So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    That's great news Shana! I hope that everything goes well with your interview! I will certainly keep everything crossed for ya. :) It sounds like a great opportunity.
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    My fingers are crossed for you. :crossfingers:
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Good luck! Would you be working downtown?

    I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.
  4. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

    Not quite downtown, off of 280 and industrial can see the building from 35W. I'm actually thankful it's not downtown, I don't think I want to deal with that traffic; not to mention the cost of parking! This place is also only about 7-8 miles from us, so that's nice as well!
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I take the train. :p I know you can't do that from where you live. Maybe someday it'll run to the northern 'burbs.

    Considering how packed the train is every day, I think that would be a good investment. Think of all the gas we'd save as a city.

    The other day there was a delay due to technical something or other, so a lot of people were waiting for the train for a while. When we finally got going there were so many people on it it made me nervous.

    I hope they stress tested it for that many people! We were packed like sardines. The train was creaking.

    But I got home safely.
  6. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Shana, I hope your interview went well. :)

    What's new with me is that I am going away for a couple of days, to the northeast of England with my fiance. He is visiting relatives there and we had planned that I would stay here this time with other commitments, but after some re-arranging I have decided to make the trip with him. We will be leaving in a few hours, however the weather conditions are terrible. Last night we were kept awake with the gales here that eventually wrecked the garden fence. They eased off during today, but have started again and will apparently be back this evening which is when we are travelling. Worst of all is that we have to drive over the Pennines/ Yorkshire moors and it's high ground, all open there. Risk of 70 to 80mph winds and flooding. Please send us good wishes for the trip, it's freaking me out a bit. My fiance won't be home from work til 6.30ish, else we would have made the journey earlier today.

    Today our laptop decided to grumble and refused to load at all - nothing on the screen, no processor activity at all. After plugging in the desktop monitor it worked so I could see that there was a message about the graphics card driver causing a system failure. Tried updating the driver but it said it was unable to do so, twice. Shutdown, went shopping, tried later to load it and it refused again. Then it loaded randomly after like loads of attempts. Then I did a full virus scan which turned up nothing. Updated the zone alarm and restarted, but then it wouldn't work again. Gah, it's frustrating. I am gonna take the laptop with us and try to get it to work while at the hotel - I may be online through dial up in the room. If not, see you in a couple of days. :)
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I love traveling by train. I wish it didn't cost so much. I'd take it all around the country if I could. But the cost! Ouch! We do take the train when we go to New York City because driving up there takes years off your life, as well as a fair amount of dollars out of your wallet for tolls and parking.

    Once a year over the Thanksgiving weekend we go to NY and see a broadway show. We saw the Producers this year and I'm afraid I was somewhat disappointed. I guess Mel Brooks' humor isn't mine. I never much cared for his movies. Perhaps my expectations were too high because of all the awards this show got.

    But Times Square is certainly a fascinating place to many, many colorful lights, not to mention colorful people. :D Big crowds all the time. We had fun.
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    We posted at about the same minute, Hugz. Really, I wish you well on that trip. I hope the storms ease up for you. :(
  9. sims2

    sims2 New Member

    I think going on trains is exciting=D i quite like them! But it is annoying when your sitting on the train and it stops on the train line for ages due to a problem. I always remember when me and my mom went on this extra as acting at liverpool and we went by train and the train was so late inbetween so we stopped in the middle of nowehere, how annoying LOL!
    I think train stations are more scarier than airports, if your alone:p
  10. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Thanks! It went very well! They said that I should hear something by the end of the week, they do have several others to interview this week though. But I'm pretty confident. I do very well at interviews.

    Hope you and your fiance made it okay on your trip hugz! And I hope you're having fun as well!
  11. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Shana, glad your interview went well. :) I'll still keep everything crossed for ya and hope that you get the job.

    Well we had a safe trip last night - the weather was nowhere near as bad as they had forecast, though it was quite windy up on the moors. We managed to get the 24 hr pass to work for the wireless broadband, and the laptop is behaving very well so far. Tomorrow we return home. :)
  12. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I second that, Shana! Glad your interview went well! Here's hoping that the next time you, SBW and I get together, we can celebrate ALL THREE of our new jobs!

    And glad you had a safe trip, Hugz! Those northern moors can be cold and treacherous in the winter!

    Hey Lynet, Did you see the Naked Singing Cowboy in Times Square? Or does he only work during the Summer? :D
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, RATS! No! I didn't know about that. Maybe next year. ;)
  14. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Sorry guys, this is a downer post today. I promise I'll feel better, I just need to really vent and make some nonsense, and I thought you guys may listen.

    I went for my job interview to get my job back (I work in a school, on contract and have to apply every year). Currently, it's only for 3 days per week, and the opportunity of full time came up, which was really exciting as I have been waiting for 3 years to be able to go full time at this school.

    I did the interview, and I admit, I don't interview very well, but these people have known me for 3 years. They only gave me my 3 days back. As you can probably imagine, I was very peeved. The main thing that keeps running through my brain is that if I didn't interview well, why give me my job back at all?? I wouldn't have.

    Then again, I wouldn't make me interview over and over again for the same job I have already been doing for 3 years.

    Thanks for letting me vent, I'm going to go read some of the jokes now and cheer myself up even more ;) .

    Sorry again for the downer post:eek:
  15. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I'm sorry Allie! That does suck. I'd hate to have to interview over and over again every year as well! Go take a hot bath with a good book and chocolate, then go cuddle up with that cute kitty and puppy of yours, you'll feel a little better.
  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Witch Baby likes your sig line, Shana. :)

    We're online together tonight ...
  17. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Tell Witch Baby thanks!

    Is she getting excited for Christmas? I am! I'm done with my part of our Christmas shopping, we still need to get Brandon's mother a gift still.
  18. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    This seems like an intresting thread :D

    Well today I went christmas shopping (I think its rather early but I dont like crowds and long queue lines to pay my purchases) and I originally planned to buy 6 gifts, I brought $600 thats reserved for the gifts, $50 for my lunch, and $50 for purchasing a top I plan to wear on christmas. (I tend to wear something new every christmas :p)

    I saw a couple of tops which I planned to buy for my sisters/cousins, I ended up purchasing them for myself, meaning I have 5 tops to wear on christmas :eek: Spent more than $50 on food (I was tempted!!:rolleyes: ) and no gifts. :(

    The conclusion? I'm kinda broke now and with no gifts, hopefully everyone is doing better with their christmas shopping :D
  19. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Most of my presents have been bought via online shopping. I heart and :D

    Now here's a tricky one...I'm planning on getting a PS2 game called Guitar Hero and its sequel, Guitar Hero 2, for my brother (and me :rolleyes: ). Now I just need to find a store online that will sell me both, AND have guitar controllers bundled in. :eek:
  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I've been feeling depressed again lately. I have to take the SATs in January and I haven't even studied at all yet. The scores don't count, of course--it's mostly for practice--but I just don't want to do it. I don't want to do any of the things that normal Asian teenagers have to do now. I don't want to have so many extracurricular activities. I don't want to worry about doing well in high school and taking the right courses so my college resume will look good. I don't want to give up things I love to do--writing, reading, and drawing--in order to study more and get straight A's, but it's what I think I'm going to have to do in order to do what's expected of me. I've already stopped playing TS2 during the week and a lot of the time I can't even play on the weekends. I just have so much to do, and I guess I'd rather do the aforementioned activities, which have some intellectual benefit, than TS2.

    I just feel so overwhelmed, and I'm not even in high school yet.
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