So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I agree with Lynet, 123 - I like it! Anyone can do a picture of a normal rose. Your picture is much more unsual and interesting.
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm off to California again. It's been a busy year for traveling, first to visit my son in Amsterdam, then to visit (twice) my daughter and granddaughter in California. I'm tired. :eek:

    Last time I was in California I stayed with my daughter and used her computer to check in here at Worldsims. This time I'll be in a hotel with my husband who might not be so happy to see me adding computer time charges to the hotel bill. :rolleyes: Worse, I don't have a laptop so I'd have to use the hotel computers. Don't think I'll do that. Might borrow my daughter's for five minutes, though.
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    NorCal again? :)
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    East of Oakland. Yup, San Ramon. Kind of a long drive from one end of that state to another. ;)
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Bon Voyage, and fly safe! We'll miss you, so check in once in a while, OK?
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Like when my husband thinks I'm packing. :p I will. See ya!
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    just got back from a wedding in Oregon daughter of good friends of ours... very nice wedding... a friend of their hosted the wedding on her ranch. and everything was great they did a potluck of side salads and snacks and barbecue burgers and brats. perfect weather marvelous setting.

    one more wedding next weekend and I think that will wrap it up. I think that makes 7.

    but it makes me feel so old.

    6+ hour drive seattle to redmond ore... left about 9 pm got in around 3 am. slept continental breakfast (comfort inn puts on a good spread)
    return trip left reception at 6 pm and got smart and stopped overnite at my folks house reason being Ray is flying out of seatac in about half hour from right now on a business trip. saved us a little time driving and arrived a little more refreshed.
  8. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    I went to a wedding on Saturday too... Nice day, imbibed too much, but had alot of fun.
    Getting a graphics tablet in a couple of weeks so hopefully I can make some really nice simmie clothes for everyone!
  9. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    ooooh! can't wait
  10. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Aggh, I have no simmies at the moment!! Well, I do, I just don't have access to them. I asked Ash to hide them during this lot of school holidays, as I knew I wouldn't have a car (it's getting fixed while I'm not working) and I have some TAFE work I really need to get done and can't afford distractions.

    He asked me how he can block my Worldsims time on the net. I said he can't, that there was no possible way.

    I'm doing some work, so it's not all bad :D .
  11. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    What's new with me is that I have had to write another letter asking the council to reject proposals for a Mobile Phone Mast like a few metres from my house. In May, we found out by accident that plans were in place for a 12.5 metre (over 40 ft high) mobile phone mast. The local residents were in uproar and we wrote individual letters to complain. A petition was not an option as it only counts as one complaint. The proposal was rejected in June. However, now the mobile phone company has appealed, and we have had to write new letters to the Appeals Department.

    I wrote a lengthy letter giving several reasons why I don't want it on my doorstep. Amazingly, they disregard the 'health' reason as the Government apprently say that that the ElectroMagneticField levels are within limits. What a load of $%^&*. They said that asbestos was safe, yet later they find out it causes lung diseases. I am not willing to be part of a Government experiment, to become a statistic in 10 or 20 years time, having been microwaved slowly over a period of years.

    The council approved another mast just 12 months ago, under our noses. They got it passed, gained 20,000 for doing so, and we now cannot get it reversed. That mast is just 150 yards away from my house. Another mast is a quarter of a mile away. There are 2 more masts within a mile that I can see on the hill, and maybe there are more that we don't know about. Now there are masts on the rooftops of schools and supermarkets, and even in churches.

    Their argument that 'we all use mobile phones so we can't complain about the masts that are required' is $%^&*. I personally do not use a mobile phone - I detest them with a passion. The one that I used some time ago, on a rare occasion I might add, made my face go hot and tingly, and my hand went numb. However, I realise that as a society, yes we do demand better mobile phones with better services (pictures, internet, video), and that it is a lifestyle issue. Mobile phones are status symbols and children have them from a young age. I disassociate myself from the current lifestyle 'wants'. I kinda live in the past in that respect. I don't subscribe to the media advertising for 'bigger and better' this and that. Status symbols are not my thing - especially when they have an impact on health.

    In an emergency, mobile phones are a lifesaver. As a general everyday source of entertainment and communication, I dislike it as much as I dislike ...oops I had better stop ranting.

    I know that everyone has a choice about what they spend their money on, and what they do everyday, with regard to mobile phone usage, but if it affects my health, ie the masts on my doorstep, I'm gonna kick off about it.

    Sorry if this offends anyone, I don't mean to upset anyone. I just needed to vent.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    You're right, we don't know the long-term effects. I don't own a mobile phone either, though I probably will someday, I know.

    You have a right to complain. Sorry you have to deal with this, and hope it turns out OK!

    I've got a late meeting this morning. Have to leave pretty soon.

    I'm just outraged at my government right now. Well, OK, not outraged. Resigned and disgusted. Their latest tack? Blame Clinton for their shortcomings. Augh. If a politician ever once said, "I did it, it's my fault," I think I'd throw a party.

    I can't wait until 2008 but I think the damage will be so bad by then it'll be too late.

    I hope those of you who don't live here realize that what our government does does not necessarily reflect the will of the people.

    At least not mine.
  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Nor mine. I'm half tempted to move to what if the taxes are higher. More benefits and free health care for the individuals who live there. I'll gladly pay the taxes.
  14. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Just don't move to the UK. You will pay VAT on goods, Income Tax, National Insurance and get little for it.
  15. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    So sorry that your having to fight politics for your own health and safety Hugz, I have love of my mobile, but I'd still prefer poor coverage than having a tower close to my house, how many of those things does one town need anyway? Aren't they made big enough as it is to cover a large area?

    SBW, I haven't been watching the news lately so don't know what the latest political thing is that is happening over there, but invariably what ever happens in the US is soon reflected here in Australia, not that I can complain too loudly about my government here, they just gave me a very nice bonus just because I have three children (new computer here I come LOL).

    Hugs for all.
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Hugz, that doesn't sound like fun. I love my mobile, but I would hate having a mast right outside my house. Make sure you show 'em what you're made of!
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yeah! Babe posted.

    And wow, Sylla. Three kids. Just having one keeps me hopping. :D

    The latest is Bush's attempt to water down the Geneva convention. He wants to legalize torture. Oh, and he's saying that it's Bill Clinton's fault that Osama bin Laden wasn't caught.

    Can you say, election time obfuscation? His party's in trouble and looking for a goat.

    Fortunately, Clinton's no one's pushover. He had some very pointed things to say.
  18. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, my violin teacher raised the price for his lessons. We now have to pay $60 every week, for a 45 minute lesson.

    No flipping way.

    I talked to my mom, and we're going to wait until we have our annual concert (November 9th or 19th, didn't hear right. Something with a nine in it.), and then we'll switch to a different, local teacher, who's much cheaper.

    My mom said that she knows violin isn't going to be one of my main things. I told her I just want to be able to play--you know, when I'm bored I can play a song for fun. So she said, "Yeah, that's ok, but not with a teacher who's so expensive." So we're switching. And I guess I feel better.

    But my teacher is a lot younger than the one we'll be switching to, and thus the lessons are more fun. I'll kind of miss him. He's only 33...but I guess that's the reason the lessons are so expensive. This is what he's making a living out of. He really doesn't care that much about lessons, like whether or not I do well. He's pretty irresponsible and always forgetting to bring the correct music...but he's still a fun teacher. :(
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    sometimes you have to change til you find the correct fit... my daughter had 3 different clarinet teachers til we found the best one who cared enough to watch and see that she was blowing into the reed the proper way. couldn't believe that the first 2 didn't catch that. and it doesn't matter that she not playing now just that she was able to do it right then
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Mine, either.

    So I made it back to the East Coast safe and sound. I spent Sunday playing with my sims. I find that I have to slide into the sim family lives a little at a time in order to get re-oriented. That's partly due to jet lag, partly to being away for an entire week, and also due to the huge pile of work on my desk at the office. :(

    Of course, California was beautiful and interesting. But I sure am glad to be home again. :D
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