Teacher Love

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by gyro_kisschasy, Dec 25, 2005.

  1. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    Because vampirism is an acquired affliction, not a genetic one. Sims can't be born vampires, they can only become one by being bit.
  2. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Can children and babies be bitten?
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I wondered about that myself. Then I started wondering if children and babies could use the coffins because they'd need to. And could they go to school without getting burned up by the sun? I decided without even testing it in the game that they probably could not be bitten.

    Also, they'd stay little kids and babies forever. :(
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    No. I'm not even sure that teens can. I think there are two teen vampires for download on the official site, a boy and a girl, but otherwise I'm not sure a vamp can bite a teenager, much like they can't flirt with them, etc.

    Young Adults, now, definitely. All of my vamps were turned in college. They do transition to Adult, but then they stay stuck at 29 days till elder.

    At least until a glitch forces you to switch them back. :(

    Oh, well. I think it worked well in my story, anyway.
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It sure did. I didn't even know there'd been a glitch you had to work around. :D

    But regarding the age transition business: I can see why college age vampires would have to transition to adult, but adult vampires don't transition to elder vampires, do they? I thought they just lived forever in the adult stage.
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    They never age past the first day of adulthood if they're vampires, that's correct. Spike and London still have 29 days to go until adulthood, and you know how much I've played them ...
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    OK, I get it. I misunderstood your previous post. :eek: Thanks.
  8. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    i tried something a bit cruel once.... :eek: i had some chidlren that i didnt want so i made the mum try and bite the child in hopes that the child would become a vampire.. then i would make her go outside and burn up but then i found out children couldnt be bitten so then i had to resort to keeping them in an enclosed room till they persihed of starvation :eek: :(

    Theres a little evil in all of us ;)
  9. ASHMEANS r a d

    ASHMEANS r a d dance master ?


    haha 'tis okay. never hurts to have fun.
    i'm not even going to get into what my friend's sister did in the original sims 1. =]
  10. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    you could devote a thread to it..... very interesting
  11. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I have a couple of teen vampires in my game. Same rule applies to them for aging. They remain teenagers forever, or until you send them to Uni, where they are forced to grow into Young Adults. Careful sending them there though. I almost lost one of them because when they move to Uni it is daytime!
  12. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    Can a parent bite their adult or YA child or would that be considered a romance type action? Like a parent can't flirt with their child.

  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Yes, they can, that's how one of my teens became a vampire. I wanted a family of Vampires and the teen didn't know any other than her parents, so voila, teen vamp!

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