The Fire, The Burgler, and Buy mode

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Bri5002, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. iChase

    iChase Sims 2 for Mac: W00T!

    If the burglar steals something you get the depreciated price of the object, I think it's the bottom of the depreciation. It should be like 1200. If the buglar doesn't steal anything and the cop wins the fight then you'll get a small amount (<1000) of reward money.
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    You're right, I usually get $500. Depreciated value makes sense. I got $600 for the $1400 exercise machine. He must have had it a while, can't remember now. At the time I didn't have uni ...

    Having a burglar strike is a nice bonding experience for the residents of the house, I've found. They can hug each other afterwards and have a good cry ... at least that's what my single mom and her teenaged daughter did the first time I had a burglar.

    Sometimes they just sleep right through it. Depends on the Sim I guess.

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