OK, bang, to answer your question. You've been shot with a bunch of feathers ...

    What's the best way to eat cheesecake?
  12. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    I dunno. You're pretty humorous.

    With your mouth, SBW.

    What're we going to do tonight, Brain?
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Same thing we do every night, Pinky, try to take over the world!


    Why are pickles green?
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    They lost their lunch.

    Why do boats float?
  15. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Because they already tried the whole sinking thing. Didn't quite work out the way they hoped.

    Why did the plane crash?
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It was a roof raiser of a party. Everyone else was there!

    Why is there only one Friday night in a week? :(
  17. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Because if there were two, it would be Twosday, and that would confuddle everyone.

    What the hell am I talking about?
  18. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Welcome to my world...

    Anyone else want in?
  19. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Me! I do!

    Oh, yeah. Anyone else want in?
  20. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Can I join? Please? It's so lonely in the asylum. :(

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