
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ineedhelpPlay, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. ineedhelpPlay

    ineedhelpPlay New Member


    ive been trying and trying to get my sim abducted my aliens and ive been asking him to stargaze many many times and he has gotten many skill pts there a much higher chance of getting abducted if the telecope were on a higher storey?
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Abduction is rare and it's random. I believe you need the more expensive telescope and I also believe it's slightly less random in Strangetown, except with that one household where one of the guys is already pregnant with an alien baby.

    I'd suggest a search of this forum for the other threads that talk about it.
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Do you have university?

    I never got abducted, regardless of where I put the telescope (including on a platform that was taller than the house!) until I played Stella Terrano, a binned sim at La Fiesta Tech.

    Then I had two abductions.

    Some people have gotten abducted anyway, but it's a very small chance. I think someone made a hack to increase your chances a bit.

    I know the bigger telescope helps.
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Jinx, Lynet. You owe me a coke.
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You got it. :D
  6. Thanhlienh

    Thanhlienh New Member

    There is a hack on, here. You can download the .zip and install only the hacked telescope if you don't want the new pollination technicians, but they are awfully cute. I have used this hack in both the base game and Uni, and it works with both, though I have not had a sim abducted with the hacked telescope-- only the normal one. Go figure.

    You do, as far as I'm aware, need the expensive telescope, and abductions only occur between certain hours-- I'm not sure what they are, only that they're at night. :) If you absolutely can't stand it and you need that sim abducted NOW, then here's what to do:

    Load the lot with the sim you want to be abducted in it. It's probably more realistic at night.

    Bring up the cheat box (type control-shift-C).

    In the cheat box type
    and hit enter.

    Now, with the sim you want to have abducted selected, SHIFT-CLICK on the telescope. You should get a few interesting options.

    This is just what I have read-- I've not tried it myself! Remember to turn the testing cheat off again when you're finished by bringing the cheat box up and typing

    Alternatively, you could always grab the InSimenator and use it to force an alien impregnation.

    Good luck!
  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Two Jeffs on has a hack called "Abductions: Higher Odds" that pretty much gives an adult male Sim a 50-50 chance of being abducted.

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