So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Well it looks like we found a car! 1998 Ford Taurus, 68000 miles, excellent condition, $4300.00. It has a moon roof!!!!! It seriously is in beautiful shape! It's maroon in color, and excellent interior and exterior. It's in the shape of a car that is a 2002 year vs. 1998.

    I'm excited. Brandon is going to look at it again with me tomorrow, so far only I've seen it. I did put $200.00 down on it for them to hold it for me. So as long as Brandon likes it, we're getting it. Now I have to wait for the loan to go through. If it doesn't I do have a line of credit I can use, but the loan is cheaper. *does a little dance* I'm really excited about this car!

    And, talk about a sign that this was going to be it, when I was walking out to my current car, someone stopped me and told me they were VERY interested in checking out my car tomorrow, even with the high miles and defects it has! So it's possible that my old car sells tomorrow and I get a new one tomorrow as well! Wouldn't that be just awesome!
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It amused me to think you might be smiling just like your avatar, Shana. :D
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So I have tried several times tonight to upload one picture to the Worldsims Gallery without success. It seems to lock up on a blank white screen. So I'm going to try to attach it here. It's jst a picture of some flowers on one of the cherry trees.

    I guess it will need to be 'approved' before anyone can see it.

    If I can figure out again how to get pictures up in the Gallery I'll add a couple more of the cherry trees. They're beautiful. And way too big for one picture, unfortunately, although I tried and tried to find an angle that fit all four of them into one shot.
  4. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I am now! Meet my new car! Isn't she pretty! I need a good name for her still.

    Get this story though, so apparently this car has an alarm on it, or at least a panic button, my keyless entry remote doesn't have the symbols on it, only numbers. Somehow I managed to turn the alarm on at my parents at 10pm! Yikes! My parents live in a really quite neighborhood about a half an hour out of the twin cities. Not a whole lot happening...our neighbors lights were turning on. Anyway, we could NOT get the alarm to go off..3 straight minutes of the darn car beeping at us, and the keyless remote wouldn't shut it off! Not even turning the car on with the key worked! My dad ended up disconnecting the battery! It's fine now, but for the meantime I'm not using the keyless thing till we can figure that one out.

    Anyway, here are some pictures of my new baby safe in her parking spot in our garage!

  5. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Oooh, she's very nice. My Dad and I named the Peugeot Mary J after the singer because she's fab, and when I told my Mum she thought we caled her Mary J because the number plate says MJ at the beginning - we'd never even noticed. How fabby?

    Look at your number plate, Shana, and it may reveal all!
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Real nice. I wanted a blue car but the dealer didn't have any so I settled for a grey one. So BORING.
  7. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Ach. grey. My old school uniform was grey. Just like the skies in sunny Britland.
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    What's new is I can't post on any thread except with Quick Reply, and that doesn't always work. Help!
  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Well the plates, which aren't on the car yet because I am waiting for the tab stickers from the dealer are: NSL 500. My thoughts immediately: No Speed Limit, 500 miles per hour!!! Hehe, but its not really a name.

    And I'm sorry SBW. My attachement options doesn't work anymore, which is why I have been posting my pictures right in the thread. Kind of sucks. I click on the attachment button and nothing happens, when before it used to pop up a window. This is only on my home computer by the way, not at work. For a while the smilies pop up window didn't work on either computer, now it works on both! :eek: I don't know what's going on, I haven't changed any of the settings on either of the comps.
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Quick posting to say: My car's name is Nico, as in the Velvet Underground. She used to be cute and sassy but she's got a few years on her now. I've had her 14 years and she's a little rusty and tired but runs great.

    Only 130,000 miles on her, and she's been to Savannah, Georgia and back, as well as one trip to Granville Ohio and several to Duluth and other parts north and to Appleton, Wisconsin to visit the parental units.

    We, um, don't drive much.

    We broke down in McGregor, Minnesota once (nicest place on earth to break down, BTW) and when the tow truck came he asked how many miles we had on the car. I told him and he said he didn't think their mechanic had any parts that new. I said, "It's a 92."

    He looked at me like, "Who ARE you people?"

    LOL. I guess in McGregor people drive to the video store, even if it's next door. We live in the city, so we walk most places.
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Rosie? Connects colour of car & your location and it's just nice and sweet :)
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    My bike is named Rosie! She's a cute little red cruiser.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I remembered what my computer's name is -- Sky King (an ancient TV show.) I hadn't given it any name until my son set up the wireless network and asked me for a name for it. Since he hasn't been around for months I'd forgotten all about it, until I was messing around with the wireless business this weekend.

    But I haven't named my car. It's just My Car. :p

    I tried to upload pictures to the Gallery this morning and it didn't work. Maybe my connection to the internet is too weak for that kind of load.:confused:
  14. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    how about... "On the Road Again"?
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Plane Delay

    Guess what? I'm still in Baltimore. :( We sat on the runway for several hours yesterday while they tried to fix some mechanical problem. Then they sent everyone home (or to hotels) until today, Sunday. Last word we had is that the plane is supposed to take off this evening at 6:50 pm. :crossfingers:

    So I'm home now, putting my computer back together in my 'office'. I love the new color. It's blue (greyish.) It used to be pink :rolleyes: which I didn't care for very much.
  16. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    That sucks Lynet, hope your trip isn't delayed too much longer!

    Oh another note, I decided on a name for my car: Razz. Kind of sort for Raspberry for the color, and also just because it sounds sassy!
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Cute! I like it.

    Are you joining Sacharissa and me next Saturday? Guess we'd better pick a time and place!
  18. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    My brother's car is named Goldie. Seems fitting, considering it's an old gold Volvo. :rolleyes:

    I did not realize this thread was here :shocked: I could say what's new with me is that I'm tired, stressed out and hoping that school will finally end. It's not like that I have a serious case of Senioritis, but I'm just completely fed up with high school and the stupidity of the last semester of Senior year. :mad: I feel like I'm not getting prepared for college, even though I'm in three advanced placement classes. *sigh* I'm taking two AP tests a week from tomorrow and Tuesday, and it feels like I'm ill-prepared for both. :( Sure, I know how to write an essay for English Language and Composition, but I'm not getting any other preparation for it except writing an idiotic play for the Senior Luncheon. :rolleyes: The Statistics test scares me, yet it's the only class that seems structure and is actually preparing me for the darn test. *crosses fingers* >_< So yeah, I have the stressed out, home stretch blues. :eek: I graduate in less than a month and we're not doing anything productive...lovely! :rolleyes: /end rant
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing a lot more than I did my senior year, and I turned out OK. Got into college and everything.

    If you know how to study you'll do fine. That's the key to getting through college.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    So what's new is, I'm sick. Just a little summer cold but it's wiping me out. Don't even feel much like simming, so you know I am definitely sick! :eek:

    Going to go back to bed now. Just had to get up to make the kid's lunch before her father takes her to school. (There's just something about a Mama-made lunch, I guess.)

    Hope you all are well.
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