So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Oh, so painful to see! I have a piano, and I've always been nervous anytime I moved it from one house to another. I'll never be able to move it again. :p (Even tho' it isn't a Bosendorfer or anything so expensive as that.)

    I also read about "The scattering of Mum's ashes" that didn't quite go as planned, which is a link near the bottom of that same page. I admit, I laughed about that one. I'm sure her Mum would have.
  2. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    She is back from vacation (I'm anxious to hear all the gory details!), but her PC has been acting up, so she has not been able to Sim, and I don't think she can get on-line from home. She was going to try to visit these hallowed forums from work, though (SHHHH! Don't tell anyone!) I hope she get's up and running soon as I am dying to see what will happen next in PDL! I'm also hoping she resurrects Veronaville for the new Library Thread!

    THANKS for the link! Man, is there ANYTHING Amazon DOESN'T have!

    CONGRATULATIONS! How very, very exciting! What a great thread this is, where we can share all of life's special moments with each other!
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, I'm here. It's lunchtime but I just noticed I went a bit over ... so, short post.

    I'm trying to figure out the library but it's really confusing me. I'm not sure I like it. :(

    As soon as I can figure out how to do it right I'll post more stuff.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You'll get the hang of it. It's just a little different from the regular discussion forum. I've read what you've posted todate and it's great. I'm anxious to see what Lily does about Ellis. Not sure I'd trust him, myself, but raising a baby by yourself is very difficult. I hope things are quiet enough at work that you can post more. :eek:
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL I think SB should tell her boss that work is seriously interfering with life's important little projects and that under article IV, Paragraph 6, sub-Paragraph C, clause (xliv) of the State Department's Annual Appropriations Provisions For Rest Room Requisites Bill, 2006 [said clause added as a late amendment by Congressman Sabo(tagewho declined to give a reason for his amendment but promised to scream and scream until was sick if Mister Speaker wouldn't let it stay on the whatever] she is entitled to install TS2 on her work computer and not have to worry about minor details like quotas, deadlines and targets. :rolleyes:

    Has anyone tried my new table yet? It's awesome :) ... I mean is it any good? :eek:
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I downloaded the second table. Haven't opened my game yet, and won't be able to do that tonight. Maybe Saturday. Since the game takes so long to load, I seriously have to plan ahead for a time allowance. :D There's less and less time available as

    As for SBW...people take smoke breaks and stand around outdoors for ten minutes or more. So how about a Worldsims break? No nicotine, either, so it's a lot cleaner and safer.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    What's new is that I'm feeling strangely nostalgic. Can that be called new? Is it because the bulbs in the yard are beginning to flower and the weather is turning warmer but still requires a light jacket?

    Actually, I think it might have been the link to SBW's East Simders story that got me to thinking about all of this. :)

    I looked at my join date: January 2005! I do not remember at all why I first visited the Worldsims site. Just random, I guess. But the conversation here was on a much higher level than anything over at the EA site.

    I just now did a search for posts by Zootyzoot, only because I remember the name so easily from the posts I noticed back in January 2005. Pescado showed up in those threads, too, and was actually quite pleasant and chock full of useful information and thoughts about the game, or at least in the posts I saw. I hope Kristalrose is doing well. Babe, too. Does anyone hear from them?

    I remember Mirelly's avatar as the flashing "Don't Panic" sign. It was very appropriate as an avatar. :D

    I also remember some very heated discussions on topics I will not resurrect. :eek:

    Oh, well, that's enough of memory lane.
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ooh, I love nostalgia. I often think of those who have ridden with us for a while and then drifted away. I was only thinking about Kristal last week, wondering how she was and whether is still simming. Did she leave a reason for her absence or just fade away? I wasn't around myself when she stopped posting. And actually I miss my H2G2 avatar as well. I might dig it out again :rolleyes:
  9. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Lynet, it's good to feel nostalgic. :) Nothing nicer than spending a couple of hours (or more :eek: ) reflecting back on the past. :)

    I'm gonna join in the nostalgia and think back to when I first joined WorldSims. It was December 2002. Back then, I was a regular chatter over at the Maxis Simchat (chatroom) - it's where I first asked the question: Why is DirectorJosh always on the name list for the Simchat Lobby yet he's never actually there? :p Answer: he's afk working on his new website (aka WorldSims). Not much has changed there I guess LOL.

    Back then, I knew nina_kanina, lewdini, solidsnake, angel_ooper, kristi1105, glass_slippers, hundreds more chatters (too many to name), a bunch of SimMasters and of course, Josh.

    In the past 5 years I've met ex-simmasterbraveheart twice, simmasterfrannie, and a special chat friend (missunderstood1). I'm currently planning and plotting and scheming to make arrangements to meet Josh. :p

    I also met my fiance in the Maxis Simchat in 2002, and after almost 4 years of engagement, we're finally getting married - our confirmed date is 1st September 2007. :)

    /me remembers the happy times in the Simchat. :)
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I think Kristalrose had too much going on in her RL and her hubby didn't like her simming so much. Three kids are liable to keep one busy, at any rate. Not sure about Babe. Didn't she have computer problems?

    I miss kupo too. Hope she's OK. Last I heard she'd had an accident and then poof, no more kupo. I think her mom didn't like her conversing with people so much older than her, and I hope that's all it was.

    LOL at your suggestion, Mirelly. Somehow think that wouldn't go over so well. BTW, Sabo was my favorite representative for many years. He's either retired or retiring ... our new guy is the first Muslim to serve in the US congress. I voted for him, and I think he'll do a good job. But I know I'll miss Sabo, who was one of the rare people in government with a conscience and a moral compass.

    I know, I know. Weird.

    I agree with Lynet. That's precisely why I joined this site. I can't converse with idiots, or rather, I refuse to. I was bored out of my skull and started looking for sims sites, and voila.

    I've been here since March of 2005. Two years now. Do I get a cake?

    I asked for work and got some for this afternoon. Teach me to raise my hand. I'm on my lunch break, and then no more simming for me today.
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Eesh! There was also the matter of the blog ... :eek: :rolleyes:
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Good gracious, Mirelly. You're on line and it's after 2 am where you are. It's only a little after 9 pm here and I can hardly keep my eyes open. :yawn:
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    What's new with me is I've discovered the best sandwich (well, actually, wrap) ever! Even better, it's healthy. Even super-picky eaters like my darling little witch like it.

    Take 1 tortilla. I prefer whole wheat, Witch Baby likes white flour tortillas.
    Add 1 generous spoonful of hummus, right down the middle.
    Cover hummus with unprepared broccoli slaw (you can buy this in the grocery store in the same place you find the bagged lettuce and such. Don't add mayo or anything, just use the raw shredded veggies).
    Top with roma tomato slices.
    Add a sprinkling of crumbled feta (optional. I don't add it, but the friend who gave me this recipe says it's to die for).

    Wrap up and eat!

  14. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh, yum! How about throwing in some black Greek-style olives as well as the feta? ... even more yum ... possibly ;)
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    So what's new is that I have run into the buffer's of writer's block. I keep opening up MS Word and staring at the last line I wrote in PVS and ratttling some more and then reading it, deleting it, closing Word and then going off in search of something to download. Then I feel guilty about the length of the grass in front and go outside and swear at it (sotto voce, cos I don't want the neighbours to think me uncouth :p ) before deciding it'll wait until tomorrow before it absolutely must be trimmed ... I mean scythed :eek:

    I am kind of wondering if I wouldn't be happier writing only in multiple first person accounts .... Finding the right voice is important but I think I'm obsessing on it too much.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Happens to me all the time, Mirelly. Generally, I go for a while unable to imagine what I'm going to write next, then it starts to simmer and I find my voice again, for better or for worse :eek: . I always worry about whether the readers will lose interest because I'm taking too long.

    Sometimes, it just takes playing with the sims, taking pictures, building stuff, having fun and laughing at their screwball antics.

    Then there's RL. Tax season has ended and my husband wants to do things that have absolutely nothing to do with computers.
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    How odd ... suddenly I can't think of a single thing I could suggest without having to ban myself :eek:
  18. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Oh gosh, for a few hours I was without internet access. I spent it eating dinner, playing PS2 with my brothers and doing exercises. :rolleyes: Sometimes I feel I need a break from the computer. :eek: The online bf was wondering where I was though. ;)

    I've been having a bit of writer's block as well. For an open-ended story like mine it's terrible. Thank goodness I suppose that Alejandra got eaten. :rolleyes: Do I resurrect her whole, make my first zombie or just leave her dead? :ghost:
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Chee-Z, is it possible to resurrect a Servo? Just wondering about a zombie servo. Bender's been everything else. :D I wouldn't risk losing him, though, before testing it on a spare Servo. Then I guess he'd be stuck that way. But the idea of a robot dragging his foot and moaning made me laugh just thinking of it.

    Has anyone ever made a vampire out of a zombie?

    'sOK. Got it covered. ;)
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Hmmm ... olives ... shall have to give that a whirl. I do loves olives.

    LOL, Mirelly, I was just thinking about how seriously we take our sims writing, myself included, even though I have a "real" novel that could earn me money, languishing away ... I really need a weekend or six to myself to finish it, which will happen when Witch Baby is, oh, in high school? So, only 5 years to go ... yikes. That few? (Fights urge to leave work and run and hug my baby before she sprouts upwards again. Which happens daily, it seems.)

    I myself find that I am stuck in the present voice in my sims writing. Not sure how it happened, not sure I like it, but what happens to my sims seems so immediate, without a view of the future, that it just works for me ... still, it's a weird voice to write in. I normally write in the standard "novel" tense.

    Witch Baby has discovered sculpey, which is a clay you bake. She made some adorable bears, dogs, and kitties this weekend. I'll try to remember to take a picture.

    She also learned to ride a bike this weekend, so that's what we do every night now. She loves it, and who am I to argue with healthful exercise? Though to be honest I prefer to sit on my keester with a good book, which could explain the spreading of that particular region.

    Oh, and we got our state taxes back and hubby has earmarked them to fix the computer!!!! Did I marry a perfect guy or what?
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