The Worldsims Story

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by lworley, May 15, 2003.

  1. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    went and killed Mrs. Rat Widow and other furry creatures until they had 50000 grams/pounds of animal fur.
  2. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Peta was outraged at the blatent extermination of all the animals until they discovered that the temperature of the earth was dropping below normal so they went and grabbed a bunch of fur for themselves to make fur coats and booties to protect them from the cold. Because so many of them were celebrities they didn't care that the average person couldn't afford fur and therefore were freezing to death. NASO was sure to grab the fur they needed for their super duper warm shuttle but they had forgotten the effects of re-entry on fur and didn't realize that it would become a tad hot for anyone inside....Meanwhile, the sharks were having a bit of trouble digesting Jo so after barfing him up on the shore his body parts began their slow crawl towards each other but when they reunited....
  3. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    NO! He's DEAD! Let him rest in peace!
    ..they were stolen by aliens and horribly mutilated. Each atom of his body was split up and sent into 1,337 million different dimensions, locked in an unbreakable box with no key, imprisoned in futuristic killer forcefields, digested by ants who were in turn, eaten by aliens who were eaten by sharks who were eaten by intelligent black holes that ceased to exist shortly afterward.
  4. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Okay I get it...He's dead!! Sorry but I didn't know resurrecting Jo would be such a traumatic experience!

    Since most of the animals were decimated for their furs and alot of the people on the planet had frozen from the cold, the only person left to save the planet was Oink, who was still the current ruler of "the Josh Zone" but was getting tired of the same old grind. Besides, he decided that he was tired of all the paperwork he had to fill out everytime some Simmer got lost in a Simworld of their own creation. He, Oink, reviver of dead threads, would find something creative and amusing to do for the world. He quickly got up from his throne and....
  5. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    tripped. Not to be discouraged by this failure, he had the designer of the floor imprisoned to await punishment. Meanwhilst...
  6. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    he, being the Ruler that he is, made it illegal to use his name and character in any way, shape and form with or without his written permission. He then put to death Book by ways of...
  7. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    3-month Torture Camp, where the other "campers" included...
  8. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Ny1 who refused to bow to him, and those who were stupid enough to say it to his face...
  9. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    He then wondered what Afropower was referring to by "it" and he summoned the court jester Snake to clarify a few things.
  10. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    who then determined that if "it" stood for ny1 who said that they refused to bow down to him and Snake then...
  11. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    went "Ahh!" comprehendingly (huh?) and then ordered to give Afropower a fifth of his baloney sandwich for his fine fine work.
  12. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Is that the end?
  13. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    No. As the torture camp went on, the president came and said that...
  14. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    U should eat mor chikin before u...
  15. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    their population explodes out of control and starts conquering the human race. To that some random person who posts after the Admirable Ruler Oink says "..." ;)
  16. Simzer

    Simzer New Member

    I am the leader of the World!
    Time for me to kill some rebels.
  17. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Which, of course, scared the non-exsistent rebels [rhymes with hit]less. Then the non-exsistent rebel leader gathered his non-exsistent rebel lieutenants and told them to...
  18. Simzer

    Simzer New Member

    Surrender! Simzer is master!
  19. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    But the rebels did not surrender. They...
  20. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    sat down and ate sum chicken

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