So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Sorry about the Tooth Hugz :cry:
    Maybe you should ask for the gas as well.
    I hate dentists. I had $50,000 worth of implants done. What a pain. 1 year of torture.
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I guess we need teeth. :dopey: :bitelip: :biting: :gnasher: :weightlifter: :D
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Don't hear much from Person123 these days. I wonder if she is writing a story for our story contest.

    Hi, 123! I've seen you on line sometimes. Hehe! Like NOW! :D
  4. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Wow, and you've been running this site for how long? I'm so impressed. How you must have laughed when we were all playing: What Does Joshie Look Like?
  5. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Wow I remember that thread! LOL :p It was hilarious when we were trying to guess. Blue smurf and all that. :p
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Just when I thought i had seen everything ...!

    This morning I dragged myself up to the screen to check my email and duh! No connection. :( Blooming hardware .... mumble mumble ... check modem, flashy lights not flashy ... well some are flashing but not in the right way. Swear and grumble. Reboot puter and modem, drink tea. Modem still misbehaving, try various other things including total shutdown of all followed by a full exorcism (threaten machine with dumpster if won't behave ... usually scares up enough gremlims to vacate the dusty spaces between the chips so that normal service will resume) ... restart system, armed with a fresh cup of really hot tea and a slice of thickly buttered, extra-crunchy toast. Still no joy.

    With feeling of dread call tech. support in Mumbai (eh? well where would YOU put tech support if you were an ISP called Virgin? :rolleyes: ) After jumping through a lot of hoops we arrive at the conclusion that modem is deceased and requires "repair" (the notion that the little grey box contains anything resembling user-servicable parts is ludicrous but arguing with a person who is probably in a different hemisphere is too taxing before the third cup of tea). Service is arranged for Friday am. "That's practically next week!" I wimper, already in a state of surrender.

    Decide to play sims instead (because I obviously cannot finish the website I am supposed to be working on). After an hour I decide to have a proper breakfast ... I've been good for a whole week but the siren call of bacon is too much. While the bacon sizzles I wander back to the puter ... !!!!

    Dead. First thought is why has screen-saver kicked in when TS2 was running. It's not supposed to happen. I rattle space bar before I clock the fact that the case is silent. The fan is silent. All the fans are silent. Power cut? Don't be silly! The TV is on and so are the little pilot lights on the monitor and the printer. Swear again. This is turning into a sweary day.

    Hit power button. I just lost a whole hour's sims play. Could've been worse, but might yet be worse, anyway. What damage was done by the self shutdown. Return to bacon ... yum!

    Look in on puter restarting ... ooh. What's it doing? Windows is restarting? So it had hibernated?

    The restart bar froze at 50% and stayed there for nearly ten minutes. When it started moving again it moved swiftly enough and I was back with my sims. Go figure.

    Took a look at modem out of optimism ... ooh, flashy lights all flashy in business-like manner. So here I am. Perplexed and confused. :eek:

    PS And all this happens after the weekly Monday small-hours full system scan. Paranoia means I am now worrying what little piece of joy-killer code the scan missed because system restarts don't occur by themselves. But what sort of virus make a puter hibernate?
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm not sure, but you're online now, so does that mean it's all better? I'm sorry for your woes. I know how you feel. Mine continue.

    I played for about three hours on Friday and then started to get the perpetual screen of purple death. Couldn't even save the game. Finally the vid card crashed. So, got a new GPU fan this weekend, brother installed it, worked spiffy at his place (dropped 9 degrees C, which only went up 4C when playing a test lot in the sims) got it home, it was back up to 50C at idle! It used to idle at 53. $35 for 3 degrees? Augh. Didn't even bother to test play, I was that disgusted. Why would it be OK at his place and not mine? His tiny home office is stuffy and hot. My basement office is cool and large. What gives!?!!!

    My CPU core temp is beautiful (idles at 35C). It's just the stupid graphics card that's giving me problems.

    I'm going to get a new intake case fan to improve circulation. If that doesn't work I'm going to sit down and cry for a long long time. I bought a gooseneck fan but the only place that would work seems to have a stripped screw. Or I'm just using the wrong tool. Anyway, I plan to return it and use the money for a new case fan. And have a martini.

    Of course, it is possible that with the new vid fan and the new case fan that the game won't increase temps that much. But given my luck I'm not counting on it.

    I plan to write some more in my story soon but I'm so sick of the sims right now. Stupid game. Stupid computer. Major pout.

    My husband thinks I'm losing it. I'm not. I'm just sick to death of this. I have a really great computer, much better than any computer I've ever had, and it's causing me more problems than I've ever had. Why is that?

  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Sorry for your woes, too, SB. I appear to be OK, but Monday, as they say, is a write off. :p

    Meanwhile ... location, location, location. At your brother's -- in his hot and stuffy (oo-er! ;) ) home office -- your puter was probably out in the open, on a desk or bench ... or if his office is like mine ... on a pile of old books, magazines and laundry (yes, I've got a laundry basket. Where do you think the cat sleeps?) At home, does your puter have plenty of fresh air?

    Meanwhile, my own woes have given me a reason to clear out more garbage from my downloads folder. The Sims 2 Categorizer is a neat gadget. I have finally edited all those custom cars I got to give them (a) sensible prices and (b) actual names instead of them all being the Yamashot Evasion (complete with the original Maxis description ... and that's the reason why I moan about meshers who don't bother to finish the job), plus editing a whole load of custom beds to give them useful comfort/energy ratings. I dunno what some meshers are thinking of. Who in their right mind would buy an uncomfortable bed if they could afford a decent one?

    Looking for silver linings can be hard work ... :rolleyes:
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Well, you see, that's the rub. He had it under his desk, wedged in with all of his other equipment (he works at home so he has a lot of it). At my house it's up on the desk with ventilation on all sides.

    I need to get that utility. My downloads are out of control. Could they cause game crashies? If so I'm willing to get rid of almost all of them. I need to keep some skin and eyes because I'm using 'em.

    Oops. Gotta go. Me n Sacha are having lunchables. Don't want to be late!
  10. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I've had my laptop shut down because it overheated. I ended up getting a lap board that has fans built into it. I haven't had that sort of episode again. :eek:

    I think I may be pushing this thing too hard, as I have WoW + expansion and The Sims 2 + all expansions on here, plus a bunch of other software (some I don't know why it's on here!). Yet the ironic thing is that the desktop 'puter has obsolete memory that I can't upgrade because I'd might as well buy a new computer for the amount they want me to pay. :rolleyes: Sims 2 runs like mollasses on 512MB memory, as does WoW. It does run fine for Photoshop or whatever. :eek: So here it is on the spiffy 1GB memory laptop ^_^
  11. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I agree! Any guesses why? :rolleyes:

    Hehe, congrats Josh! 3 more semesters left...unless you're doing summer terms as well!
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    need to do summer :p
  13. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    YAY! :classic:

    A lil while ago I had my dentist appointment for this awful tooth to either a) get it removed, b) do nothing and wait another week, c) put another temp dressing in or d) get it root filled.

    It was with my own dentist today ( but he's still new to me really) and he decided to try to root fill it today after warning me first that it's highly likely to need pulling. So after 2 HORRENDOUSLY PAINFUL injections, I never felt a thing the entire time! Way to go! I had to ask him why he hadn't used those longish root files that I had expected and then he grinned and showed me the handpiece with them on and said he chose not to tell me at the time. :p Thank goodness! They looked demonic! LOL

    Hopefully that's the end of the problem now, fingers crossed. Just need to take nurofen after it unfreezes and then it should be fine in a few days. So glad it's over! :biggrin:
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Glad to hear it's over, Hugz, :) and that you're feeling better. What a (an?) horrendous ordeal.

    We had a fox visit our yard yesterday evening. We were inside, looking out the sliding glass door at the back yard while we ate dinner. The fox hung around at the edge of the woods, just pacing back and forth, sometimes sitting down or lying down. Looked like he had arranged a date and his guest didn't show. Eventually, he went back into the woods. I didn't try for a picture because I knew he'd run off too fast if I went outside.
  15. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    "One more hour until I get to heaven! One more hour until my plans are made! One more hour until the kids leave school for the summer, and MegRen and co-workers can plaaaaaaaaaaaay!"

    Now, who can figure out the inspiration behind my little ditty? :D
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I dont' know, Meg. :confused: I may need a hint. :eek:

    BUT, what's new with me is that my husband's company is going to hire me. :D I won't be working directly with my husband who is the tax manager/partner. That's mostly because he was afraid we'd end up fighting about work after we got home. :rolleyes: Possible. I can carry a grudge for a few miles. I'll be working for another man in the company, auditing banks.
  17. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Whats new with me?
    A friend of mine, a fellow musician just gave me a brand new gibson electric Les Paul guitar.:D I'm rapped. My last one was stolen. he collects guitars and said to me He didn't have enough room for it.
    So that's four musical instruments I now own. lol
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    That's great, Odin. Guitars can be pricey. Nice of your friend to lend you his.

    And I'm glad you won't be working directly for your husband, Lynet! But I hope you find your new job more interesting than your present one. And hey, you should save on gas if you both work at the same place.

    I'm meeting my husband for lunch today. Otherwise, not much new in my little corner of the world, except we're on a kitten hunt. The breeder isn't coming through so now we're considering rescue cats. I have a friend with an in. We're going to try to meet some kittens next month. A lot of them were just born. Awwwww ....

    When we finally get our new little addition I'll be sure to post pictures.
  19. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    The song originally goes "One more mile until we get to heaven! One more mile until our plans are made."

    Let me know if you need more!
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    How cool is that! :D I just noticed that you previously let slip a mention of 50 grands of dental work ... you must be our secret "big star" ;)
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