Great news everyone! There is a new SimCity coming!! It's set to come out in 2013 Are you excited?? I'm stoked! If the graphics look remotely like anything in that video, this will definitely be a game changer. Granted, it's only preliminary, and final gameplay will not look like this, but still it should be interesting to see the final outcome
I've been excited since last Thursday when all the talk started! I guess societies will be the Vista of the SimCity world and we'll not speak of it?
Are they just going to call it "SimCity" as if the first one never existed? Weird. Of course it's going to be buggy. Don't you remember how buggy SC4 was when it came out. It was nearly unplayable until it had been out for about 5 months and they finally put out a patch. I'm still playing SC4 on occasion. I don't think my computer could handle a new one.
I think it would depend on the level of what you could do in said multiplayer game. So long as you couldn't go in and say tear down someone's new multi-million dollar freeway they just built or something.
You don't have to play multiplayer if you don't want to. My understanding is that you can play single player but you still need internet connectivity to activate the stupid game.
It might be cool if say you could control a monster or huge ufo that could attack the city and the other person(people) had to fight it off.
I'm sure there will be a way to limit to the multiplayer like a friends list or something. There is no way I would want some random person having the ability to edit my cities, as I'm sure there will be a ton of people who would just want to ruin it for others.
Yea I am too much excited for the game..The first part of this Game mine friends have played and they always told me about it and now i will also try this game....So thanks for sharing it here..