If ignorance is bliss, then you must like being the happiest person alive. It's not like I never pointed you to the cartoon which stars Kikkoman and his half-naked buddies before in another thread or anything. +thinks I should probably quit this board for the sake of everyone here. :bunny:
If you are referring to the cartoon in your sig, my connection is real slow and I'm imaptient. But I'll watch it now then. . And you can quit if you really really want to. EDIT: I have seen as much as I could possibly bear. It scares me. :nervous: aranoid: +has seen the cartoon
I dont, but I'd be damned if I dont think that dance is adorable. wait a minute, is this the "Happy Dance" they do at the Funny Farm or just a normal one? +has tried to prove that sticking a fork in the electrical outlet is not detrimental to your health... repeatedly.
Cheese flavored fudge r0xx0rez hard core! Ahem. </n00bishness> +has to use circles of paper and "special" pencils.
This is where I belong, or so the men in white-coats with nets told me. + knows what a bunny looks like.
Ain't touching that comment...will leave that up to Oink.... Actually I'm not sure why I keep coming back in here. I end up having certain animals mocking and bugging me ad nauseum. No one will listen to my warnings against the cheddar and I now discover that Oink is sleeping in my dishwasher which would explain why the Maytag repairman was wondering why there was so much hair clogging its drain. Life is truly a mystery. + will probably be a Wascally Wabbit
I'm almost. + Thinks that Book is just getting what she deserves when she's being annoyed. What goes around comes around, my avatardly-confused stalker.
I definitely do not think that I get what I deserve...I deserve love and respect not mean, dastardly comments insinuating that I stalk people (or bunnies either). + doesn't think that Book is a stalker
If you can SEE it, then it wouldnt be much of a "stalking" now, would it? +Knows about 8-bit Theater.