So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Man, that is SOOOO frustrating, Lynet! What is customer service coming to in this country? It's like that old Lilly Tomlin shtick...

    We're the phone company. We don't care...We don't have to!
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thanks for sympathy. :) Quick update -- no repairman yet. I looked it up online and they say I'm scheduled for a 12:55 PM repair (note how exact they are in their scheduling :p )

    Meanwhile, I drove past a nearby school and saw two big Verizon repair trucks there. How much do you want to bet that the problem is more widespread than just my house? And yet they never mention that, and ask me to sit at home waiting for a repairman.

    Anyway, I have not paid the bill that covers the time period I've been without service. And I will not pay it. So take that, Verizon! *draws gauntlet and strikes face of giant corporation worth billions of dollars*
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    You aren't suppose to pay for services not rendered. It's the law. I suggest calling Verizon once more, and this time talk to their supervisor, and make a point on asking what's going on.

    They better give you a very good reason (only one they can give you is they are doing FiOS Deployment in your area)
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    What's FiOS? (Is that a dumb question? I play so much sims I'm a little out of touch.)
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LMRO, Lynet. I'm so out of touch I couldn't reach it with a light year-long stick. If it weren't for Google I would never know that Verizon is installing Fios (which is apparently Irish Gaelic for knowledge). Fios being FTTP, which has naff-all to do with HTTP, since it's an acronym for Fibre To The Premises. Oi vey! Imagine living in a house with kapoc on tap. You Americans are so lucky to live in a land where even the mattress stuffing is delivered down a network of pipes.

    Motheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. My pills are wearing off again :eek:
  6. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    heh... wouldnt it be funny if one of us works at Verizon.
    Sorry, i think thats kinda funny. And coincidental...
    Wahahahahaha spring break and being cooped up at home makes me slightly wacky, after one of our newer members.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    OK, I promise this will be my last post about Verizon because in the morning I'm going to cancel the service. Once more they promised to repair it today and never came. (I was at work with my cell phone handy at all times.)

    Tonight I read an article in the paper about a guy who waited 2 weeks for repairmen, and then they only showed up AFTER he complained to the Public Service Commission. I'm going to complain to the PSC, but I'm done with Verizon, anyway.

    Besides, as long as I have my internet connection (Comcast, not Verizon) then what else do I need in life?

    Midnight here. What the heck am I doing up at this hour? :rolleyes:
  8. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member


    Yes - it was exactly one year ago today that SBW started this most excellent, five-star thread, and everyone has stepped up to the plate and kept it alive for a WHOLE YEAR! Congratulations!

    I went back and looked through a couple of the early posts, and it was really interesting...we have come through a lot together in a year...Job losses, new jobs, deaths, births, engagements, growing up...generally life's joys and sorrows...All shared here amongst distant friends.

    So raise a glass of whatever your drinking and give a toast to a vibrant and caring on-line community...and a special nod to SBW for starting this thread in the first place, with an EXTRA SPECIAL NOD to Josh (and his minions) for keeping the whole thing going! :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:
  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    *raises her glass*

    Happy Birthday "So, What's New?" To all our friends on WorldSims; may the next year of "So, What's New?" be just as wonderful as the first!
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yay! And what a great thread this is. (And for once I am not being sarcy :D )

    Meanwhile, Lynet ... I have something for you ... just a reminder that you are one in a thousand :rolleyes:

  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Hey, everyone! I am so glad to have met all of you, and yes, thank you Josh for giving us a place to be. I feel like you lot are some of the best friends I've got ... :) You certainly make me laugh!!

    Shana, dying to see your wedding gown choices! Are you going to post some links?

    Lynet, sorry I wasn't part of the whole phone thingy conversation ... that's what I get for not checking in every day. You know, that's why they broke up Ma Bell ... you deserve better treatment. Surely they know you can go somewhere else, and now all of us will too? :D

    Hey, Sacharissa, are you willing to download some new video drivers for me if that's what it turns out I need? :eek: Pretty please? I'll buy you lunch!

    Hey, everyone, eight days until we go to Vegas, Baby! Wish you could hear Witch Baby say that. Vegas, Baby! She's so cute ... but maybe I'm a little biased. :rolleyes:

    We just had an awesome sushi dinner. If any of you are in Minneapolis you must visit Midori's Floating World ... they have fabulous tea and sushi.

    Mirelly, so glad you haven't disappeared from our circle ... so glad you came back. No one makes me laugh like you do.

    Where's 123? Hope you're doing well in school, hon, and all is OK with you ...

    Apologies to all who I didn't address in person ... you know I love you. And welcome to our new members too.

    Here's to another year (and another, and another ... )

    Surprised by Witches
  12. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I've got one for you; but I think I've posted it here before! Hehe...I'll post the pictures instead of the links.

    My mom and I are going tomorrow (1pm) appointment to a shop in Forest Lake to try on this specific dress. So far it's the only dress that I've fallen in love with; trying to keep an open mind still for others. I'm taking a camera with tomorrow but I don't know if they will let me use it or not...some shops are picky like that. is the reason we're going shopping tomorrow!

    Attached Files:

  13. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Happy Birthday 'So What's New' !!! :D

    SBW, thanks for starting the thread - it's a great way for all of us to share and hear all of our news. Looking forward to the year ahead and seeing what everyone is getting up to. ;)

    Thanks to Josh too for an awesome site where we are welcome to meet other simmers and make new friends. :D

    Shana - good luck with the wedding dress appointment, the dress looks beautiful! I can see why you've fallen in love with it. :)
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, very Cinderella! I knew you'd posted pictures a long time ago, but I thought maybe you had some new choices, but after looking at that dress, why would you? It's lovely. All you need is a silver coach and four white horses.

    You know how to make a commitment, girl, even if it's just to a dress! (Bodes well for your marriage as well, LOL.)
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Awesome site! :champagne:

    Awesome thread! :birthday:

    Awesome DRESS, Shana. Oh, I can't wait for pictures of the wedding. :D
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, of course I knew that. :p I fired Verizon. My husband laughed. The irony, and you'll love this, is that 15 minutes after telling Verizon to cancel my account the doorbell rang and it was their repairman. I told him I had just canceled the account, and I sent him away. 6 days of no-shows is 6 days too many.
  17. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Hee, sorry for not posting. I don't really have much of an excuse...oh, here's one! I began a new writing regime about a week ago. Trying to reach 100,000 words in fifty days. So far I'm on schedule...

    Oh man, Lynet, that really sucks. We have Verizon, but for our internet. We have Comcast for our cable, and...uh, I don't remember what we use for phone service, but so far it hasn't failed us. Comcast is really horrible with internet, though. The cables would always fall down in the street, or the internet would just stop for some strange reason without affecting the TV at all. But when they sent repairman, they would always come when they said they would.

    Oooh, Shana, that dress is so pretty! You'll look beautiful no matter what you wear. :D My sister went shopping for a prom dress today, but for her junior prom. No floor-length gowns. Still, she looks really pretty, though I'll never tell her that. My mom made her put it on and show our grandma. :rolleyes:
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Wow, kid, that's awesome! Go for it. I hope you reach your goal. You're doing a lot better than me! :)
  19. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hey 123...That's pretty impressive! I suspect we won't be hearing from you much for the next 50 days, but feel free to pop in now and again for a little encouragement! You GO, Girl!
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    End to Conflict!

    It's lasted longer than the Berlin Wall. The Reverend Dr. Ian Paisley sat down with Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams to sign a power sharing agreement. Now all we need is for something similar in the middle east, which has been going far longer and they really should have learned what the South Africans learned a decade ago, and now the Orangemen and Finians have recognised, that recriminations and blame and grudges and feuds and vendettas are unwinnable and only make everyone unhappy.

    Ach! Whatever. I am so happy for the lovely people of Ulster, the vast majority of whom are entirely non-partisan.
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