Pride and Prejudice BBC edition. I know, I'm sappy. And just because it wasn't said enough The Princess Bride. In Oz this was called Suddenly 30. Weird huh?
Yep, I heard about that. I love that movie - the 80s references are really funny, and I hold my hands up and say that I was an 80s teen lol. Loved the trip down memory lane lol. I thought that Jennifer Garner played a great part, alongside the dreamy Mark Ruffalo Her boss was the best though, really funny, especially doing the Thriller dance. I had better say another movie in this post lol - I wonder what number we should be on now....ok seems like some posts were deleted, or we lost count in a big way. I think we started again recently, so it's number 96. 96) Little Shop Of Horrors.
94) Pirates of the Carabbean 2: Dead Man's Chest (I'm suprised on how good these movies are since they're based on rides )