So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Where IS that girl? I miss her too. And Mirelly. It just ain't the same without the sassy Brit contingent.
  2. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Grrr to Person123...

    Well, my laptop died. I'm writing this at school. Just saying I won't be on much until we get a new computer.

    PS Just reading back a bit... CONGRADULATIONS LYNET!
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm still betting they'll be back. Can anyone email them just to get updates? Maybe Babe is famous now? And is Mirelly playing out her sims Penfield neighborhood? (I think it was called Penfield :eek: )

    Please, don't you leave us, too, 123. Yes, it's a big responsibility, but you can handle it, I know.

    Thanks, Alison. :D I'm actually in California right now, a few miles east of Oakland. The baby is beautiful. She has two doting parents, that's for sure, who both stay up all night with her because she hasn't figured out, yet, about the day-night business. Balimore was hot and muggy. It's quite chilly here. I've only had about 4 hours sleep, too. *yawn*

    I'm using my daughter's laptop at the moment. Sure glad I haven't spent money on a laptop. Yuck! The fact that their kitten removed a couple of the keys doesn't help, either.
  4. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Haha, sorry Alison! You just slipped my mind for a minute...:rolleyes: How was I supposed to know you're a fellow young 'un? It's not in your profile! I display my age proudly.

    Congrats, Lynet! Do you know her name yet?
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Alison, I often forget you're under 20, myself. You should take it as a compliment. The only reason I know 123 is, is that she reminds us!! :D

    My husband and daughter are at the Minnesota State Fair today. I'm stuck at work. :( Oh well, back to it.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Jasmine. She's very cute. She and her mom and dad are all taking a nap at the moment.

    Thought I'd read a little here in the forums. My daughter has the Sims2 game but only has an HP laptop that's not working too well, so it's not installed. At the moment I'm using her husband's Mac. I don't like laptop keyboards. Too small. :(
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    congratulations, Grandma!! Can't wait to see pix.
  8. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh, that's such a pretty name! I love the smell of jasmine.

    I had a great idea for a story yesterday, and right now I'm in the process of fleshing it out. I'm also typing up the skeletons of scenes I've imagined in my head. This is the first time I've actually thought of something that I think I could write, and that wouldn't turn out too similar to other books I've read. I'm quite excited.
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Hehe I'm barely under 20. :eek:

    Grats on the grandbaby :)
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Go, 123! :)
  11. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Sneaking on the school computer... ;)

    Apology accepted, 123. :rolleyes:

    I hope you do write the story! I hate having to write short stories for school, I write about a million different stories, hand one in, get all shy and demand it back, then have a hissy fit and mooch around for days... :hissyfit:

    Jasmine's a beautiful name, Lynet.

    PS Thanks for showing me how to use all these cool smilies SBW.

    Well, better go now before I get caught...
  12. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Yes 123 - You go, Girl!

    And hey Alison, I know exactly what you mean. You write up a story, and it's like your baby! You're afraid to let it out in the world, cause what if people don't like it, or are mean to it? :(
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yep, that's one of the hardest things about being a writer, developing that "thick skin" that lets you say, I don't care what other people think ... even when you do. :eek:
  14. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I've only considered being a writer once or twice. I always thought, "You know what, I'll never write a good novel anyway, so it doesn't matter." :rolleyes: Now I refuse to worry about publishing or anything. I'll just keep writing, and hope that I even finish it. :eek:
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    That's what makes you a writer. If you feel a need to write, you should write. Getting published is secondary to that.

    For me, it's an itch that constantly needs scratching.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You remind me, 123, about the 3-ring binders where I store all the stuff I started and never finished, usually because I had no idea about a complete story plot, just an image, one scene, that I wanted to see written out. :rolleyes:

    But what SBW says is true. When you get the urge to write, publishing doesn't enter your head. But it sure enters my head that I've got an audience here at Worldsims. It may be as close to getting published as I ever get and it's been great fun. :D It makes the itch to write stronger than ever. I'm glad to be visiting my daughter here in CA but am also going crazy because I'm so far away from my Sims, particularly Andy and Cory. There is so much more adventure ahead of them that I want to share with y'all. :eek: And that may be the important word: Sharing. That's my own writing urge and I would bet it's a big part of SBW's, too, which is why she's got two stories going on Worldsims now.

    I sure hope you write out your story, 123. Maybe we'll get to see some of it?
  17. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    That is so true, Lynet! I used to write all of the time - just to write! But the best times were in college, when I was writing stories that I would share with my roommates and other dormies. They would gather a couple of times a week waiting for me to read whatever chapters I had written.

    I was especially amused during one reading (a mystery based on The Streets of San Francisco - you know, when Michael Douglas was young and dreamy!), and one of the girls said "Oooo - I can't wait to find out how it all turns out!" I had to laugh, because at that point, I didn't really know myself!

    The point is, I was just writing because I needed to - and then having a small, but select and appreciative audience really was encouraging. No thoughts of publishing ever entered my mind, but I still considered myself a writer!

    Now, years later, when I am old and worn down by life, I have suddenly found that old spark has not completely died, and reading the stories and the encouragements on this forum has given me back the the urge to pick up the pen once again. (Well actually, not a pen, but a Mac Powerbook - so much easier then college days, where I wrote on notebook paper using pencil!)

    So thanks Lynet, SBW, the Cheezy One, and all of those who have entertained and inspired me with your stories! You have inspired something I thought had gone long ago...Keep it up!

    And go with it, 123! Even if you never finish anything, just the act of writing really is a great way to spur on creativity in all areas of your life!
  18. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    :D Gracias :)

    I love to write and it's been one of my hobbies for ages. :) It's easier to write about something you like or have interest in, and thank goodness I have an English professor that has that same sentiment. I'm not sure if she's going to appreciate having to read a paper on a video game advertisement, however. Oh well. :eek:

    I was quite surprised to find an email from the prof that led my discussion group for the summer assignment. Apparently my paper for that assignment was sent off to be considered for a top prize. I could be one of ten students that gets to meet the author of the novel, Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits. I'm kinda torn because I want to be a writer, yet I'm not sure I'd appreciate discussing a book that I did not really enjoy reading. I guess that's why I'm surprised. :confused: But hey, it's an honor nonetheless. :)
  19. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Is it a coincidence that a lot of the members here are good at writing? Maybe TS2 is the kind of game that attracts people like that. ;)

    Urgh. Every night I come up with more and more ideas. This story is never going to end....
  20. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    I was hoping to write down all of my great ideas now, and then when I get older and more experienced in the world I would actually do something with them. Maybe one day I'll have one book published, but who knows? I actually based the Sims that I'm playing with on some of my story characters and sometimes it sets the lightbulb off. :LOL:
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