So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Well, I said there is a reason why I am not allowed in the kitchen. Here's another.

    I had three friends to stay over last night - Katie, Eileen and Channie (pronounce it like Shannie - it's actually Chantelle, but Channie is her nickname). Eileen is MAD, Channie is a blonde version of Eileen, and Katie a little quieter but still just as fun. So we had fun, did the usual girly stuff. And then this morning - well, it was more like two in the afternoon - Eileen got hungry. Big surprise. So she moaned at me until I said yes, as long as she watched what she was going and was careful, she could cook the ready made pasta thing she had brought on the hob.

    So I made myself toast (safe and yummy - and for once not burnt) while Eileen faffed around making the pasta sauce. I went back upstairs where Channie was absorbed in the computer and Katie was in the shower. I sat down to watch Friends with my scrummy toast in my bombsite of a bedroom. Eileen came upstairs and sat down on the fold out couch (which was at the time a bed lol) and I said reminded her to keep an eye on the sauce, to which she told me it would be okay - it would be a few minutes yet. After 2 minutes or so (I don't remember, I was pretty absorbed in Friends) (and my toast) she went off back to the kitchen. A minute later I thought 'something isn't right here' and a split second later the fire alarm goes off.

    Now our fire alarm is pretty weird. It goes (really shrill) beep; beep; beep; and then this womans voice goes 'fire - fire' then it goes beep; beep; beep again. So I ran downstairs to find the place filled with smoke and Eileen laughing her head off at the fire alarm. It turns out the sauce boiled over and now there are burn marks on the hob. We spent 2 hours with the Mr Muscle. It actually really was fun!

    They want to stay again tomorrow night. Yay! But I haven't spoken to my Mum yet. Going to stay up tonight because she's out with some friends for their annual curry so I'll catch her when she gets in. Hehehe!
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    :p Your daughter does have a beautiful name. Is it a family name?

    No, not a family name. Actually found it in one of those baby name books. Moselle is the feminine form of Moses. It is also a river in Germany I think, where they make Moselle wine.

    It means "taken from the water" Her middle name is Renee, which means reborn.

    Originally we had chosen Lianna, but when she was born she just fit Moselle better.
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I laughed out loud at your story, Babe, but even more I liked the way you told it ...

    And I agree, Moselle is a lovely name.

    Yeah! We're back up! Whew.

    I'm copying PDL to my hard drive tonight. Just in case. :eek:
  4. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Moselle is a very beautiful name.

    Seriously, I think I'm gonna make Mum chuck out that fire alarm and get a new one. I wouldn't be able to run out of the house - I'd be bent over laughing too much. If I could I'd test it and get you a recording - could I do that?

    Probably best not. You ear drums would bust with the SHRILL BEEPING.

    That was scary couple of hours. I dreaded the worst about WorldSims. I even got a friend to try and come on to check it wasn't just my AOL messing about again. I almost cried when I discovered I couldn't get on!
  5. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    There should almost be a "Journal" function for us to keep all of our stuff in. :p ;)
  6. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    two things: one is a secret vice: "Deal or No Deal"

    #2 I think the vocal in the fire alarm is actually because some children don't respond to the beep beep, but will to a voice.
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I read that story to Witch Baby and we had a good laugh, Babe. Too funny for words.

    I posted today! Did anyone read it?

    OK, how pathetic is that ... :rolleyes::eek:
  8. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Glad I'm entertaining - it's good to know!

    It's okay, I read. I always do!

    It's not that pathetic. I added to Curtains Up about 3 days ago and it was totally spur of the moment post and not one reply! It was a post I really liked as well!

    Oh well. I know when I'm not loved. When I start charging for my comedy expertise, you'll be sorry... ;)

    Not bothered - I know you're readng anyway.
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    OK, SBW and Babe, I read and reread your posts because they're so good and I didn't post yet because...well...words fail me. Actually, sitting in the basement with the spiders, the only light coming from the monitor...(OK, it's not THAT bad but almost)...well it's not terribly confortable. It's hard typing with the keyboard in my lap. THe mouse is on a wobbly cardboard box. To put up chapters to Ironsides I had to copy from one computer to another with a CD. The house stinks of paint. The guest room where we're sleeping is uncomfortable (guests don't stay long.)

    So, I'm whining and complaining because I can do that here. :eek: I'm going to go make positive comments to your stories before my coworkers catch me fooling around.

    (p.s. I know exactly how you guys feel, too. :D So I don't think you're pathetic, SBW, and I loves you, Babe. I can always count on you to make me smile.)
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I always read your story, too, Babe. Sorry I didn't post. I was trying to think of something interesting to say. Very scary stuff!!! :eek:

    Thanks for the reassurance, Lynet! It's nice to know someone's out there ...

    Hope your computer woes end soon.

    I'm supposedly working so I'd better get back to it!
  11. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Yeah, what she said. ;)

    I was actually walking home from helping some old people today (no lie!) (honestly!) and I found myself thinking how interesting it would be to play Errol. And SBW, you're story has so manyplotlines it's impossible not to be interested!

  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Maybe I should package Errol and Harcourt, or Alka. Or Granddad. They're in the body shop -- no personalities or friends, just empty-headed sims. :p

    Actually, I think Harcourt's one of the Maxis supplied models in the CAS window although I've saved him in body shop now because I often forget what color eyes I've given them :eek: . I just made a couple of minor adjustments; skintone, eyes, etc. The same with Alka.

    I have Chee-z's Franz sim, although it's just the form, not the substance. ;) . I think he'd look cool as an overweight shop owner. Selling toys is what I'm thinking but haven't acted on it yet.
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    There's a bartender who looks a lot like Errol. In my game he's Dominique Zaidi or something like that. Very exotic name for a guy with a mug like that. Olivia made friends with him. I liked his face because he reminded me of Errol, but I've learned my lesson about fraternizing with bartenders (once you do, it seems like they work freakin' EVERYWHERE ... you try cheating on one sometime).

    I may have to incorporate him somehow anyway ...

    And, Lynet, you want people to actually want to buy toys, right? I think Franz would make me run in the other direction ...
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Errol is a creation dating back to when I first got the game and discovered movie making. I was out to create organized crime types and he shows up as a bad guy (a killer) in my unfinished movie (to be found on but only if you have the patience, because they are big files, and I think the music files might have gotten corrupted, too. :cry: )

    Later on (much later) I discovered Helaene's skin tones, and lots of hair and clothes downloads from all over. I recycled Errol with new skin and hair.

    Actually, Granddad is also a recycled gangster from the movie. As well as Duke Sidewalker. :rolleyes:

    I just love their faces.

    However, I can easily believe you may have seen a similar guy in the game because I'm sure that although I used body shop I probably went through the various Maxis made models and used one to modify, although much more extensively than with Harcourt and Alka. Maxis models don't look quite mean enough for gangster types. :bandit:

    (This is a slow day at work. Plenty to do, but it bores me.)

    It could be so much fun. :p
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Michelle, I like your Mae West signature quote.

    I've decided on a change to mine, too. :)
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yay to signature makeovers :D The same old aphorisms start to grate after a while ... though I still miss Rowanstaff's epic ... speaking of whom ... where is the kilt-wearing freak? Haven't seen him around recently. Perhaps he got a breeze up his sporran and tripped o'er his dirk ... oi! That's dirk! Honestly! Some people's minds are like sewers :rolleyes:
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, Mirelly. :D The quote I'm not going to change, though, is the Hendrix one. It's on the frame for my car's license plate, too. 'Tis my daughter's fave and I think it speaks volumes regardless of what Hendrix may have intended (which I have no idea.)

    I love your new avatar, too. I've got to go digging and find another one for myself. As much as I adore and worship Errol it's time to move along.
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Lynet, I don't use a sig line because I think it disrupts my story too much, but I've wanted, ever since I saw yours, to make mine,

    "Excuse me while I kiss this guy."

  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LMAO, SBW. I am so tempted. But I'll stick with the sky. Kind of like dreaming the impossible dream. :eek:
  20. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Speaking of kilts, I'm just thanking the Lord God above that Dad didn't aactually hire the suit for the wedding. He was deadly serious.
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