So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Thanks for the warning. I was going to miss it anyway, though. I hate Mel Gibson. But mmmm ... blackened catfish.

    I have my new chip! It works great. My game is really cooking with gas now. :D

    I can finally play Alec's lot again, in PDL. It used to be much too slow, though part of that was due to Bathroom Uses You. I've had it freeze more than one lot so I ditched it, along with Macrotastics. I can get along without it.

    I don't think Pescado has kept up with this latest EP. A lot of his hacks seem to be acting funny, even when he upgrades them.

    And, I threw out my back. So I'm typing very carefully. I really shouldn't sim today, but I will anyway. :p
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Jetlag...*collapses* :zzz:
  3. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    LOL; when you wake up we expect a full report on your trip!
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    So yea I'm back from a week's break. Spent it at Saint Louis and celebrated my first non-Pacific Standard Time New Years :).

    Urbana...great stuff. more details to come later :D
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I'm sorry that I haven't been very active lately. I've just been too...I don't know, anxious, I guess, what with midterms next week and having to choose which courses to take next year. Things have been hectic.
  6. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Don't worry about it; take your time and breathe. I do however still expect a full report on your trip to Hong Kong! It sounded pretty neat to get the chance to go. I'm almost 26 and still haven't been overseas anywhere!

    I've got an update. I start a new job tomorrow. I'll be SBW's co-worker! Actually I'm going to be a completly differerent sky scraper than SBW since our company has two offices downtown. My training hours for the first 3 weeks are 8-5. Then I have to switch to an 11:00-7:30 shift; with one required weekend day per month (Not excited about the schedule, but they pay my parking for that shift $$$).

    And to tell the truth I'm terrified but trying to overcome that fear.

    I'm not familiar with Minneapolis at all; I'm more of a suburb kind of gal. Really the only time I've gone down to Minneapolis is if I'm going to a concert and I've never been the one driving! Taking the bus is scarier to me than driving, so that's not an option, and the lightrail doesn't run anywhere near my house so I'd have to drive to a park and ride anyway. I made Brandon go with me as I drove around Minneapolis yesterday so I could get used to driving downtown. Guess what happened? I cried. Yes; I cried because I knew that what I was driving in was already congested and it was a Saturday, so imagine the week! *sigh* I really hope I'm going to get over this after the first week or so. Hopefully I'll love it once I get over the fear of the whole driving/parking/unfamiliarity aspect of the job.

    The position itself I'm not scared of. It's customer service work for an online university. I'm learner support so if any of our students have questions about anything; they call us. It's only .20 cents more an hour than I was making before, but they are hopeful that their starting wage is going to be approved to be increased come end of January and if that happens then my salary will be upped. After I'm there for 90 days I can take classes for free which is kind of a nice incentive. And my insurance will start Febuary 1st. I'll have to admit; that reason alone is why I ended up taking the job. Nothing else is panning out right now and I need insurance.

    Ack...please reassure me that I'll be fine and it's all just in my head right now.
  7. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Woot! Many congrats Shana! And YES, you WILL be fine. :) The driving part will soon become routine and you will think of it merely as an annoyance rather than something you stress about, like right now. It's very cool that you are working close to SBW and for the same company. The job itself sounds good, especially with the salary increase after so long, and the free classes. Is it medical insurance you mentioned? If so, that's really useful. Here we don't need it as we get 'income' taxed, taxed some more, and then some more lol. I'm sure that after the initial 'newness' of everything - meeting co-workers, getting used to the working hours, driving and parking etc, the job will be fine. Don't worry! ;)

    Person123, I know it's a busy time for you right now. Try to relax and when the busy part is over, we still wanna hear about your trip! :)


    My news isn't that exciting. Actually, it's pretty boring lol. I have had flu since New Year's Day evening. I'm feeling better than I was, now it's just my ear and head pains that need attention, but gonna get that sorted today hopefully. :)
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Congratulations to Shana. I'm sure you'll get used to the drive pretty soon. Downtown rushhour will never be comfortable, but the route you take in and out of town will become boringly familiar. :rolleyes:

    123! Keep your chin up. When summer comes you'll look back on the year and say, Whew! I did it! We'll all still be here, waiting to hear how it goes.

    Hope you feel much better soon, Hugz. No flu around this neighborhood so far. :crossfingers:

    On Saturday I put my son on a plane back to Amsterdam. He and I are still hoping that his company moves "lock, stock and barrel" to Montreal this year.

    As for me, I've been seriously neglecting my little sims. I've really got to catch up on their lives now that the holidays are done. :D
  9. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    What's new with me? Just back from Christmas in Oklahoma. Rented a car for the 13-Hour drive, and thankfully, the car had a wired input, so I could hook up my iPod...Christmas music all the way down, and 60s Classics all the way back! I got to sing along at the top of my lungs in my own private mobile sound-booth!

    I also started a new job in December - same company, but a different department AND promotion! Yippee, Skippee Batman! I'm now a Training Consultant instead of a Training Designer. Not sure what that really means, yet, but I'm sure I'll find out!

    Also, since I now work in the building that is right between the buildings that SBW and Shana work in, we three went out for coffee last evening to celebrate all three of our new jobs! (Thanks for the Caramel Frappacino, SBW! I guess the next one's on me!)
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yep, three sim addicts in three buildings in a row, and that's just the ones we know about ... could be dangerous!

    You're welcome for the coffee/milkshake! I'll be up for lunch at Ike's soon ... LOVE that place.

    My back hurts a little less today than it has this week, but now that it's the end of the day it's just about trashed. I don't know what I did ... so I haven't been simming much. Some, just not much.

    Sorry I've been neglecting my stories! My new job's been sapping my energy. I'm hoping to get back into my writing soon. I have a novel waiting for me as well as the sims stories ... but I will reveal what happens in Veronaville soon, and I've slowly been catching my PDL sims up to where I want them to be.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I've heard of those fancy coffees, but I've never tried one. My boss blames them for her weight gain over the past year. :rolleyes: She says they're addictive--try one and you're hooked for life.
  12. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    That sounds about right. Thank goodness that starbucks roasts a blend for Costco (meridian) that never seems to get old.
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm a plain cappucino gal myself, with skim milk please. I'll occasionally order a mocha but they make me feel kind of sick sometimes. I don't have much of a sweet tooth ... those other drinks are like a cookie in a cup, or like Bill Maher says, if your coffee has more than three ingredients and most of them are sweet, call it what it is: A milkshake!

    I think they're kind of gross. :rolleyes:

    But I'm glad Shana and Sacha enjoyed theirs, and I'd be happy to buy you one too, someday. :)
  14. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    actually that sounds about right tho if I order out it's usually an americano with half/half if they have it. only because americano's are too too hot to drink sweetened only. plus I'm a cheapskate.
  15. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    True, True - About the "milkshake" anyway! I'm afraid I've never been much of a coffee drinker, preferring to get my caffeine in other ways. (Can you say Mountain Dew? I knew you could!)

    Give me a coffee with plenty of whipped cream and syrup, and that'll make it palatable for me! Or as my sister-in-law puts it: "Would you like a little coffee with your cream and sugar?" :D
  16. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    the past days since...lets see here...Fri night we havent had power and we still dont.
    yeah its been one big party. Ya know, being in the 6th grade as i am and not having power is FUN for the first lets see here 2 and a half hours.
    then it gets kinda, ok people fix my freakin power lines. so now, springfeild, MO as i hope most of you know has been declared a natural area of disaster. Which is the town i live in if you havent peiced the clues together yet. :p But at least were outta school until the 22nd.
    (i mentioned we have no power, my parents r divorced, my mom has no power while my dad does so im typing this at my dads)

    Edit: this is completely off topic but this is what this thread's for! SBW, is there a download for Porta de Luca? i've read the whole biography thread of all the people in Porta de Luca and i'm hooked on the neighborhood! This might be a completely stupid question if i'm wrong. If i'm right it's so not a stupid question.
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Jazz, you've probably already found the threads by doing a search. But just in case...

    This is just part three. Parts one and two have basically the same name. You just have to do a search for them. :)
  18. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Oh heh heh, quite sorry, totally forgot about that.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It's tax season again, for anyone who does tax returns for a living. My husband is one and he's now working Saturdays. So what am I doing useful? Absolutely nothing. I cooked him breakfast this morning. The least I could do, right? :rolleyes: Now I'm going to go do some laundry. And since he's coming home for lunch, I guess I'd better change out of my PJs and open a can of soup. :D OK, I'm not quite that bad. The soup's homemade.

    And after he goes back to work--SIMMING!
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm planning to sim as well, as soon as I get offline ... I have a friend coming over at 3:30 and I cleaned my house in anticipation. I still need to vacuum the stairs, but then I'll be ready for her.

    Nothing like company coming to make you want to break out the broom, eh? :eek:
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