The Dagmar Diaries

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I don't know about Sheldon, but I had Dagmar marry my Legacy Sim in Pleasantville. Although she was a romance sim, she kept her affairs very discreet, and kept her husband very happy. She had four GORGEOUS children and several lovely grandchildren as well. Then, after her husband died, she was able to carry on her affairs a little more freely. She even started flirting with the new mailman, Pao (who had taken over over Dagmar's route).

    Unfortunately, before their relationship progressed too far, Pao was scared half to death by the ghost of Dagmar's first husband. Dagmar died herself, shortly there after. He (Pao) then went on to have an affair with Dagmar's daughter, who gave birth to a really pretty child. So I don't know what kind of a husband or father Pao would make, since he is still delivering mail, but he father's beautiful children! :rolleyes:

    By the way, Lynet - LOVE your story, as usual! Can't wait to see what happens! (And even though you said you were gonna take a break from writing after Andromeda Rose, I KNEW you wouldn't be able to stay away too long! It's in your blood!!)
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I had Dagmar marry a legacy sim in my Baltimore neighborhood. Her daughter was Sybil who was mother to Emmeline and Delila (from my very first story, Dear Emmy) :D.

    I came across a fourth mail carrier, Shane, the other day. Nice looking guy. I'll have to see if he turns up again.


    From Duke Sidewalker's notebook:

    Thursday 12:30 pm. Found Pao Mellon, mail carrier, at the public lot along Temple Road. His route includes the Arkin Amberstone house. He wants to stay out of trouble and talks freely. I asked him about the other mail carrier, the blond who was with him at the Amberstone address Wednesday evening. He gave me her name, Dagmar Bertino, and insisted they werent doing anything at all. Just talking. Bertino wanted to see the scene of the crime. Mellons words.

    When I told him he was trespassing, he broke into a sweat and told me that shed back up his story. His words.

    I pressed him a little harder. He gave me the name of another mail carrier, Sheldon Hanby, and told me I should talk to him, too. Bertino told these two, Hanby and Mellon, that shed been confronted by one of the robots and was asked to deliver a message to Cory ONeill. The message was that Andromeda ONeill was OK and would be contacting him soon. She told them that she delivered the message.

    I gave Mellon my card. Maybe hell think of something else to tell me.
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    From Duke Sidewalker's Notebook:

    Timeline, so far:

    Friday afternoon, Bertino tells Andromeda O’Neill that Arkin Amberstone is looking for her. A. O’Neill leaves immediately in her car. Car found in the garage at the Amberstone house and towed to police lot to be examined for prints, blood and fibers, etc.

    Same afternoon, a few minutes later, Cory O’Neill follows her in his truck. One hour later O’Neill overshoots a curve and rams a tree. The drive from the O’Neill residence to the Amberstone address takes approximately 20 minutes at that time of day. O’Neill’s accident occurred on the Eskil Farm Road, several miles west of the Temple Road and the Amberstone house. Why was he there? Was he following someone, or was he chased? O’Neill claims to remember nothing, not even his own name. The doctor says it’s possible, but that he will eventually remember everything except, perhaps, the accident itself.

    Tuesday, four days late, Orcus Industries files a missing persons report after trying and failing to contact two employees, Arkin Amberstone and Orion Thanatos. One laptop containing important data is also missing and presumed to be in the hands of these robots. What kind of data? O.I. says it’s mathematical and unimportant. O.I. says the disappearance of the employees has nothing to do with the nature of the data, but they want all of them back, employees AND computer. Smells like industrial espionage.

    One week later, Monday evening, one of the robots meets Bertino outside the hospital and asks her to deliver a message to O’Neill. She talks to O’Neill. He leaves the hospital.

    Same night, Monday, O’Neill arrested for breaking and entering the Amberstone house. He says he’s looking for his wife. He knows she was headed to that address. He says that’s all he knows. O’Neill is not cooperative.

    Wednesday afternoon, Bertino and Mellon, mail carriers are seen looking in windows and walking around the house. I don’t see that report until Thursday morning. Told Lawson that I want to know about anyone going to that house as fast as he can dial my number. No exceptions.

    Thursday afternoon, interview with Mellon. Nothing useful to report except the names of two other mail carriers.

    Friday, interview with Bertino. Curious. No mention of the robot. I do not believe she is connected with their disappearance. So why withhold information? Not the type for playing amateur detective. I’ll give her a day to think it over.
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Wow, Lynet. Your architecture never disappoints. Your sets look like something from a movie.

    Quite the pulchritudinous female police officer! Which skins do you use as defaults? Or is she a player sim?

    Oh, and P.S., I knew you wouldn't be able to keep Duke out of it for long! I know you like that character ...
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you. :D I like building the sets.

    The female officer is Duke's wife. At the moment her name escapes me, but I created her at first just to have a policewoman working with the detective. They had a couple of sparks for each other so I let them get married. And yes, Duke has always been one of my favorites. Since I created him in body shop he's available for any neighborhood. :)

    The police station has a residence on the second floor and they live there. I moved a couple of other townies in with them as additional police officers. One of them turned out to be a detective already. :rolleyes:

    I decided I wanted to build a corporate headquarters for Orcus Industries, where the missing robots worked. I've been working on it for a couple of days and it's still mostly empty inside. But here are a couple of pictures, anyway. Residential (because I find it easier to work with my actors on a residential lot,) and Downtown. I spent a couple of hours just deciding on the exterior wall paint. I wanted it to fit in with the Maxis office towers.

    I've fallen in love with those fake greek letters. They make really neat signs for buildings. You can't see it too well in the pictures but the letters are in the foyer, under track lighting.

    I moved the mailbox a little to one side and have my fingers crossed that moving it doesn't create problems.
  6. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    As usual, I love the sets and attention to detail you always have in your stories. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Lynet, you are really just a Movie Producer at heart! :cool:
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Tuesday morning, I cruised around the Valley, including the hospital district, looking for the mail carrier, Dagmar Bertino. No sign of her. I tried Downtown with the same result. Ran into Sheldon Hanby who said the Valley was now his assignment because Bertino had requested a change. Off hand, he didn't know where she was delivering mail now, but he could find out for me. I asked him why she wanted a change. He said he didn't know, that he hadn't talked to her recently. Maybe I should try over at the Oldies' house, where she lives.

    I did. She's moved and did not give her new address to either her landlords or her boss. Or even her friends.

    I called in an APB, and not because I think she's done anything criminal. Her boss says she hasn't shown up for work in two days and that's why Sheldon has her assignment, although he did not tell Sheldon the real reason. Personnel issues are confidential. What issues? I asked him. Late for work, quarrelsome with customers on her route, mail delivered wrong. Stuff like that. Who reported her as quarrelsome? Her boss got nervous and asked that I leave the man alone and not to pester him. He's a big shot. His name is Landgraab, and he lives in Bluewater Village. Pester? I don't pester the big shots. I bring 'em in and grill 'em until they sweat and tell me everything I want to know.

    *Thanks, Sacha.

    Actually, I don't know where Dagmar is, exactly. That is, I've been waiting for her to deliver mail at various households and it's always been one of the other guys. :eek: Sure, with a hack I can summon her, but I like to catch her at the mail box, delivering the mail. So now I'm in Detective Sidewalker's shoes, cruising around all of my neighborhoods, looking for Dagmar.*
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Dear Diary,

    We all agreed that we hated the old house, so we bought a nice, new one by the sea! It's beautiful, with lots of windows and natural light, not to mention an indoor swimming pool. All four of us, and our stuff, not to mention five--yes, five!!--dogs, fit just fine.

    I was so embarrassed today, though, Diary. Our dogs chased the new mail carrier, Dagmar Bertino. Honestly, I thought she'd never get to leave the lot. I tried to call them off but you know how impossible Sarah is, ever since she had her puppies. We didn't even know she was expecting, and then suddenly there was Annie, Zuzu and Sam! They're cute, but Mallory hates all the puddles they leave. We've made it a priority to potty train them.

    We gave Danny one more week, and then we were going to give him up for adoption. He was just impossible, refusing to eat pet food, peeing all over the floor, it was enough to drive all of us bananas. Even Random, who loves dogs, was about to kick him out of the house. And then, suddenly, it was like he knew or something. I guess all the TLC we'd been giving him finally penetrated his thick skull because he's suddenly a model dog. And his favorite person? Me!

    Weird, because I'm a cat person at heart. Go figure.

    Anyway, I gave Dagmar a big tip. I hope we still get our mail!

    Selena Kane McKenna

    Attached Files:

  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    OMG, thank goodness. You found her. ROTFL.
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    From Detective Sidewalker's notebook:

    Tuesday afternoon: A couple of traces on the mail carrier, Dagmar Bertino. She's taken a job with the postal system in another town, Porta de Luca, which is out of my jurisdiction. The local police, however, tell me that the postal delivery routes out of that town include one or two neighborhoods in my own area, one of them up in the mountains. I think she may have moved there.

    I'll look her up tomorrow. Tonight, I'll check out Landgraab's club in Blue Water Village. The talk around the station here is that the club is a money loser and may be a front for something criminal. Evidence? I ask for it and I get nothing. Just talk.

    *Found her at last. It's been a long search, but I found her delivering mail to my Andromeda story extras (transparent sims, albino sims, weird sims) up in the mountain where I built the big black temple to Machist (or MacKist or however that name is spelled. I can't remember. :eek: )*
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It's out of his jurisdiction, but he could always give David Sullivan a call, LOL. He's my new chief of police since Orlando retired ... :D
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dear Diary,

    I have my own house now. Its small, but its entirely, completely mine. Thank you, Aunty Wilhelmina. Im sorry I never met you because the money you left for me, plus the money I had saved, got me my own home at last.

    How do I find out about you, Aunty Wilhelmina? I dont have any memory of you at all. Daddy never mentioned his family, nor Mothers family either. Daddy certainly never said he had a sister. But the lawyers insisted that I was your niece and your only heir, and that the 15,000 simoleons were really mine. They were absolutely certain. Your last will and testament told them to find Dagmar Bertino, and gave the exact date, place and time of my birth in the downtown Medical Center.

    So, Aunty, here I am in Sayreville, as far away as I can get from creeps like Landgraab. Can you believe it? He filed an official complaint against me!!! No ones ever done that before, I swear. Are you going to haunt me now, Aunty? Please dont. They told me you were buried downtown in the same cemetery where Mother and Daddy are buried. Ill visit you there if you promise not to haunt me.

    That sound you here is my stomach growling. I spent all day arranging my things and forgot to eat lunch. Theres a can of cheese soup for dinner. Id better go heat it up.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    What a day, Diary,

    All new routes to learn. Ive brought maps home to memorize the streets. Most of the people in Porta de Luca are nice, though. Some of the dogs seem to have a thing against mail carriers. Pao has always complained about dogs. I think hes secretly terrified of them, but they usually never bother me. Until this big, white one. Whew, Im glad her owner called her off. The tip was nice, too.

    Sayreville, where I live now, is one of my other routes. The people here are nice enough, but theyre all strange. I can even see through some of them. Clear through, like they were made of glass or something. My next-door neighbor is Jason Larson. He still gets mail for a sister, Jodie, whos moved downtown. The neighbor on the other side is Gieke (or Geike -- his mail is addressed either way.) Then theres a woman named Kat down the road.

    Theres a bookstore/bar across the street. Next to it is a caf that serves very good food. Theres a bar there, too. I asked the bookstore clerk why there are two bars in such a small town. She said theyre for the tourists. Take a look out back, she said. So I did. There are big stone ruins that people come a long, long way to see and study. All the scientists are trying to understand who built them. No one knows.

    Im so tired. Im yawning more than writing. Goodnight, Diary.
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Wow, Diary, the detective found me. Why was he looking? Because of the robots? Because of Orion?

    But its even more complicated than that. I met the other robot, Arkin! I just stopped in the bookstore on my way home because I wanted to buy a new notebook for my writing. Then I thought Id get a soda at the bar while I was there. Someone sat down next to me and Yikes! I looked up and saw a face made of metal and thought for one split second that it was Orion. But it wasnt. And he started talking to me like we knew each other, and introduced himself: Arkin. Just like that, he said his name as if the whole world isnt looking for him.

    I got up to leave. He got up, too and asked me all kinds of questions, like did I enjoy working for the postal service? How were the benefits and the pay? Did I get much time off to visit family? Did I have any family living nearby?

    I didnt tell him anything. He was too creepy and the questions were too personal. I told him that the best way to learn about the postal service was to go get a job there and find out for himself what it was like. He got such a strange look on his metal face--a smile that wasnt really a smile.

    Just trying to get some information for a friend, he said.

    Then tell your friend to apply for a job there, I said.

    Why was he asking this stuff, Diary? Why does he want to know these things about me? Or the postal service? Friend? Phooey!

    And then it was the detective.

    I left the bookstore, went home, changed clothes, paced around my empty living room, and went across the street to the caf for a drink of something a little stronger than soda.

    There he was, looking right at me, because he knew who I was even though I was not wearing my uniform and had sunglasses on my face.

    Hi, Dagmar, he said. I need to talk to you.

    No, I said. Im through talking to all of you! I havent done anything. I dont know anything. Leave me alone! I turned around and ran home. I was so mad. The only thing to drink in this house is water, but I refuse to go out again. Im going to bed.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Foolish of me, Diary, to ever think that the detective was not going to come knocking on my door. He pulled up in front of my house early the next morning. At least he wasnt driving a cruiser. Before he could get past the mailbox, I went out and told him to go away. I told him to stop pestering me. I guess I made him angry at last because he got a mean look on his face and said we could go back to the station and talk, if Id rather have it that way.

    No, Id rather not. So talk! What is it that you think I know that youve got to follow me way out here? Must have been a long drive.

    But a nice one. The mountain road is very scenic. A pretty town, too. Get a lot of tourists?


    To see the ruins over there?

    I suppose. Tourists arent what I take care of. I take care of people who live here. Is this all you wanted to know?

    He looked down the street, in both directions, then back at me, Mr. ONeill is very worried about his wife, Ms. Bertino, and Im just trying to find her. Id like you to tell me about the robot who asked you to deliver a message to Mr. ONeill. And I thought youd like a ride in my car? Its an antique I repaired myself. How about it?

    Um, no, I said, and sounded real stupid, because it took me a minute to find my breath. I never told him Id met Orion. Who told him? Pao? Sheldon?

    Whats his name, Dagmar?

    Pao delivers their mail. Ask Pao.

    Whats his name, Dagmar?

    Pao told me his name was Orion.

    Why did you lie to me about the message for Mr. ONeill?

    Because you would think I was involved with a kidnapping and make trouble for me and Id lose my job. I dont know why Orion picked me to deliver a message. I just happened to be there. Ill never see him again. I HATE him for talking to me that night. I hate YOU! Go AWAY!

    Diary, I cant believe I actually yelled that at a police detective out in public on the street. But I did. And I turned my back on him and ran inside and jumped in the shower and scrubbed hard to get rid of all the thoughts I was having.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    From Detective Sidewalker's Notebook

    Tuesday Night, 8:30 pm. I drove over to Landgraabs club, Dante. Yes, its a money loser. The place was dead.

    Landgraab himself was there, doing the DJ routine, and very badly. A handful of people ignored him and either played pinball or watched TV. I asked Landgraab about the mail carrier, Bertino. Never heard of her, he said. You heard enough, I said, to file a complaint. What for?

    I dont like my mail delivered later than 10 AM on the nose. It was late. I filed a complaint. It hasnt been late since.

    You familiar with Orcus Industries?

    I own some stock?

    Good investment?

    You looking for investment advice? Call your broker. Didnt know gumshoes got paid well enough to play on the market.

    Does the name Arkin Amberstone mean anything to you? How about Orion Thanatos?

    Never heard of them. Anything else? Im busy.

    So I see. Been open long?

    Long enough. Ive entertained the police commissioner a couple of times. He likes the place. Next time I see him Ill mention your name.

    Good idea. That should do a lot for your business.

    I left him to the records and went to the bar. The bar tender, Stephan McGaw, told me hed seen all kinds come into the club, including androids, the guys with metal skin. The Orcus crowd hung out here regularly on Friday nights. Never saw a woman matching the description of Andromeda ONeill.

    Landgraab interrupted our talk. He came in and told McGaw to clean the restrooms.

    I finished my drink and listened to the guy next to me complain about the food here.

    Conclusion: Landgraabs involved.
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Sidewalker Notes

    Wednesday: Assigned Moriz to follow Landgraab around. I drove up the mountains to check on Bertino. Difficult, nervous witness. She wouldnt talk to me this afternoon. I checked into a B&B.

    Thursday: Bertinos house. Yes, she met the robot, Orion Thanatos, and delivered his message to ONeill.

    Conclusion: She does not know or understand anything about Orcus Industries or the whereabouts of Andromeda ONeill.

    However, I do not believe her involvement is entirely by accident. Assigned Lawson to look into her background. Everything he can find.
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    If she thinks the people in PDL are nice she hasn't been there long enough ... :rolleyes:

    Great story! Where IS Andromeda? Inquiring minds want to know ...
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I have a plot in mind that involves the Seasons EP. Sure hope I don't have a problem installing that one. :D
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I can't wait! I have so many sims that are going to change careers!!! And I can't wait until they can live off the land. Could start a whole new way of playing!

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