
Discussion in 'The Sims 1' started by ben_munson, Oct 6, 2002.

  1. ben_munson

    ben_munson Moderator


    Heyall! Time 4 the skin maker 2 get back into work. So hurry up!!! Send me some requests already! (if u haven't noticed, the requests go here, hehe)
  2. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Hi there.
    Haven't met you before. So you are skinmaker? That's good to know. Nice to meet you.

  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Ben idles from here to there, Nina :0
    He wanted to be on vacation for a couple months for inspiration. What can I say? :)
  4. ben_munson

    ben_munson Moderator

    hey nina

    hey nina. How r u? im not suprised that u haven't met me, coz ive been slackin off lately, lol!
  5. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Then.. good you are back!!! The more people to talk to around here - the better. :)

    *hops around*
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Welcome back!! :D

    Let's see... requests... hmmm... Actually, I'd like to see a few skins that are just sort of casual wear, for guys and girls, stuff that MOMS and DADS might wear... or stuff you might wear to go out on a casual date... I see tons of evening gowns... then again *I* make gowns.. heh...
  7. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    I want more fat skins
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Re: hey nina

    Shame on you Ben! Slacking Off!!!:p
  9. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I made a bunch of dresses for my fat female sims... mostly just different colors of three dresses I did, two of them are pretty neat because I worked hard cutting and pasting pictures of floral print drapes to get a realistic looking floral print dress, it took forever!
  10. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    Where can i get those u made Fae?
  11. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    I admire you all for that time, energy and effort you put down into give the rest of us so much!! Thanks all!!! :classic:
  12. ben_munson

    ben_munson Moderator


    Ok, fat skins n casual wear comin up, hehehe...
  13. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

  14. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I guess I should get busy sorting through all the STUFF I've made and see if I can submit it to Josh's website... I need to go back to the website part and see if I can figure out what I need to do... I've just spent all my time here in the forums!!
  15. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Looking forward to seeing your casual and fat skins Ben!!!

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