All of their brain cells had deminished rapidly due to those Simpsons episodes. They just sat there foaming and drooling like some kind of animal while the guards tried to figure out why there were so few of them now. Hours later...
The janitor had misplaced the keys to the lower levels. After a couple of days, the screaming died down, and they decided to dig through the floor and find out what happened. When they got there, they were confronted with a shocking sight....
Jo and Sh were beginning to assimilate each other! The guards and janitor quickly opened the blast door and rushed in to find out what had happened. This, however, was all according to plan as Jo and Sh half hobbled and half rolled outta the cell, leaving the guards and janitor bewildered and locked up. They quickly made their way to the surface and hitched a ride on a fuzzy...
then decided to hitch a ride on the fuzzy fangy thing anyways. That was not a wise decisions, however, as the Fuzzy Fangy Thing is quite fond of human flesh. Jo and Sh soon realized this and...
eventually struck down the Fuzzy Fangy Thing with a parking meter. However, they had lost a few limbs in the process, and...
were forced to roll along down the street like some demented beach ball. Unfortunately the City Sewer department was working on the sewers and had forgotten to replace one of their manhole covers. Along came Jo and Sh who promptly fell down the manhole and ....
Discovered a large rat swimming around. It lunged at the intruders and clung to Jo's face. Jo was running around screaming and trying to get the vermin off of his face... Sh just...
sand for the local fire department Chief. Jo and the rat saw past their differences and decided to get married, while Sh is still...
and in mass depression, desided to turn to his only outlet: The Cheddar Cult. Where he was welcomed with open arms and...
problems caused by lactose intolerance (which they refuse to admit) and promptly became as proficient at cutting the cheese as the rest of the cult members. Tiring of his incessant gas problems, SH decided to.....
go berserk on the cult members. He ruthlessly insulted them by calling them horrible, very mean things like "cheese lovers" (sh wasn't very imaginative) the rest of the cult decided to...
dip him in boiling cheese for his "cheese lovers" insult. Unfortunately Sh escaped while they were plotting and ...l