So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Dylan00

    Dylan00 Hello ^_^

    I auditioned for a Cartoon and now im one of the Voices!
    Aww im so happy:D
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    that sounds like fun, Dylan. What kind of cartoon?
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Yes, I'd like to know, too. And do you have to do something strange with your voice? Like make it squeaky? Or sinister? With an evil laugh?
  4. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    My kids are all better and back at school! Yay, so pleased that's all over and done and never have to be dealt with again. :D
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    The "good job" was for Sylla's computer, not for you getting laid off, Shana. :eek: I just noticed that was a bit out of order ... I will keep my eyes open ...

    Glad Sylla's kids are better, and congratulations Dylan. That's majorly cool. What cartoon?

    I'm enjoying my new job but it's wearing me out. Haven't played sims much at all this week, and my game keeps crashing anyway due to a driver problem. Doesn't keep me from playing, just pretty annoying.

    Yes, I do know whom you are speaking of, Sacha. I'm glad he's decided to participate again. Good luck 123. I know you can write "quality" too ...

    Hey, I've written approximately 200,000 words about Porta de Luca. That's a novel in itself! Word won't automatically spell check it for me anymore. It pouts and says it's too long, LOL.

    Wonder how big Veronaville is. Speaking of which, it dropped off the front page. Guess I'd better write some more ...
  6. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    LOL, thanks. I've got a couple of good leads on new jobs right now, and I'm enjoying my "forced vacation" right now. Sleeping in later than I should, spending WAY too much time on my computer, read a couple of good books, taking long baths...its nice so far...but we aren't hurting financially yet a couple weeks that might change. But like I said I have a couple of good leads, hopefully one will work out and I'll have a job in the next two weeks.
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    well it's a relatively good time of the year to get hired... if there is such a thing. and sometimes temp jobs turn into full time ones.

    I hope things go well with your leads...:)
  8. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hey Shana! If you haven't already done it, check your e-mail! I sent you a couple more leads!

    I'm a little jealous of your "time off!" Too bad it wasn't voluntary! Well, hopefully one of these leads will pay off for you!
  9. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    What's new with me is that I quit my job today. Having worked there for almost 4 weeks, enough is enough, could take it no longer. So, I'm looking for jobs again, as you are Shana. Let's hope that something turns up soon for both of us. :)
  10. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Thanks! I'm still looking; still have at least one good lead, but it's temp to hire...and I'd prefer direct hire.

    Did you just have enough of the kids?
  11. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Nope, it wasn't the kids at all. It was a whole bunch of things - they wanted me to teach more and more to allow the teacher to go off doing things when I wasn't hired for that role, and certainly wasn't being paid for that role, and I said at the interview that I didn't want to teach straightaway (hence why I applied for this TA role). They lied about my role at interview and it was a very difficult regime to get used to. There are tons of things that finally made me snap, but I was coming home every night and crying. It couldn't have gone on. I think that my time in education has come to an end, I don't want to work in a school again.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That's so unfortunate, Hugz. The system is desperate for responsible and reliable teachers. A long time ago I set out to be a teacher but the people in the unversity's education department drove me bonkers, so I walked away from it. Hadn't even met a single kid in a classroom yet. :rolleyes: My daughter taught world history in one of the better public high schools around here, and walked away after one year of it. (The teacher's pay is pretty good in the county, too.) I can't think of any other profession where the group in charge works so hard to drive away new members. The work itself is touch enough without that.
  13. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Lynet, if the education system in the USA is anything like in the UK, I can understand why your daughter walked away from it. Good for her! :) After being told I was to be made redundant over 2 yrs ago, I had to work the 3 months notice period and during that time they had the cheek to put a final year teaching student in my classroom and I had to supervise her. What galls me is that this student's handwritten grammar and spellings were shocking, and I was told to make corrections for her! How did she get to be in the final year of teaching at Uni when she didn't know the difference between their and there, your and you're.... ? Her word processed documents were correct of course, with the spellcheck facility, but one day she is going to mark childrens' correct work as incorrect. She got a first class degree despite her written work issues. A mature student lured from industry by our Government, she will have been welcomed into the profession with a promise of a job almost immediately. I studied for 4 long years and taught for almost 10 years and it counted for nothing.

    Eeek I am not gonna rant anymore. Could go on for a while LOL.

    Needless to say, I am done with education. End of an era. This school I was just in had a weird regime for the reception children. In the past month I have seen the children have access to pencils/crayons just once, no computer access at all despite 2 in the classroom, one child didn't even know where the pencils were when I asked for one, the book/story area was almost non-existant, same with singing and counting and phonics and recalls of learning. There was plenty of provision for social play, with excellent resources and natural materials but it was all undirected. They had very little input at all and no promotion of key skills. Sure, for those who need the undirected play, provide opps, but there were many children who were more than ready for more advanced learning, especially after having had a year of nursery education. Gah, I feel bad for being so critical. It just irks me that their curriculum provision was so underchallenging and I could do nothing about it. I almost wanted to look for a teaching role again as I had an urge to have my own classroom again, but then I saw that staffroom politics and political correctness with paperwork had gone nuts and decided to leave it altogether.

    I advise anyone thinking of becoming a teacher to think again. It will drive you into the ground. It's one of the few regrets in life that I have. I wish I had gone to train as a nurse, or maybe work in psychology or something scientific. That said, if I had done things differently in life, I may never have met all my internet buddies and of course my fiance whom I met in the Maxis Simschat. I love and treasure each and every one of them. :)

    Sorry about that. I now return you to your scheduled program. :p
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It's OK. This is the Rant Room. :D

    Some company out there has got to be in need of a good worker like you. Anywhere I've worked, bosses have complained about the staff who just don't give a darn about the clients, the customers, or the job. They're always hoping the next interviewee in the door will be the answer to their dreams.

    (And then, of course, they take the good workers they've already got entirely for granted. :rolleyes: )
  15. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    That's so true - the ones who work hard and do a great job often get little recognition or thanks. The ones they interview are supposed to be dream workers, and they sometimes expect more from them than the existing employees. Employers can be choosy though as there are so many unemployed that they can practically dictate what they want from you and if you object or leave, there are many others to choose from. Gah, nothing will change so I guess I had better get used to it. :) I guess it's just the way things are these days. So long as I can pay my mortgage, right now I don't mind what type of work I do. Not sure what I want to do with the rest of my working life so the main thing is to have a salary that pays the bills for now. Job satisfaction can come later, yup? :)
  16. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Sorry that didn't work out for you. I can see why teachers are driven away from the profession, though. Down where I am, teachers aren't paid very much for the hard work and extra hours that they put in. From my experience as a student, and a very diligent and respectful one at that, I can see how teachers can be driven from high schools by either the disrespectful kids, the politics of the school, the confusing or underwhelming curriculum, or the poor quality of the school altogether.

    I've seen teachers move out of state to get a better salary. I've seen my neighbor transfer out of a school because she was not given her own classroom, and did not agree very much with the politics of the school (I guess she didn't get along well with the principal :eek: ). I've seen new teachers get stomped on by troublemakers and kids that just don't give a **** about their education---and it's a miracle if those teachers stay! The good ones are taken away!

    Now I can go on a rant about it. It's no wonder I made an A on the education essay in English class...:eek: But I'm not considering getting a job as a teacher, but I respect both the people who decide not to pursue it and the ones who have the gumption to stick with it.
  17. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Sorry that didn't work out, Hugz! I've got two cousins who are teachers, and it is NOT an easy profession! Especially when you have people who are NOT in the classroom making decisions without any idea of how it really impacts things! (Sure, "No Child Left Behind" sounds good on paper, but implementing it is a nightmare, and often leads to unintended consequences...) It is such a shame that some really good people are being driven from the profession.
  18. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Yep it's a shame because to succeed in the education profession these days you have to be either strong, hard faced, couldn't care less or just plain nuts. No room for sensitive people no matter how passionate or skilled they are. I hold my hands up and say that I'm a sensitive person and to be honest I wouldn't change that about myself, it's who I am. Things get to me and when it's too tough to be in, I have to leave. Some might say it's quitting, yep it is, but I would also say it's using my head and moving on to other things that will be better for me. I left this role because I wasn't happy in it, and made a conscious decision to leave education altogether. I would always have upheld my beliefs and values in education, and when the curriculum/school policies don't allow me to practise my professional beliefs (ie I have to follow their practice) then I can't support it.

    BTW, I checked on Friends Reunited, the UK website for schools/colleges/workplaces and of all those on my teaching degree course, the majority are not in education at all! Some never ever taught after gaining the degree, many have now left the profession and only a few are still in it. Sorta speaks volumes about the state of things in the UK.

    Ok, no more negativity from me. :) I already said too much lol. Sorry for that. :) I'm feeling positive now and looking forward to a new chapter in my life. :)
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I am supposed to be working right now on my son's tax return, on extention because he's been in the Netherlands for more than a year.

    It's not particularly hard, just hugely BORING, so I keep logging in here to visit. I'm so bad.

    So, nothing else is new at all. Still haven't installed my Pets EP because I cringe whenever I think of visiting every single household to make sure they're ready for it.

    I'm attaching a picture of Jasmine with a big smile. Maybe Flamey will drop in and give the OK on it.

    Attached Files:

  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Flamey to the rescue!

    She's so adorable! Her eyes are so blue! But then, I read somewhere that all babies have very clear, light-colored eyes.

    I bought Pets yesterday, but I'm holding off on installing it. I already have enough distractions to tempt me away from my novel...Just to brag a bit, I've got 11,341 words! Even if you think that's not that great, please just ooh and aah for my benefit. :)
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