Well, yeah. Just watch out for the big ape roaming the hallway. My buddy said he doesn't see any ape out there, but I know he's just crazy, and I know the ape is there. Don't fall for the trap. Did you know that you posted 5 words in the 4 word thread just now?
Did I? Oh, well. Not the first time I confused people in that thread. I thought it was the 3 4 5 thread. You should have posted in that one instead. Did you know you just hang around in the Forum Games section or the threads that just allow any old thing to be spoken about?
I did. His name is Ron, though, not Steve. They're probably related. Do you have coffee with your Sunday paper?
No! How lucky you must be. I feel lucky just to have the paper boy bring the paper. Does your paper boy bring the coffee to you in bed?
I prefer edible foods with my coffe, thank you. I'd be a bit worried if a paper boy brought me anything in bed, ala the Burger King. Where does one go to aquire himself a paper boy?
At the paper boy vending machine. Bring exact change. I'm married to the muffin man, and his name ain't Steve. Or Ron. When can I go home?
When you have finished all your chores and not before, young lady! Have you seen my paper boy? It was a bit breezy the other day and I fear he got blown away :(
Me. I also created the lightbulb, hair mousse, the Sun, (both versions - the paper and the flaming ball of gas), sleep, baths, eyeliner, boxer shorts and paper boys. And Oink. There's another of my creations. Mirelly? Oops, wrong thread. Who was the first man in space? I do know the answer, I just don't know how to spell his name and couldn't think of another questiion.
Adam What on earth did the man who invented the internet do with it until someone else got a connection?
I told you, it was me who invented the Internet! Do I look like a bloke? Don't answer that. That is NOT my question!!! Oink, don't you dare! Or you either Lynet! Anyway, until someone else got the Internet I made lots of sites and played games. And got bored so in the spare time made all the other stuff. Adam was not the correct answer, BTW. Is SBW going to reply next? See - merging threads!
I owuld say me, but this would be the third time in one night and on one page I have replied to this thread. How long will this thread get?