So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    I could use all the help I can get. :p

    Story writing was never one of my strong points. Actually, I have no creativity at all. :eek:

    I was always a science geek at school - literature was my weakest subject.
    /me proudly displays my Grade E :rolleyes:

  2. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Righty-ho, I'll try to cook something up. I gotta think of some good tips though, first, which could take some time. :eek:

    Going to get my hair cut today! :sour: Not really sure what I want though. I want to get it cut short-ish 'cause I can't be arsed to have long hair anymore. Fingers crossed that I won't come back looking like some fluffy hamster/piglett/whatever animal you can think of! :crossfingers: :silly:

    LOL, Hugz, did you get that E in Science or Literature? :silly:
  3. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I'm loving this news writing class. Short, to the point sentences. No fluff. ;)

    However, it's an odd juxtaposition to be taking that and a business presentations course at the same time. :eek:
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    E as in excellent? :D
  5. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Good news, Lynet...His website is WRONG! I just finished his latest novel, which was just published last September (2006) - Under Orders. I features one of my favorite characters, Sid Halley, and was quite a fun "listen" (I got it on Audible, and listened to it on my iPod - although I also have the hardcover...)

    Here is the Amazon link:

    The paperback is also being released in August.

    I do enjoy Mr. Francis's work, and was afraid we'd seen the last of it. So I was pretty pleased to find a new one!
  6. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I just got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago...after having it very long, pretty much since college! (Let's just say that was a long time ago!) I pretty much put my self in the hands of my stylist, and although it took me a couple days to get used to it, now I LOVE it! (Who knew I had curly hair???)

    It was pretty fun going to work the next Monday, 'cause most people were in shock - but in a GOOD way!

    I'll cross my fingers that you will also have a great haircut! :crossfingers: And remember, if it turns out less then stellar, it can always grow back!
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I love your new haircut! It's so cute and fun.

    I think you're probably more creative than you think, Hugz. You're certainly funny. Why not give it a whirl? We promise to be nice.

    I think, when writing a story, it helps to know where it's going, right from the start. But if you write interesting characters they sometimes take over and say, hey, I would never do that! In which case it's best to listen ...

    Your story doesn't have to be about anything "big." Just take a situation from the game and think about how to make it interesting to others.

    At least, that's what I do.
  8. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    It was in Literature - the entire year group got an E that year in Literature (we never did find out why but actually I was only pleased that I didn't get an F. :p ) I double majored in Science and Geography at Uni, they were my best subjects.

    I wish. :p

    Thanks for the vote of confidence SBW. :) If I could even be half as good as all the story writers here I'll consider myself successful. :)

    Well, what's new with me is that today I was told that my temporary job has to finish tomorrow - funding has been suspended for all temporary workers where I work and it's with immediate effect. There's a lot of restructuring going on right now in the City Council and our Department is next on the hit list. I feel really raw about it at the moment - it's a shock as it was such short notice, and I have loved working there. My agency has found me some temporary admin work in another part of the Council - Fostering and Adoption (part of Social Services) but it won't start until 2nd July. So unless I can find another job for the next 3 weeks, I'm gonna be at home all day. Still, I've gained a lot of experience in this job and it will help me to get a job with more responsibility now that I have direct experience and a long list of Social Services contacts. I need to update my CV by tomorrow so I had better get started on that.
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you, Sacha. I'll be sure to find it so that I can read it on my next plane ride out to California, coming up at the end of August (granddaughter's 1st birthday. :) )
  10. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    My hair turned out OK, I suppose. It was a bit different from what I had expected but I'll get used to it like Sacha's nice hair. :) Thanks for crossing your fingers for me, BTW Sacha!

    I have now attempted to start a thread with a few tips in it for story writing. Hope it's OK. :eek:
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It's great! :D
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    What's new with me is today I got paid to help organize my department picnic. I'm exhausted! But I think everyone had a good time. I've got a headache from being out in the sun too long, oh, and from playing kickball while a bit on the tipsy side. Silly me.

    Hope you all had a fun day as well.
  13. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Sounds a bit like emulating your countryclub sims to me :D
  14. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Oooo! Sounds like fun! Which park did you go to? (I hope it wasn't TOO hot!)
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    MLK park, on Nicollet. It's a nice park.

    Today Witch Baby and I walked to the seafood store and then the Asian grocery and bought sushi making stuff. I've only lived here 10 years, I thought maybe I should, oh, I don't know, take advantage of the fact that I live right down the street from a place that sells sashimi-grade sushi to restaurants and the best Asian grocery in the city. :rolleyes:

    So, we made cucumber rolls--she doesn't do the raw fish thing yet--and tuna rolls and sashimi on rice and had mango mochi ice and almond cookies for dessert. And tea.

    We plan to do this every Saturday we're not busy this summer. I'm thrilled that she likes healthy food, finally! She gobbled it up, seaweed, tea, and all. We made her daddy get up a bit early for work so he could eat with us. He said it was like Father's Day a bit early, so fancy.

    Next time, I'm buying wine. I have a gift certificate to Williams Sonoma and I'm going to see how much a fish filet knife would set me back. And we're going to go to the Asian store and buy some Japanese serving dishes--you know, the cute little square ones. Witch Baby says Japan is the land of cute.

    It's also the land of presentation. Presentation is everything.

    Anyway, tons of fun! Shall have to thank my coworker who suggested it. I was too chicken to try it myself, but he said he does it all the time, and I thought what the hey. Sushi-grade fish for two was $13 instead of $40. Can't beat that with a stick! Maybe if I get good at it I'll have a sushi party. It's quick, and fun! Just gotta work on my rolling technique.
  16. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Lol when i go fishing I take soy and wassaby with me and have fresh sushi on the boat. My friends hate to fish with me cause I eat the bait.:D
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    ROTFL, Moon. Just make sure the hooks have been removed.
  18. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I'm not too keen on fish - it's too fishy for me. :silly: But I love sushi. It's so yummy and you can do a lot with it. One of my cousins and I attempted to make some sushi for Christmas. It went OK but we thought it would be best to order some as well, in case people got poisoned by our stuff. :silly:

    Moon, you really like hot stuff, don't you? I tasted wassaby once (with my sushi, as a matter of fact) and I thought I'd get cocky and took too much. Yuck, it went right up my nose! :yuck: Not a pleasant experience... I'm NEVER going to take lots of that stuff again. My cousins and my brother had a real laugh though... :rolleyes:
  19. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    When I go to visit my bf in Vancouver in July, he promises that he will let me try *real* sushi, not California rolls. :D My family is not too keen on the idea of eating sushi, so I haven't introduced it to them yet. :eek:
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Califormnia rolls = sushi for wimps.

    Midori's Floating World, here in Minneapolis, does make good ones, though. :D
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