So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So, I didn't visit EA for more than a minute or two. Since I have my Seasons EP CD in hand I decided to continue my readiness campaign with my neighborhoods. Whew! I'm not done yet. Too many little peoples to visit.

    Anyway and however, as I visited my sim households, and found all family members standing at attention, as if an EP had just been installed, a thought occurred to me...

    As you know, after the BIG INSTALL of an EP, you have to go through all the mini-installs to each neighborhood as you enter them for the first time.

    I had 8 neighborhoods when I installed Pets. I tend to stick with one neighborhood for a while, then visit another. Round and round we go...:rolleyes: It takes a long time to work the crowd.

    Eureka, I thinks! The Pets neighborhood mini-install routine "resets" ALL neighborhoods when it is only supposed to be setting up the one.

    Conclusion: If I'm right, the problem ends once all neighborhoods have gone through the mini-routine. If I'm wrong...I sure hope Seasons fixes it. :(
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Weeknight Kitchen: Lemon-Garlic Roast Salmon On New Potatoes

    Soooooooo...for our 1001 post, thought it would be appropiate to have a delicious and simply savory meal. Okay, I lied, but this receipe came in and couldn't have come in at a better time.

  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I love Salmon. I have it at least once every week, but always with rice, and cooked rather plain with lemon, butter, salt and pepper. This dish looks like a great change to that routine.

    Thanks, Josh.
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    I love salmon, so good.
    Did you guys get a sticker on your package that seasons came with that had a code for a certain item you could unlock?
    Is it not allowed to post those codes so some of us can unlock the items? I think that theres a different sticker for the store that you bought it at, got mine at best buy, so if i go to the sims 2 website and type in (which is the item mine came with) and enter the code i can unlock the swingset. Can we post the code so others can share the swingset fun?
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    As much as I would LOVE to get my hands on that swing set, unfortunately no, you can't post it as long as I'm taking what they say correctly.

    Of course you're not uploading or distributing the actual object to share; only the code...I don't know, Josh? What do you think? Anyway we can get through that loophole?
  6. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    I'm sure that said there would be a code or something for a special download, and I did pre-order the game a few weeks ago, but nothing came through the mail with the game. I'm sure they said it for other EPs too but I never received anything. Hmmmm. :confused:
  7. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    What's new with me is that I started a job on Monday and have just finished my first week. It is only a temporary job, initially intended for just 2 weeks but today they have said they want me there a bit longer. The person who I'm standing in for left the job at short notice to transfer to another department. I assume they will be advertising her job soon and I hope that it's not internal candidates only as I want to apply for the full time position. I love it there! :)

    It's working in a large office, admin for the managers and consultants of the City Council and the housing/ neighbourhood renewal teams. It has all been a steep learning curve for me as I have never worked in an office before but I really like it. Best of all, there is a great atmosphere in the office and everyone has a good rapport with each other. From day one I've been welcomed into the team and I feel like I really fit in there. :) I always knew it would be a temporary thing, and I'm still applying for other jobs, but at least now I can say that I have recent (albeit very brief) experience of working in an office. :)

    Now, to add to my learning curve, I'm going to learn to touch type. I have always muddled through with my own rhythm (and typos, ha! :p ) but almost everyone in the office can touch type, and even my 8 year old nephew is learning to touch type (he directed me to the website lol) so I kinda feel I should make the effort to learn too. I tried a few typing exercises online last night and found that the positioning of my hands caused problems - I get nerve pain in my hands sometimes - so after work today I went straight to Staples and bought one of those ergonomic/ curved keyboards. After I clean out my home office tomorrow morning, I am gonna connect the new keyboard and start practising! :D
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I learned to type on the job, too, back in the '70s :)o)

    I got to be the fastest hunt and peck my mother said she had ever seen. :p
  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Congrats on the new job Hugz! I hope that it turns into something long term for you!

    I'm still LOVING my new job. I even got my own business cards now! And I can honestly say i've never felt more valued as an employee before I worked here. I love everyone I work with and everything I do. Plus the company itself does amazing work and really does save lives so I couldn't ask for anything better.
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm happy to hear you are getting some new experience, Hugz. I know you were frustrated with being a teacher.

    And, glad to hear you love your new job, Shana!

    I'm continuing to love mine. Amazing what being employed in the right job can do for one's outlook on life! :) My friends tell me they notice a real difference in me, for the better.

    What's new with me is my dog got a haircut this weekend. I always forget how skinny she is under all that fur. She looks so fragile and ladylike now, even though I know better.

    Her best friend, the cairn terrier, is visiting. They're so cute together. Kind of like the princess and the court jester. (If you've ever met a cairn you know what I'm talking about. They have very funny, winning personalities.)
  11. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hey Hugs! Glad you found a great place to work - even if it's only temporary. It is still a lift to the spirit that such places exist! And who knows - with a foot in the door, you just may be able to opt for something a little more permanent!

    And congrats to you too, Shana! As SBW said, being in the right job does wonders for one's outlook on life! It has been tru with me! Last year at this time, I though I was slowly sinking into the bottomless morass of work, never to be heard from again! In my new job, I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted. There is a light in my eye and a skip in my step, and the whole world is filled with possibilities!
  12. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    What's new with me is that I just realized when I created that ticker how soon our wedding is coming up! Yikes...going from 16 months to just over 10 is kind of scary! Yet so exciting at the same time!

    Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary so I pulled out all the stops for a nice dinner. I made a raspberry glazed rosemary chicken, garlic delicata (kind of squash), applesauce cornbread, and strawberry parfait for dessert...yummm. And we had sparking catawaba juice with it as neither of us really drink. All turned out rather good, and all the recipes are from LOVE that site!

    And today is my brother's birthday...gosh, he's turning 24 today, that's just insane!
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I feel like saying Happy New Year all over again to all of you. :D Everything is going just right! That's so great. I hope you still have time for a little simming, now and again. :p
  14. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I'm on Spring Break yay! :D
  15. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Our's starts Friday, I'm going to Dallas the next Fri. for one of my brothers Tae-Kwon-Do tounaments. Anybody know about anything fun for a twelve-year-old to do while there?
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Sorry, Jazz. I'm not familiar with Dallas at all. But I wanted to say that I like that avatar. Looks like a prism.
  17. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Shades of Dark Side of the Moon!

    Lynet, did you never listen to Pink Floyd?
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Yes, I have, and I like some of the music. It's one of those cases where I like the instrumental part and wish they wouldn't ruin it by singing. :rolleyes: Happens a lot with me. I hear some fantastic music and wish it would just go on all by itself, without the strained vocal chords and goofy lyrics breaking into it.
  19. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Sacharissa shakes her head in despair...or is it agreement? Sometimes, it is hard to tell...:confused:
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL Sacha ... feeling ambivalent is a two-sided thing but, I can't decide if I just think that or if it was a Pink Floyd lyric ;)

    I've been busy today adding a bit to the population of Penn Vale ... but then got sidetracked in Body Shop cos I needed some new bits and pieces that I've not found in any download dept, recently ... mind you I must admit that I haven't looked in the relevant sections .... to easy to get sidelined by something shiny (that you weren't looking for) and that way lies compulsive download disorder and game load times that seem only slightly shorter than a deological epoch.

    I put the stuff up if anyone is interested in some shiny new specs
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