Twitching or itching? Hmm... I get the feeling Steve would name a sim named "Josh" and start pelting that sim with Meteors non-stop.
The tornadoes are pretty realistic in my opinion. The earthquakes however are not. One would think that you could at least "retrofit" your buildings to make them more architecturally sound to withstand earthquakes.
I'm probably going to just build a ton of those wind power plants and blow them all right back at you Flamey The truth hurts Steve . Both you and I know it . There's truth to what you're conspiring
I was thinking of putting a lot of nuclear power plants behind them, and blowing the nuclear winter/waste towards my neighbors
You must have liked that idea so much you had to type it twice? I think I oughta report you for spamming! LOL
I know I've been extremely tired considering all the overtime I've been working lately but I'm not that darn tired!