This post wasn't bumped. It was violently shoved sideways into the path of Michael J. Fox's Delorian.
I'm using the same house as the Simmers for my family, though, you've made additions and I haven't done that yet. I have a family of 5 in mine. I so should have made a nursery like yours, never thought of it though. I have cribs in the hallway! I have 2 adults, one teen, one child, and one baby. I'm thinking of trying for another baby. I'm not a very good micromanager though and it usually turns into mass confusion, which is fine with me. It makes me laugh.
LOL That Simmer's house looks like a nightmare to play ... well I'm sure it would drive me utterly batty to try playing it. I love the floodlit tombstones though and ... 3 cribs! Yikes! I wouldn't even bother. I would have someone move out and take (at least) one of the sprogs with him/her. On the other hand I agree with Duzzy. Some of the best laughs I get are when I have wandered off and forgotten to hit pause and I come back to find two days have passed and there is total mayhem going on!
a few updates here. nothing big. i moved my families into a new neighborhood i custom built which is loaded with luxurious homes from mts2 as well as some small starter homes for future generations to start in. i started playing the biggs family for a bit and got to the point where john and marla are at the top of their careers and are permanent platinum (medical for marla and law enforcement for johnathan). adam grew up and in the same day got a few scholarships and headed off to college (currently sitting in the student bin). and john and marla have another baby on the way. ill get pics soon.
small update. Marla had her baby. it was a boy. his name is Gordon. he is now at his toddler stage. i also got Marla into a new job which is in the science career (her new lifetime aspiration is to become a mad scientist). i have yet to have the politics career pop up so Johnathan is still Captain Hero. once i get Gordon up to a teen and move him out to college i will work on the other sections of the family.
nah. for one reason: juliette is stranded back in Veronaville with her higly dysfunctional family. an 2: im trying to keep my selection of playable families as limited as possible without having to marry into the family