Tongue Twisters

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by alapokeygirl, Dec 20, 2002.

  1. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Tongue Twisters

    How about a tongue twister game? Let's see how many we can come up with. :p

    I'll start with an oldie but goodie:

    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
    Were's the peck of pickled peppers
    Peter Piper picked.

    Have fun!:D
  2. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    This is in swedish as I don't know any others. it's about sick sailors cared for by nurses:

    Sju sjuka sjmn skttes av sju skna sjukskterskor.

    This is about 6 salmons.

    Sex laxar i en laxask
  3. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    I know you other guys and gals know some. :classic:

    She sells sea shells by the seashore.
  4. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    Alapokey picked a peck of pickled peppers
    If Alapokey picked a peck of pickled peppers
    Were's the peck of pickled peppers
    Alapokeys picked.
  5. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    And oh yes. this is about the Knut. he's tying a knot. The word knut also means knot as well as the outdor corner of a house. So it goes like this:

    Knut stod vid en knut och knt en knut. D kom Knut, knut i knut med Knut och frgade: Vad gr du Knut? Jag knyter en knut, sa Knut, knut i knut men knuten.

    Knut stood at a corner and tied a knot. The Knut came, corner to corner with Knut and asked: What are you doing Knut? I'm tying a knot said Knut, corner to corner with the corner.

    Erhm yes.. hehe..
  6. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    LOL Lew! There in the pickled pepper pantry!

    Rubber baby buggy bumpers.
  7. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    :) it rhymes doesnt it :D
  8. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Yes Lew, it rhymed, LOL.

    The Shiek sheared six sheep.
  9. lewdini

    lewdini Moderate Sith Lord

    i sworn i saw shrek...:p
  10. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Large lemons lifted by Lew.
  11. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

    -SS19 :dead:
  12. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    How now brown cow.
  13. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue.
  14. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Six slimey squid slowly swimming southward.
  15. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
  16. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Ten tired turtles toddled toward Turkey.
  17. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Six sneaky snakes slowly slithered silently south.
  18. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

    I thought a thought
    But the thought I thought I thought wasnt the thought I thought
    If the thought I thought I thought had been the
    Thought I thought I thought,
    I wouldnt have thought so much :p
  19. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
    Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
  20. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood.

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