So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Cats do scratch furniture. I found big, clear sticky tape -- sticky on both sides -- to put around the edges of the furniture and carpeted steps. It discouraged them (mine at least) from scratching. Frankly, though, it was cleaning the cat box every day that made me decide, after a lifetime of always having a cat or two, that I wouldn't get another one. No matter what you do or how hard you try, a cat box has a smell, and it's a pain to keep it clean.

    Some people, of course, just keep their cats outside -- no cat box -- but then the cats dig up the flower bed. :rolleyes: Or maybe your neighbor's flowerbed. :eek:

    Sometimes you can get a scratching post to work if you put a lot of catnip all over it. I did that once. The cats tore the scratching post to shreds and were very happy with it. But they also liked the furniture and the carpet on the steps.

    I really want my internet connection fixed and reliable. :( It worked pretty good most of Wednesday, but not this morning. I want to post more of my story. :hissyfit:
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I've never been the type to want to have my own flowerbed. I'll probably end up having a pot full of fly-covered carnivorous plants next to the mailbox to greet the postman instead of pansies.

    I'm sure hamsters smell worse. If you stuck your head over the opening of the cage, your nostrils are immediately assaulted by the most pungent odor ever. Then again, all animals probably smell at one point. I suppose you just have to deal with it. Don't forget, humans smell too! Sometimes my mom has to remind my dad to shower. :yuck:

    At least the next EP will temporarily sate my animal-craving tendencies.
  3. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I'm still wondering how my family managed to replace three cats with one dog. :eek:
  4. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    an odd thought.. if you put that hungry plant next to the mailbox and it eats the mailman. do you get another mailman or stop getting bills?
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, Michelle. Are you asking about the sims cowplant? Or 123's thoughts about a RL garden of carnivorous plants next to her mail box?

    I suspect there is an endless supply of RL mail persons. I'm always seeing new faces delivering mail to our office. So I don't think a people-eating plant will stop the bills from coming.

    And, Chee-Z, I'd be asking why, not how. :p :D

    p.s. Haven't seen Mirelly in almost a week. Vacation?
  6. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Lucky, lucky lady.

    I doubt the plants would want to eat a human--they're full of all kinds of bad things, like greed and calories.

    Today I spent most of my morning sitting in the tree at the back of our yard, drawing with this awesome pen I found in my desk. It was really fun and relaxing--not one thought about violin lessons or volunteer work or school or ANYTHING like that crossed my mind the entire time. Of course, I had to go in once my scrapes started to sting. :rolleyes: I included a photo taken of my picture of Medusa--the scanner wasn't working.

    I am less afraid and/or disgusted by spiders when I'm outside. The webs are clear and pretty and there isn't any human junk and dust stuck all over them. They also avoid me when I'm outside. The ones in my house seem to have developed an attitude and they don't care if they crawl all over us.

    Attached Files:

  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Eeeeeew, spiders crawling on you. Blech. I used to sleep in the basement in my old home and I got that all the time. Ooogy.

    I'm having a problem with my video card. I probably need new drivers, but I'm a big chicken about downloading them. Josh, are you reading this? I need someone to reassure me I'm not going to ruin my computer. Nvidia says I need to delete my old ones first. I'm considering backing them up on disk just in case.

    I got Speedfan and my computer seems to be running a bit hot. Is 35 c too much? It was at 40 but I opened up the case and directed my fan at it and now it's 35. Is that OK?

    Oh, how I wish computers worked magically with no maintenance required. :eek:
  8. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Wowee, nice Medusa... :eek:
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I agree. Great drawing. You're very good, 123.

    Where is Mirelly, by the way? Last post was July 30. I hope she's just on vacation and that it's a humdinger -- sun, fun and tall drinks with paper umbrellas in them. :cool:

    Maybe she's visiting her newly married sister. :)
  10. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Thank you! I was in need of a little ego boost today. :rolleyes: Hm...I need new pens. I used so much ink in that picture, my pen has gotten drier. At least I have an excuse to buy these: *Drool drool drool*

    Mirelly's probably on is summer, after all. I haven't gone anywhere for more than a day this whole vacation...not even a sleepover.

    Wow, I don't even know what any of that means, SBW. :)
  11. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    went to a guitar party that my husband hosted at a friends home because of the property they have.,.,. actually had a good time. nice people and wonderful musicians to listen to. lots of food. he did good.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Sounds fun! And, nice Medusa, 123. When I posted it hadn't been approved yet.

    I have a tattoo of Medusa on my back. Just her head.

    Flamey's helping me with my drivers, I think. I can't remember what thread we were chatting on. :eek:

    Yes, where is Mirelly? I hope she's having fun, wherever she is.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So maybe my stupid internet connection will work all the time now. The repairman came out this afternoon and told me he replaced not only the splitters but the connectors to the splitters.

    Maybe I should go out and look at that mess of wires at the corner of the house to see if it looks different than it did before. (It's hard to see because of the bushes.)

    Something must be different because now I'm online. :D And to celebrate I put up two more chapters and 9 pictures to my story.

    I hope you get the new pens, 123, and keep drawing. Share some more pictures with us, if you do.

    Michelle, does anyone who wants to play bring his or her guitar to that kind of party? I don't play one myself. I was just curious. It seemed like a fun concept.
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I stopped by the admin office and figured out where Mirelly is, BTW. Apparently she's having a "row" with her cable company and can't go online for a couple of weeks until she sorts it out.

    Just in case anyone was worried about her.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    A couple of weeks :eek: ! I was going nuts because my access was hit or miss for a week. The only thing that kept me sane was being able to check in here while at work.

    I was all set to beat the repairman to a twitching pulp if he looked at me cross-eyed. But once everything was working well I calmed down. I'm my old relaxed self again.
  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    i'm sure he's glad, too. :D
  17. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Yeah, basically that's how it worked. If they wanted to perform at open mic, they signed up and then during free time they played with whomever, wherever shared guitars etc. the youngest participents were 16 & 18 and very good. someone brought her hammered dulcimer, and a later in the evening there was a gal, named Willow, who is amazing on the harp, (aka harmonica) and when she started playing everyone wanted to play with her. Ray was dead beat from it last night and is not sure if he's gong to try to do it again next year. if you're interested in pix, JD's wife, Aileen went crazy with her camera and this is a link:

    none of the pix are labeled so I imagine it will only show a good time had by all in a neat setting.
  18. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Looks like you had a good time.

    I was thinking, maybe someone should start or re-open a gallery thread, for 123 and anyone else that's interested in art. I for one would love to see the artwork produced.

    I watched Buffy today, for the first time. It was a musical one, called "Once more with feeling'" (I think). The whole class was in tears... Now I see why everyone loves Spike.

    Some funny bits were...

    "Does that mean I have to be your queen?"

    "You saved my life, how can I--"

    And I can't remember the rest, but it was pretty funny in my opinion. Oh yeah, and what's with Anya/Arya and the bunnies?

    PS I have to write a short story, but I can't keep one short. SBW? Lynet? Cheezy? Any spare ideas?
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yeah, Spike rocks. I own the entire Buffy series on DVD. It's the only thing I own on DVD. My brother in law sold his TV when Buffy went off the air. It's a fabulous show.

    If you get a chance you should watch it, starting from Season One. It has everything: great lines, humor, friendship, betrayal, love, tears, and some great fight scenes. Plus the plots are always good, and interesting. And oh yeah, a lot of campy horror. Plus female characters that kick butt. The men are hot, too. Even Xander's cute.

    You actually watched it in class? That rocks! The musical is one of my top three episodes. It was really good.

    I love the "queen" line.

    Also, "Dawn's in trouble. Must be Tuesday."

    And the part where Spike says he'll be glad if she dies and then jumps up to go help her in the next breath. His song is great, too.

    The thing with Anya and the bunnies is a running joke. She's a thousand-year-old ex-demon and the only thing she's afraid of is bunny rabbits.

    As for ideas, I sometimes get inspired by my sims ... you could write a story about some of them but "real it up" and you don't have to say it was inspired by a game. Just a thought.
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Unrelated to all this fun stuff :eek:

    My internet connection was gone again when I came home from work :( . I called them immediately. A repairmain is coming Saturday. I'm not at work tomorrow so I may not be able to check the forum if I can't connect.

    I will use the time wisely to write up many MANY chapters to my story for uploading as soon as it all is working again.

    Bye -- supper's waiting. :D
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