So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Like the whole class was singing along... We will walk through the fire!

    First I'll kill her, then I'll save her!

    No, I'll save her then I'll kill her!


    Bugger this... (at the end during the last musical)
  2. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    The musical episode is my number 1 fave episode. I have all of them on dvd too and when the mood takes me, I start from the beginning all over again. Number 2 is 'Hush', from season 4. It's funny really, my 2 faves revolve around one ep singing and dancing, the other one no-one can talk.

    Spike is everyone's favourite vampire I think. Either him or Pee-Wee Herman's Amilyn in the original movie :rolleyes: . His death scene was one of a kind.

    Anyways, that's all from me on the Buffy topic.

    Bummer about your net connection Lynet. I'm really getting into Andromeda Rose. Very intreguing (sp?). Haven't read a space story for a long time!!!
  3. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Sorry to disappoint, but my favorite vampire is from a book I read....he's got the whole anguished "I don't want to be a monster, sob sob" thing going on.
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Which book was that? Always interested in reading something new ... though I have to admit I like Spike's punky attitude more than I would a sob sister.

    Being a vamp can be fun! :D

    Has anyone seen Angel? Seasons 2 through 4 really blew but 1 and 5 are pretty good. Actually, I thought season 5 redeemed the entire show.
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I just like the opening's so awesome and violin-y. I always appreciate a good violin song.

    The book was Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. It's more of a teen thing, but the romance is absolutely heart-breaking. I like how she makes it seem realistic without incorporating sex.

    Speaking of that, today at this teen camp thing I go to, we went to see Tarzan the musical (it was fantastic, by the way) and after that we ate at Planet Hollywood. There are TV screens all over the place, and they play music videos on them. Well, after dessert was served the DJ, I guess you could call it, said, "Today _____ (I don't remember the name) is celebrating her fourth birthday, and she asked to play her favorite song." Guess what they played. My Humps, by the Black-eyed Peas....can you believe that? Four years old, and she's listening to that kind of music? I am absolutely disgusted with today's youth.
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I have to laugh at you a little, in your "old" age of 13, but I have to agree that I'm disgusted. With the child's parents.

    Great line: "You're a wee little puppet man ... "

    Yes, that theme song sticks in my head a lot more than the Buffy one for some reason. It's kind of sad, and haunting ...
  7. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    We saw about half of "Reptile Boy" from season 2, Buffy. Angel is pretty cute! I wanna get season one on dvd, but I don't think I'll be able to. It was hard enough to convince my parents to let me buy TS2.
    I once watched a bit of Angel when it was on, and me and my sisters all freaked out when he got that ugly face. So then every time we heard the Angel beginning music we'd be like "Quick quick! Change the channel! That scary show's on!". But that was a long time ago, Buffy and Angel haven't been on tv for ages.
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yep. You've got to rent them now. Or own them, like I do.

    David, the guy who plays Angel, is a big guy, and he put on a little weight since season 2, but he's still pretty cute throughout. He lost it again for his new show, Bones, I noticed. It must be hard to stay skinny for the cameras. James, who plays Spike, has it easier ... he's a naturally skinny guy. I'm sure he has to work out a lot, though, to keep all that muscle. He is rather yummy ... they both are, actually. I have a thing for Giles, as well. He's about 15 years older than me, but who cares?

    It's funny but every time I watch it I get a different perspective. The first time through I thought, why is Buffy so mean to Spike, but now I can totally see her point. I'm in the middle of season 6 right now.
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    My boyfriend watches Angel and thinks it's the greatest show ever, but I've never really watched Buffy or Angel. I think I remember watching one episode of Buffy that took place on Halloween and everyone turned into the people or things that their costumes were...that was entertaining. :eek: And the only place I know David, the guy that's Angel, is from the PS2 game Kingdom Hearts...I was disappointed when he wasn't Squall Leonhart again for Kingdom Hearts 2...:(
  10. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Ok, so backtracking a bit, but...

    Bones premiered here last night. Wasn't bad actually, and yes, the involvement of Mr. Boreazaz was one reason I decided to tune in. I actually don't mind Kathy Reichs books either.

    I just realised I wasn't backtracking at all, it was only 2 posts ago you said that :eek: .
    Just waffled on a bit didn't I?
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I was just sitting here at the computer, looking at pictures. Snow pictures are so pretty when you look at them in the middle of a hot summer. I know the attached will have to be approved but I'll attache it anyhow.

    Which reminds me, it's about time I deleted "Dear Emmy" and all the related pictures. I'm starting to run out of space for uploading pictures. :eek:

    Attached Files:

  12. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I just watched V for Vendetta. Awesome movie. I'm basking in that just-watched-an-overwhelmingly-amazing-movie glow. It was a bit too bloody for my tastes, but still AWESOME. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. I can't say that word enough.
  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    What's new? I need some prayers heading our way right now.

    Brandon just called me, he's been gone since I got home from work and I didn't know where he was. His dad is in the hospital and isn't expected to make it over the next 24 hours. He's attempting to be macho and he doesn't want me to come down there right now. They don't really have a great relationship, they haven't seen each other in a long time, and have only spoken on the phone 3 times since we got together...I haven't even met him even though he lives in the same city as us. His dad is an alcoholic, which should explain all that without going into details. I'm not sure what's wrong right now other than it's probably liver failure.

    Please pray for Brandon and his sanity that he'll trust in me to be his support as right now he's attempting to do it on his own.

    I'm not sure if I'll be around much for the next few days, depending on what happens and how much Brandon let's me be his crutch. Just please keep us in your thoughts/prayers right now. Thank you everyone.
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Oh, my, Shana, I'm so sorry. I think you need to let him handle this his own way, but that's not to say you can't go down to the hospital and see if he needs anything. Just because he's acting all macho doesn't mean he doesn't need you.

    My husband's former best friend died of complications from alcoholism. He was 42. I can only imagine how hard it is when it's someone you're related to. You go through a lot of emotions, the first and strongest being anger at the person for being so cavalier with their lives.

    I'll be sending good thoughts your way. If you need anything just ask.
  15. Joseph

    Joseph boolprop cheatcode user

    I don't typically shave my legs, but you never know. I'll shave my 5:00 shadow sometime today, tho. Does that count? ;)

    Anyway, this is my icebreaker. And I thought I'd jump in right from the beginning of the thread. I'll join in later I think on the end-of-thread conversation. So many pages to read. :eek:

    Now that it's Saturday, I get to stay up all night or morning...whatever it is to you. I don't know what I'm going to do today. Maybe just relax.

    A couple friends invited me to Minnesota to go to their State Fair. So I plan on going to Minnesota on the 25th. Hopefully the airlines will be a little safer then. I'll miss my bottled water, though. I always carry a bottle of water with me when I travel. I wonder if they'll supply any. :(

    Oh, and can you tell I love these smilies? :D
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Welcome, Joseph. There are a number of people here who live in Minnesota. If you don't mind, I'm going to skip to the end of the thread. :eek:

    Shana, I know how difficult it must be for Brandon. My first husband is an alcoholic and was a very difficult man for my children to cope with, emotionally (he was, fortunately, never violent.)

    All my sympathy and thoughts and prayers for you and Brandon.
  17. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh Shana, I'm so sorry. I'm afraid I don't have any experience with this sort of thing, but I'll be keeping you in mind. I hope Brandon is okay.
  18. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Thank you; I love my friends on WorldSims. Just a quick update for you all.

    His dad felt like he had a stomach ache on Thursday evening, by Friday morning it was worse and by the time he was going to the hospital he could no longer walk because of the pain/body shutting down. His liver is failing and because of that the rest of his organs are shutting down as well. He has been sedated since going to the hospital so people right now haven't been able to talk to him; although the doctors say that he can hear us. I ended up going down to the hospital at 11pm last night till 4 am, Brandon stayed till about 5, and went back this morning at 9:30 after about 3 hours of sleep. He's doing remarkable well with things and staying calm, but I can tell this is upsetting him obviously.

    A quick background on his dad; this actually happened to him in 1995 as well. His liver started shutting down and he was hospitalized. Doctors at that time gave him 80% chance of survival and said if he did survive that he wouldn't be the same, wouldn't know who anyone was and probably wouldn't be able to speak ever again. He fooled them all at that time and managed to have a full recovery. Now you would think that after being given a 2nd chance at life like that you would stop drinking. Instead he decided to continue drinking and it's happening again. Chances are he's not going to pull through this time. Doctors are saying it could be anywhere between 2 hours to a couple of days.

    Brandon has attempted to get closer to his dad over the years but his dad always pushes him away or just doesn't make an effort so this is very difficult for him right now. I had never met his dad till last night, and it's heartbreaking to meet him in this condition knowing I'll probably never get the chance to talk to him. It was so weird because Brandon looks almost identical to his father. His father is only 51, so it looks like Brandon 21 years older. Brandon's mom even ended up coming down to the ICU last night, she hasn't seen her ex-husband for 12 years, or any of his family, but she was welcomed with open arms and I think it was good for everyone to see her there, especially for Brandon.

    Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Alcoholism is a terrible, terrible disease that affects the brain and the personality. Brandon should not feel guilty about any of it because there is absolutely nothing he could have done to change his father's behavior. I sincerely hope he comes to understand this. It may take some time.
  20. Joseph

    Joseph boolprop cheatcode user

    Hi Lynet. Thanks for the welcome. I noticed a lot are from Minnesota. Now I just need to find more to chat with from my area. :D

    Hi shana. I finally caught up on all the reading. I'm a big church going guy who's faith is pretty strong, so I'll be putting you, Brandon and his dad in my prayers tonight. One of my friends had a falling out with his father years back and then his father had a heart-attack and had major head damage that he became severy handicap. My friend didn't know what to do because he thought even though he talked to his dad and tried to patch things up he never knew if his dad actually understood any of it. His dad passed away last year and my friend has never been the same since. :( So again, I'll keep you three in my prayers.
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