So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yep, that's pretty sick. Take care of yourself. We'll be here when you're feeling better, but for now, no computer for you!
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Get well, Michelle. Be sure to take every single pill that the doctor prescribed. Sounds like a strep (sp?) infection and those are serious. As SBW said, we'll still be here and your sims will wait patiently, too. :)

    And a p.s. for SBW -- Happy Anniversary :)
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Thanks!! Once my husband wakes up (darn night shift) we're going out to dinner. Witch Baby's at her cousin's.
  4. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Shana - so very sorry to read about what happened. I simply don't have words that will help, but you know that there are people here that you can count on to listen when you need to talk about things. I will keep you and your loved one in my thoughts and prayers.

    Michelle - I hope you get better soon. I'm on my second week of antibiotics for an ear/sinus infection and I know how rotten it can make you feel. I am sending healing thoughts your way.

    Well what's new with me is that yesterday it was my fiance's birthday and we met up with his sister and family (who were en route to the southwest of England) for a meal in a beautiful country inn. My parents came along too, and it was the first time the 2 families had met so it was a really nice occasion. It's my birthday in a few days too, and our engagement 'anniversary' the day after, so we have some more celebrations coming up.
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Alright people, I'm back!

    Michelle, get better!

    123, listen to SBW and Lynet, they knew what they were talking about.

    Lynet, sounds like a fun time, I love dress up events like that. And hey, at least Ed WILL dance with you. It's like pulling teeth to get Brandon to dance!

    SBW: Congrats on the anniversary and the Guinea Pigs! Must be fun. Have you all decided not to get kittens now?

    Joseph; welcome to the board! Seems like you'll fit in nicely around here!

    Hugz: Have fun with all the birthdays and the engagement anniversary!

    And to everyone; thanks for all the well wishes for Brandon and myself. He's still having a hard time, but it seems to get a little easier for him each day. I only went to work on Wednesday last week and stayed home with him Thursday, funeral was Friday. It went well.

    Now I do have a little more of a serious/quirky question for all of you. How many of you beleive in the paranormal. We've been having some strange things happening since Gary passed away.

    I bought a picture frame for Brandon to put a picture of his dad in last Tuesday. We choose one of the nicer pictures, put it in the frame and neither of us has removed it since and no one has been in our apartment since before his father died. Last night FH looks at the picture in the frame, hands it to me and asks me if I notice anything different. Somehow, while in the frame, a white spot...almost like water damage has appeared on the bottom left corner of the photo. We took the picture out of the frame and it's definitely on the photo and we both know it wasn't there before.

    Weird thing is that after the funeral one of the flower arrangements tipped in the car and some of the pictures on the memory board got wet. Keep in mind that the picture in the frame never came to the funeral; it was sitting on Brandon’s nightstand the entire time.

    Either way, we're a little freaked out by it as neither of us could have done something to it.

    Brandon has also been experiencing sharp pains in his right hand between his thumb and pointer finger since his dad died about 2-3 times a day. One time he was just lying on the couch, another time he was putting the key in the ignition; so he isn’t even doing anything weird when he gets the pains. We found out that his dad had cut himself with a meat saw in that exact same place several years ago and it still hurt him sporadically...odd and freaky.

    What do you all think?
  6. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    :eek: I'm certainly freaked out. Tell us if anything else happens.

    By the way, I am really glad the forum is back to normal. Became agonizingly slow for a while there...
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, like molasses, only not good for making cookies.

    We're still getting kittens. Just not until later. We may get another hamster, too. We like having a zoo. I'd get a snake but my husband doesn't like them. Birds drive me crazy. So fuzzy only. ;)
  8. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oooh...the only thing keeping me back from having a snake (besides my mom) is the fact that you usually have to feed them pinky mice. *shudder* Nosirree.

    I need new jeans for the new school year. It seems I've hit a semi-growth spurt; all of my jeans barely brush the top of my shoes. I also have really long legs. I suppose you appreciate that sort of thing when you're an adult, but right now it's a hassle to find good-fitting jeans for a good price. After all, I'd have to buy new ones the next year anyway, so I can't spend more than $20. :(
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I start college on Wednesday and have a discussion group to attend tomorrow. Subject of discussion: illegal immigrants and summer reading of the same topic. Whee :rolleyes: I'm nervous and excited to start college, and it's lovely having anxiety before going to my first official class. :eek:
  10. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

  11. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Well, we were finally able to get the livingroom cleared out enough to move the couch in there, and to hook up the big TV. YAY! It is REALLY hard to watch a 13-inch TV when you've been used to a 32 inch screen! Especially when you're getting up there in years. Yep, these old eyes just ain't as good as they used to be!

    Anyway, it was lovely to FINALLY sit in our new livingroom, have dinner and watch MIDSOMER MURDERS again on Sunday night...Now, if only I could get the internet up and running! (Where is that darn cable modem anyway!)
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    What's Midsomer Murders? I've never heard of it.

    Congratulations on getting your house in order! :D

    Edited to say: What's new is my sister's neighbor's cat had babies in my sister's backyard. Six cutie pies. And now she's twisting my arm to take a couple ... anyone else who lives in the Twin Cities looking to give a kitty a good home?

    I may end up with two of them, and one of the others is spoken for. The little black and white guy in front is the friendliest, but he's a boy. We only get girl pets since the disaster of the spraying cat ... :rolleyes:

    Attached Files:

  13. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I wouldn't say my house is in order yet - just able to carve out a few defined spaces...Next time, I'm not only hiring Movers, I'm also hiring Packers and Unpackers as well!

    Anyway, Midsomer Murders is a fun British mystery series about a rural Police Inspector (Barnaby) who investigates crime in the small towns of Midsomer County. (At least I think it's a county.) The Biography Channel has been playing them on Sunday evenings.

    It's one of those series where you wonder why people keep moving to these small towns because the death rate is through the roof! A lot of fun, though, and the new Sergeant is HOT!

    How I wish I could take a kitten or two! I'm afraid that would really freak Emma and Blackthorne out, though! How I wish they could stay kittens forever! Thankfully, Blackthorne never developed that nasty habit of which you speak! He can be a bit of a whiner, but I'll take that bad habit ANY day over the other!

    Attached Files:

  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Awwww ... cute picture. And what a lot of hair to brush, LOL. I only have shorthaired cats.

    Yes, our cat Puggsley was a thug in every sense of the word. He loved his sister Wednesday but hated all other cats, sprayed our stuff when we came home from trips, and beat up other cats without warning. No hissing, spitting, puffy fur, just straight for the throat.

    If he'd been human he'd have been in jail. :rolleyes:

    On the plus side, he was the biggest lover of a cat you ever met. He adored humans. He was a big cuddle monkey. Just don't leave him alone for a weekend, or you'd pay.
  15. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    *gasp* So cute! They look like Siamese kittens, SBW.

    And Sacha, I've always imagined having a big poofy fat cat lounging around all day and eating caviar out of a silver dish. :D
  16. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    That's Blackthorne alright! He looks good, and he knows it! So he spends most of his day draped elegantly across pieces of furniture, waiting to be admired, and the rest of his day grooming!

    Emma, on the other hand, is the scrappy, clever one. She's always off exploring and figuring out ways to hide the cat toys from her big briother!
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I think they're half Burmese, 123. We decided not to take any of them. They'd need a trip to the vet first and we're a bit broke-ish. Most of them have found homes, anyway, and kittens tend to get snatched up at the pound.

    Witch Baby and I are going on our 3rd annual Mama-Daughter camping trip this weekend, so no sims for me. Just fresh air, mosquitos and bears. And fun, too, of course. Hey, I'll never pass up an excuse to eat junk food and play with fire.

    Have I mentioned I'm a bit of a pyro? :eek:
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Every now and then I miss having a cat around. But no, I am resolved not to take one in. :cry: The cat pictures are really cute.

    SBW, I admire your strength in resisting those kitten faces. Have fun on your camping trip (I know you will!)

    I spent a lot of time today (since I was not at work) just visiting fansites and shopping for my sims. I've noticed some of the lots on MTS2 (which make me drool but which I do not download) have links to the sites where they get wallpaper, floors, furniture and other decorations. So I visited a bunch of sites that way. Some of them are pretty to look at, even if they have only a few items to download. I didn't find anything particularly spectacular to share here, but I thought it was a good way to hunt for them.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I got a call this morning from my daughter's S.O. (He was so excited he thought today was Friday.)

    She's having contractions and was admitted to the hospital at 6 am California time. :cool:

    Poor girl. The due date was August 10.

    This baby is in no hurry to see the light of day. ;)

    I wonder what the Sims game will be like 12 years from now. I'm thinking it would make a nice birthday present. :p
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    How exciting! I hope all goes well for your daughter. We want details! Girl, boy, all fingers and toes accounted for?

    As for resisting kittens, the other reason is we haven't set up the "ministry of rodents" yet and I think our guinea pigs would plotz if a kitten got up on their cage. Bad enough they've got a dog standing on her hind legs staring at them all day long (they're on the dining room table for now). We're going to wait until we have a door we can close between the prey and the hunters.

    They're slowly getting used to her, and us. Today Firebolt cooed at my husband. (He's the one who gives her oranges, LOL.) She's also stopped bossing Nimbus around so much. Yesterday Witch Baby caught them grooming each other.

    Guinea pigs is cute. :D
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