Sims Death

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by afropower234, Feb 6, 2004.


Do you plan to kill your sims in Sims 2?

  1. YES! That's why I play the Sims to kil them!

    3 vote(s)
  2. No! I never plan to kill my sims!

    5 vote(s)
  3. MAYBE! It depends on my mood as to if someone gets fried or not!

    19 vote(s)
  1. bellababe

    bellababe New Member

    I'll let my sims die naturally, or if sum crappy thing happens(like two babies got the same name when i tryed to hae twins), then I'll kill the stupid/ugly/one i dont like and start from scratch......*grin* :D
  2. TieDyeDancinBear

    TieDyeDancinBear New Member

    I'll most likely try to kill off Bob Newbie. Every time I have tried to give him a chance in the Sims to redeem himself he has ruined it. I even really made an effort once to build him up, but he still managed to ruin my house.
  3. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I usually don't play with the pre-built families (except for one time trying out the tutorial.) Sometimes I completely remove them from the game by evicting them and then deleting them in the "family" screen.

    Overall, I don't tend to kill my Sims either. (Except for my exhusband, who I made and then let use the BBQ over and over again without any cooking skills, but that was "therapy", I only have killed one Sim. If I could have moved him out and then deleted him in the family screen, I would have. I felt awful as he was begging to be let out of the tiny windowless/doorless/emenityless box I'd put him in. And the screen kept doing the "go to" thing as he had more and more problems, making it really hard to ignore what was going on.

    I don't know if I'll even let my "elders" live in a house where the aging isn't turned off.


    By the way, I really like your Sigline. I got such a kick out of it. It reminded me of how our children need a balance between creativity and discipline. There is a time and a place for everything. Green handprints belong on a piece of paper or only on the wall if momma has asked them to do it (for the sake of art.) Otherwise they are like the difference between weeds and flowers: a weed is something that is growing in an inappropriate place. That same plant can be considered a "flower" if it is grown in a place where it is meant to be.
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I'm starting to wonder if we can move all the elders in our neighborhood into a "retirement home" and then turn off the aging in that house so they don't die off? I'm still not sure how I feel about losing my sims to old age....
  5. Tri Ace Fan

    Tri Ace Fan New Member

    The Sims 2 has lifegaurds? o.o
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I hope I don't seem callous but I'm really looking forward to seeing my sims wear out and croak. In the original game I always found that once I had spent some time with my sims getting them to work hard, study hard, play and socialize hard ... got them all maxed out and so on ... well it just kinda got boring. They weren't going anywhere, were they?

    Josh's interview at E3 with Lucy told us what many of us have suspected ... that the lifespan will be relatively short (20 game-playing hours was hinted at).

    I doubt that many folks can find the time to play much more than 20 hours a week. (OK yeah! I admit that I can swing wildly from one extreme to the other but a Sim-binge always has to end sooner or later (usually when my house begins to resemble a Sim's worst nightmare with flies haunting the kitchen, new life-forms evolving on the kitchen counters, unmade bedz and that worst of all possible domestic outrés ... rings in the bath tub.

    In short, if Sims are gonna grow old and die it's best if they do it in a reasonable timescale. Some while ago on another BBS the same discussion yielded some quite silly notions of how long the various life-stages ought to be. A "sim day" seems to take around 15 minutes to play (assuming that at no stage the game is either paused or f/fw-ed) ... so "20 hours" game play would equate to 80 days of sim life. That seems a little short ... 1 day = 1 year!??? Will sim females have to endure elephantine 3 "year" pregnancies? Nah! something's not quite right here ...

    Going back. If 20 hours represents a realistic weekly average for most players ... If 20 hours gives us approx 80 sim days. If we make do with a 3 "day" pregnancy then 4 "days" will be a year. If I were in charge I'd set 3 days as the working week with the 4th day as the weekend. I'd make "birthdays" occur not every "year" but as milestone events to mark transitions from baby to toddler to child to teen to adult to elder.

    So much for wishful thinking. In practical terms all of the above indicates that a 320 sim-day lifespan is needed to satisfy the demands of realism.

    Obviously we don't want it too "real" ... do we???
  7. Mystical Druid

    Mystical Druid New Member

    That time frame CANNOT be logical.

    Honesitly. 4 day year? Come on gimme a break. I think its more going to be a 20 day a year period. I mean do you only get a yearly bill? As for the too realstic time thing I agree. You don't want to be able to only live through 1 generation of sims then die of old age.
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    However the time frame works out, I'll be happy to have days off out of the work week... and I hope my sims no longer take HOURS to wake up, shower etc. and eat breakfast before running almost an hour across the house to get to the carpool before it leaves! :p
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Some might say that whatever we think now the truth will emerge anyway in afew short months. However I do so love to disagree with someone when it seems to me that they have missed something out of their reasoning.

    First to answer an important question of yours. Do I get only a yearly bill? Well realistically yes as well as no. Some bills come in annually, some quarterly and some monthly. I suspect that a great many people find that their financial year contains one month they'd rather forget about. Mine is August when it seems that 3 different varieties of tax collector is after a share of my fortune as well as sundry insurance companies and utility/service providers. August is therefore the natural choice of month for my car to develop and extremely expensive fault (last August I took in to have the brakes checked and got it back 3 days later with most of the braking system replaced ... plus I was persuaded that it needed a catalyst thing.

    Anyway .... you seem to think that you're happy to play thru 20 Sim days as a representation of a Sim year. Hmmmm If a sim lives to be "80" then you'll have played thru about 1,600 Sim days ... each Sim day will take you 15 minutes to get through ... ah! I get it. You're not gonna play those days are you? You're gonna zip thru them at cheetah speed, aren't you? So what then is the point of having all those extra days, if you're not gonna play 'em?

    But I'll be fair. You will play all 1600 days ... yaaaaaawwwwn ... sorry you're not keeping me awake ... it the cat's claws in my leg that's doing that ... Most of those 1600 days will be really tedious cos no matter how good TS2 is gonna be there's no way that it'll have so many different activities for a sim to get up that you won't soon get bored with "playing" with a Sim who has nothing left to learn but is gonna hang around the house eating the food and wearing out the sofa for another 30 or r 40 sim years ... another 7-800 sim days (by your reckoning! :p

    Then there's the childhood thing Lets say you'll be able to pack junior off to a creche at the age of 2 ... someone's still gonna have to stay home every darned day for 40 (sim) days to mind baby till then. Yawwwwwwm again ... maybe you'll be hoping that rosebud still works and that you'll be able to pay for a nanny. Again it makes me wonder.

    Look instead at the positive aspects of TS2. Genetics. Can I shout that out a bit? GENETICS! This means that junior is gonna take after ma and pa who will atke after their ma's and pa's and so on ad infinitum. If you get your way and have 1600 sim day lifetimes I suspect that you'll stand more chance of seeing your flesh and blood great great grandchildren marry than you will of seeing your Sims get that far.

    Think about it. Genetics is fun ... players will be able to do what no human has ever done ... carry out selective breeding programs ... for example what would happen if two hideously ugly people got together. One with a huge nose and no chin, the other with massive chin and and nose that makes Michael Jackson look like Pinocchio.

    Oh, man! 1600 hundred hours playing to get from cradle to grave! You cannot be serious! ... can you? How many hours do reckon to play per week? Cos 1600 hours is like 4 and half hour a day for a whole human year. If you did nothing else with the rest of your life then between now and the moment when The Sims 3 hits the shelves you'll be jsut about getting ready to hold funerals for for your first batch of grandchildren ... ogh enuff already ... :rolleyes:

    Look I'm not mad at anyone. The Sims is a fun game and I have fun by poking fun ... but I hope that I do it in a kind way. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I hope Mystical Druid can understand why I found the 20 thing so funny ... :D

    ... Oh and LOL and right on to what Fae just said .... ;)
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ooops it didn't look that long before I hit the post it button ... should I delete it?
  11. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    No, don't delete it! I think it's funny and interesting!! :D Funny, I thought we were alone in our cars conspiring against us... maybe it's ALL cars conspiring against their owners! :p
  12. Bri5002

    Bri5002 New Member

    Lol! Once my sims threw a huge pool party inviting all the sims in the neiborhood (i had a teleporter) And one dude who i hated (snobby rich dude :-P) woudent get out of the pool (Why i dont know) and he died and all the sims at the party lined up to cry about it althogh not all of them knew was great!

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