So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Have fun Chee-z! I loved my freshman year of college...although sophomore year is and always will be my favorite year. Watch out for the freshman 15! LOL!
  2. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Having just recently joined a basketball team, I'd like to go on record as saying I'm not a sports fan! I used to go to Aussie Rules a lot and I still look at where my teams at (doing very badly this season), but generally, I don't watch it. I watch Bathurst (V8 supercars) :checkeredflag: in October, because my partner watches every year and we make a big day of it.

    Speaking soccer, the whole of Australia is excited this year cuz we're actually in the world cup which is something that hasn't happened in about 32 years. So I guess, Go Aussies!!!!!!:hyper:
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Way to go Chee-z, Have so much fun, (but the mom in me says "not too much fun" and "leave the booze alone") ( bad mom! leave Chee-z alone):( o
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Day one and I'm already tired. :( Really long day of touring and seminars and placement testing and soooo much walking >_< I couldn't bear the thought of staying in the dorm after all that so I came home. :eek: The benefits of living in the same town as the university. :D
  5. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Are Freshmans and Sophomores still going to school? Sorry, I'm a bit confused...
  6. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    In the USA, 9th grade of school is freshman, 10th sophomore, 11th, junior, 12th senior. Then you go to college and start all over again. 1st year, college freshman, 2nd year, college sophomore...and so on...

    And Chee-z...stay in the dorms! Trust me, college is just that much more fun with it. I was nervous as all get out to do it my first year, but I thank heavens that I did. The sense of community is so amazing. It really is a major part of the college experience. You'll thank me in the long run, believe me.
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I second Shana's advice. The best part of the whole uni experience is getting away from parental supervision :D

    Incidentally it's interesting to see the international differences here.

    In the UK University bachelor degree courses typically last for 3 years (the first is called the freshman (fresher) year ... the last is is called the final year. No one bothers to name the the second year except to call it the second year :eek: In the UK the academic year is broken into 3 separate terms of 10-12 weeks each. The first term starting at the beginning of October. This allows for 3-4 week breaks at Christmas and Easter plus a longer summer break of 3 months.

    Seems rather grim to me that college in the US starts immediately after school is out. Or are the US academic calendars more varied than that?
  8. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I had a summer off. I think Chee-z is going through a orientation...normally a week long time where you get to know your future campus, lots of big meetings and stuff. You get to meet your advisors and what not. Mine started the week before college actually started.

    Chee-z, are you taking summer classes? Or is this just a get-to-know the campus kind of a time?
  9. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Parents evening at school tonight. Was not good. My mum is really disappointed in me. The teachers said I was too chatty and I'm not pushing myself in class enough.

    When we got out of school mum said that what was the use in the past 12 years of glowing reports at school if I'm just going to throw it away now? But I would have been the way I am now then if I wasn't getting the crap bullied out of me everyday. I kept my head down and didn't speak to anyone because I knew I'd just get called. I know I've not been working as hard, and I feel like crap now.

    It's all your fault! ;) if you wasn't here then I'd concentrate more on coursework. :p
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    This forum is certainly keeping me from concentrating on my work (like right now.) :eek: But, Babe, I think a lot of it has to do with your age. What is it now, 15? Life is so exciting, right? How can you stand doing any homework at all!

    Oh, *sigh*, to be 15 again.
  11. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I second that, I don't think I was too focused at age 15 either! It's the age when you can finally start going out with your friends on your own more often, without supervision, boys get more exciting, your social life is just developing!

    Honestly I think developing a good social background and common sense with the life experience is just as valuable as the academic part of life. It will make you a more well rounded person.

    I do hope for your sake though babe that the bullying stops soon. Young teenagers can be so cruel in school. I suffered through it as well. I sympathize with you.
  12. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Ooh, it stopped ages ago Shana. This year has been great - I've got proper friends now. And I agree with the boys thing ;).

    There's this guy at school who's from the Philipines... he seems to have liked me for ages but he's really shy. About three weeks ago all he ever did when he spoke to me was hint that he wanted to go to prom with me. I think he's kinda okay, and I thought that if he did ask I would say yes. BUt he never speaks to me in school, and we never speak outside of school, unless he's on msn. But the other day I said hi to him and he completely blanked me so I had a go at him, and then on the way home on the bus he txt me saying sorry for ignoring me and he called me both babes and hun in the message, and all my firends started taking the mick (they all think we suit) and I txt him back but - does he reply? No! I can txt him and he'll reply and I'll txt back but he doesn't always reply. So I've decided I don't want anything to do with him, unless he talks to me in the next week. I meam, shy is understandable, but it's been a year since I suspected he liked me!

    For grr's sake! Ah well. I ave some good news - and this is kinda hinting at the good news... I may start a new Sim Story. If you pay attention (like I should do in class) you'll get what I'm on about.

    I went to science revision class after school - I learned stuff and the lil lightbulb flicked on in my head. It's just that it's one of those energy saving one's - it takes a little longer to get going.
  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    ROTFL. That has to be one of the funniest lines I've EVER heard!

    And did you get a new computer?!?! Yay! What's it like?

    And I'm glad that the bullying isn't going on anymore. That always sucks. And that boy needs to grow some and talk to you! ;)
  14. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Yaya!!! My new computer is fabOlous! It's got a brand new graphics card and everything, and like 140 wotsits of RAM, and when I played my sims for the first time I wasn't really concentrating, just looking into space, and the EA thing just went boof onto my screen and I went WOW!!!! I get videos when suff happens now - it's like watching a widescreen DVD!

    Only problem is I can't find my NL box - I've got the disc, but I'm gonna have to search my house for the code thing. But yaya!!!!

    Mum says we can now get broadband. There are still a few programs that need loading on. I have a question, actually. Is there a way of tranfserring data from one computer to another, like pictures and music? I don't have any net, to send stuff like that, but that would take ages anyway - I have so many photos'! I can't put the stuff on discs - remember, my laptop drive has decided it doesn't luff me anymore. Is there any sort of way to do that like with a USB cord or anything?
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

  16. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    A ethernet cable (5e) would work as long as both computers have a port for it. Remember if you're linking both computers without a hub between them, you'll need a crossover cable. (This won't be a 5e cable anymore)

    Simply ask a guy at the local computer shop for a crossover cable that will be long enough for reach both computers.
  17. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Since you are going to be getting broadband internet already, just get a nice wifi router and it will also serve as a switch/hub :)
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    What's new with me is I'm at the parental home for the weekend. Drove here with my younger brother and his wife and child. Witch Baby's here too. Her daddy had to work.

    We were going to stay through Monday but my brother's dog is driving Witch Baby's daddy insane. She's been howling for three days for her family. She's never done that before, and we're all afraid she's going to plotz, so we're going home today.

    Which should be a nice father's day surprise for my hubby. We've never been apart this long, and I miss him!

    Finally managed to figure out the parental computer so I could log on and post. Lynet's pix look a bit fuzzy, my graphics card is better ha ha ha. But they've got a slicker monitor. My dad's always been a bit of a techo-phile.

    Lynet, my Mom says your castle's very impressive. My sister in law thought so too. :)
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Aww, thanks. I'm really wishing it hadn't crashed but sometimes that happens when you dream big. :p So I decided that Harcourt 'sploded it.

    I'm sure a lot of readers here don't bother with Ironsides (or I,Sim) but if you don't want to read the story you should stop by just to look at the pictures. I aims for DRAMA, PATHOS, ACTION in my pictures. My sims do not lead ordinary sim lives, poor little wretches.

    OK, shameless plug over. Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there. Now, go get a hamburger off the grill and relax with the funny papers. ;)
  20. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I got so excited watching the chech game I forgot to watch the italy/usa game... but even with the tie there's still a chance to move to round two.

    what is that 3 and a half minute thingy at the end of the 90 minutes? I don't understand that

    and what constitutes an offside kick?
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