So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I believe you are right, 123. The thing about The Sims is that we can have them act out the stories we have roaming around in our heads. That's what attracted me, anyway. Well, that and the chance to design and build my Dream House!

    By the way, since you are having so many ideas, mybe you've got more than just a story there - maybe you've got whole novel!

    Good insight, Dark! I have often gone back to the notebooks I kept in junior and senior high school and found all kinds of inspiration for further writing. (I've also often found material for a really good laugh, which can sometimes be just as satisfying!) :D
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Hm...does it seem a bit overkill for a faerie to have both four arms and dragonfly wings? :eek:
  3. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hmmm - Good question. I'd say it depends on what they were planning on doing. Are the wings usable? Or only decorative. Four arms would come in handy for a warrior faerie, but for one who only flits from flower to flower, they might be too much...
  4. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    The wings would be useable. The faerie isn't exactly a warrior faerie...she's kind of confused and doesn't know why the heck she has four arms. Maybe it's some kind of genetic mutation from inbreeding. :confused:
  5. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Interesting...So the other faeries around her do not have four arms? Do they make fun of her? Or view her as something special? Was it genetic mutation? Or did someone cast an evil spell on her? OR, was the spell a good spell, and she is supposed to use the extra arms to do something that will save her fellow faeries from some horrible fate, and then they will feel guilty for making fun of her in the first place....So many questions... :confused:
  6. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    LOL, I have no idea yet. I just liked the idea of having four arms. Usually more than two arms are considered grotesque, so when I stick them on my main character, who is always afraid of being weird and an outcast,'s really hitting home. I may axe the wing idea, though.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I've always hated the fact that book and movie heroines are 5 foot 10, thin, and gorgeous, often with PhD's and incredible expertise in some obscure science. So I tend to make my main characters ordinary, even unattractive, although I'm less concerned with it now than I used to be. Even so, I made Errol a little goofy, and Cory is definitely funny looking. I made Andy sick ugly for a while. (And she still has ugly skin.)

    In one story I wrote, I even made the woman a cyclops. :D Then I had everyone around her act like she was gorgeous. No kidding.
  8. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    My Sim characters haven't been pretty looking, except for a few females. Franz and my second generation Legacy offspring, for example. :rolleyes:
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Franz wasn't so bad. A little pale. He was perfect for Errol's mother. :D
  10. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Agassi LOST! *hysterical sobbing*

    Our family is obsessed with tennis. Anyone else watching the US Open?
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Nope, sorry, 123. I do like tennis, but apparently not to the extent that you do.

    What's new at our house is that Witch Baby has a newly remodeled bedroom, complete with secret room. Her daddy really worked hard on it.

    Almost makes me want to be eight again. It's a rockin' room. :D
  12. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    That sounds like an awesome room! My cousin has the coolest room, too. There's another part to it that we used to sit in and roast marshmallows...unknown to our parents, of course.

    I like watching tennis, but I can't play for my life.
  13. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    msn had a nice write up on him though talking about how he has become a role model to the point of building a school down in LA for underpriveled kids and getting them up to the point where they are now able to get into college where they wouldn't have had a chance before. He grew into the kind of man we hope our children will be like.

    spent about ten hours yesterday and today weeding and digging the grass out of the juniper bushes (UGH!) and the front yard flower beds. I hurt. tomorrow I get to prime and paint some peeling away paint on the house. I thought Labor Day was for taking it easy...:rolleyes:
  14. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Sneaking on again...

    :( I really want to go and check out all the stories, but I can't! So I'm just going to talk and talk and talk.

    Well, something new is I got to dance with this guy I liked, and he's really nice! I can't say his name in case someone is looking over my shoulder BUT he's the guy that was staring...

    I'm going to be in the Talent Show next week, I have no idea why, as I'm very very shy and a terrible dancer. And there will be an audience of at least 700...

    Ummm... What else is new? Oh, my grades are improving, and they're thinking of putting me up to Level 1 Science. I hope not though, Level 1 Science is kinda tricky from what I've heard, and they've got a mean teacher.

    I started writing my short story for school (at last!) and decided to go with fantasy (for the time being :eek: )... If I like the story, I might post a bit of it when/if we get a new computer. Not like a whopping big story or anything, maybe just a chapter or something.

    Umm... I think that's about all that's happening. Yikes, the bell went. Bye 'til next time.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Good for you, Alison, about your grades.

    I'm back home again after a long flight from California. I had no problems with security going out and a minor one coming back. Some silly security person decided that my itty bitty tube of mascara (non-liquid) was a dangerous weapon and needed to be confiscated. :( I feel real safe now, knowing that makeup is being confiscated from old ladies all over the country. Just so as there is no confusion, it was the ONLY thing they removed from my little carry-on bag, after a very thorough search. I go along with the X-ray business, I don't complain about having to take off my shoes and empty my pockets, but sheesh, do they need to be so witless and stupid about it? I didn't pack the REALLY dangerous stuff, like shampoo. Good thing they didn't confiscate my blood pressure medicine.

    Rant over. I'm attaching one picture of Jasmine.

    Attached Files:

  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What a pretty baby. Go Granny, Go!
  17. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I agree, she's absolutely adorable!
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Awwwwwww ... what a cute baby.

    Yes, good thing you didn't have something really dangerous, like hair gel. :rolleyes:

    What's new at my house is Izzy has learned the command "no pig." She stays away from the guinea pigs, mostly. She's a smart, good girl, if occasionally stubborn.

    She's also decided she needs to defend me from the vacuum cleaner: have I mentioned this already? She comes running when she hears it and stands nearby, like "are you OK, Mom?"

    What a brave dog. :D
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No pig? LOL, I like that command.

    Thanks from a proud grandma. She is cute and will get cuter. :D

    As for airport security, I'm betting that all that stuff they confiscate is just thrown in the trash, meaning they know perfectly well it's not dangerous. They can't tell the difference between vigilance and harassment and confuse one with the other. Planes are vulnerable and I have no doubt there will be another attack on one. Harassing the passengers by taking away water bottles and little jars of makeup or whatever is not vigilance and will not prevent another attack. I don't feel safe. I just cross my fingers and hope that my flight is of no interest to the bad guys.

    And oh yeah, I'd forgotten I also had two disposable razors in the same makeup bag that she inspected so carefully. And a great big safety pin in my jacket pocket. She ignored those. Go figure.

    My little 5-foot self is frequently singled out, and I'm not kidding, for extra inspection at airports. I swear I do not look in the least bit sinister. My husband says that's exactly why -- it's safe to inspect me. I won't blow up in their face.

    I guess you can tell that I'm still very annoyed. :eek: So I'll shut up about it now.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I don't blame you. You're absolutely right. It's not like they use the same method twice, anyway.

    If they inspect you they should inspect everyone. Or no one. Sounds like people who are following the letter rather than the spirit of their job description. Hey, let's pick on nice looking people so we won't get harrassed. Hmmm ... what's wrong with that picture?

    I'm not saying that psychos can't SEEM perfectly nice, but they should definitely check a wider sample of the populace.

    Not just nice, five foot tall, just became a grandmas. :rolleyes:
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