The delay :-(

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by hyperactivecow, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. hyperactivecow

    hyperactivecow New Member

    With all this in mind, I think it would be awesome if they were able to release CaSIE soon, then i think i'd have an easier time waiting for TS2 :) but who knows, they're doing the best they can!

    REDXIII New Member

  3. jayjaydiva

    jayjaydiva New Member

    With al the videos and screenshots they've given us you would think they would be close to ready. I don't understand why they teased us so much to then let us down and by the way, July is the earliest. It could come out near this thanksgiving. Who knows?
  4. Pixie

    Pixie Yoga Queen

    They've teased us so much because Maxis has observed the mass hysteria TS2 has created... but because they are all about the MONEY, they want to lengthen the waiting period that way more people will get interested, giving them more mula. Their greedy and don't care how long we wait, just as long as they get their couple million dollars, or however much they are estimating so they can all retire early and build vacation homes in Jamaica and Aspen and some remote town in Europe. It's a bunch of crap if you ask me....
    .....although the game is gonna rock... so uh..... yah :)
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I think they WANT it to come out soon, because they all have BILLS to pay and have to FEED themselves and their families... and to do that they have to SELL the game! :) They already spent a few years of their lives working on it and the company had to pay them to work, so the company loses money the longer it takes for the game to be ready to come out... I don't think they're greedy! :p
  6. TaiGuy

    TaiGuy New Member

    i'm sure an open public beta that somehow kills itself when the sims is officially released will make everyone happy... but, thats just that.
  7. Mystical Druid

    Mystical Druid New Member

    There are better things then this, such as if they quit working on 3d items, and instead give us flat, looking, plain color, markers called no image till next expansion pack. Things coudl be worse. Maxis could go out of business, and EA too! Then no sims 2 EVER!!!!
  8. Pixie

    Pixie Yoga Queen

    Well, I'm not mad anymore... I understand Maxis is doing their best, and want to do even better to make this game a sensation. So for now, I'm playing other games to pass the time. Which is kinda lame, cuz compared to the screenshots of TS2, all other games just don't do it for me... lol!

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