So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I could try it on a spare robot I have named Sparkamus Prime. My brother's idea. :rolleyes: Only other thing I haven't tried yet is plant bot. :D

    To SBW: Sculpey clay is great stuff. I've made many a school project with that, including a Morocco Mole. Hehe wait 'til Witch Baby upgrades to REAL clay!
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm away for the weekend, leaving this afternoon. We're going to Philadelphia for two nights and we're going to see the Tutankhamun (King Tut) exhibit at the Franklin Institute. I can't wait.

    By the way, I don't think we've had many visitors to the Worldsims Library, if the number of views of the stories is any indication. If you haven't been there, go take a look:

    If you want to tell a story of your own, please do. We need a lot more books in that Library. :D

    I believe a more visible link from the Sims2 Discussion forum is planned for the near future. Meanwhile, the stories there are all fun.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Trouble is that a catastophic asteroid strike is also due in the "near future" ...:rolleyes:

    What's new is that I blew the money I saved by not buying anything for a week. I gotted Glamour Life and Celebration! Stuff Packs, so I am at last fully expanded and stuffed (apart from FFS, which I refuse to buy on principle.)

    Can't stop. Game needs attention ... :p
  4. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Why not Family Fun Stuff, Mirelly? Unfortunately, it is the only Stuff Pack they have released for Mac, so I have been tempted...
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Because all the stuff was incredibly ugly and it needed a patch. I mean ... :eek: thousands of custom content makers are making objects and clothes -- for free in many cases -- and they actually work without patches (or crashing your game) ... :rolleyes:
  6. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    going to be gone for a week leaving tomorrow..... driving car to missouri so Moselle and Jake can have a 2nd car. flying back saturday I think. unless hubby and I kill each other due to being confined in the car. no celebration for me yet
  7. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Missouri rules! Go through Springfield. best place there is.
    And if you go through Ozark, Missouri, there's this really good resteraunt called Lamberts. Great place.
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Sigh. We paid the bills and due to a major car repair and a HUGE daycare bill (teach me to not pay weekly) we can't fix the computer after all.

    Possibly next weekend.

    Waah. I have a whole afternoon to myself today and nothing to do! I'm feeling a bit under the weather and nothing would cheer me up like a good game of sims. :(
  9. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Where has 123 been lately? Hope shes ok...
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm not sure. I was wondering that, myself. 123, are you out there?
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I think 123 is writing. I thought she set herself a goal of writing some huge number of pages each day. She does drop by now and again to check up on us. I've seen her logged in.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Oh, good.

    What's new with me is my brother loaned me an old computer to play sims on until I can afford to fix mine, and I killed his computer! I played for five minutes and the whole system crashed. I can't revive it.

    He hasn't written back yet. I hope he's not too mad at me. :(

    I'm beginning to think my game is cursed.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It's those vampires, SBW. Maybe you should burn that neighborhood. :p

    And I'm being bad checking in here while I'm at work. Better say 'bye.
  14. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    What's new with me is that I have started a new job again and have done my first week. It's temporary, possibly up to 36 weeks (though not confirmed yet), but hopefully it will lead to something more permanent. The job is in a highly confidential environment, can't say more than that but it's really interesting and I'm enjoying it a lot. The staff are a great team to work with and even at 5pm I still feel I could do another couple of hours' work - it's absorbing and interesting. It's also an emotional job at times and from next week I know that my resolve will be tested further. Hopefully I can handle that aspect of the job.

    Our wedding date is not gonna be 1st September anymore. We had an awful time trying to find a venue for the reception - everywhere was booked up. We did find a place that we fell in love with (only with a few dates available), and the day after I saw it, the church phoned with an apology that the vicar was unavailable for the 1st Sept after all (church outing that week). Anyway, our new date is either gonna be 4th August (which will be a rush) or we will put it off until Spring 2008. Rush or wait, rush or wait..... :confused:
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Personally, I'd go for it if you've got everything planned. But that's just me. I planned my wedding in four months. Others, like Shana, prefer to take their time.

    Honestly, I think it what feels right to you.

    Congratulations on your new job!
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yes congrats on what sounds like a great new job, Hugz. As for the wedding it's a shame that venues, vicars and caterers are such a nightmare to co-ordinate. It never used to seem to so difficult. My own wedding was quite a big and formal affair, cute country church, family friend vicar and big "do" at a fabby country mansion house with an ginormous georgian ballroom. Very traditional (for the time). The marriage is over (good riddance to one rat) and my regret is that we didn't have a more modern wedding of a private civil ceremony followed by a humdinger of a party in one of the local area's many function rooms for hire. You can keep your marquee tents, and caterers in uniforms poncing about with chrome-plated trays (supposed to look like silver) bearing canapes no-one in their right mind would imagine inventing ... anchovy and asparagus pate on french toast anyone?)

    Nope. I'm as common as muck, me. Gimme a plate of cheese butties, glass ozzie shiraz and Hi-ho Silver Lining and I'm awaaaaayyyy! :rolleyes:

    *shuffles off, embarrassed after realising I have shown myself up*
  17. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Pffttt....I could have been ready in 4 months! It's Brandon that wants to take his time! :p I'm a little anxious...and you can see since I have a countdown now!

    Just went to my cousin's wedding this weekend which was planned in about 2 months and it was interesting to see what I now know we will and will NOT do after seeing things she did. It was still a fun time and everything came out okay, but there were some bumps. I hope the bride didn't notice though and just enjoyed the day. I know I want to be blissfully unaware of anything that goes wrong on my wedding day! As long as Brandon makes it to the alter I'll be happy! :rolleyes:

    8 months, 26 days.......*sigh* Is it January yet????
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    LOL, Sweetie. One thing I have learned is that every wedding has its snafus. But if you're the bride you're so happy you don't even notice. I thought you wanted a long, drawn out thing a ma bob. Shoulda guessed it was his idea. :)

    My sister's wedding was planned at a cool venue here in town, until the guy tried to fleece them for extra money. They threatened to sue, he backed down, they had their wedding elsewhere anyway and demanded their money back. I think the case is still pending. What a weasel.

    BUT her wedding turned out to be a testament to friendship ... all of her friends pitched in and set it up at a theater here in town and it was beautiful, perfect, and amazing. Plus we had fabulous live music thanks to the fact that she married a jazz musician and all of his friends were there.

    So, all's well that ends well.

    I'm with you, Mirelly. I'm not a fancy schmancy person. My wedding was in a park, followed by a reception at my favorite Greek restaurant. We served appetizers aplenty and lots of wine, and of course a nice lemon cake. I avoided the wedding industry altogether except for said cake. Even rented my dress from a local theater. I was married in blue. (My sister followed in my footsteps and got married in red. I wanted red, couldn't find a dress, and the blue one was lovely.)

    We wrote our own vows, didn't go nuts on the flowers, and all told had a lovely day that didn't put us in debt. Two years later we went on our honeymoon and that's where we blew a wad ... went to Florence thanks to an inheritance from, wait for it ... my great aunt Florence.

    Apt, methinks. :D

    The point of all this rambling? Your wedding will be lovely and perfect no matter what, even if it rains or thunderstorms or hails, if you're marrying the right guy and your dress isn't too tight. :p
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Good job that great aunt's name wasn't Kandahar :rolleyes:
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, well, I do have SOME free will. :p
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