TS2 Question...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by kelley1976, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. kelley1976

    kelley1976 New Member

    TS2 Question...

    I could probably read every thread here and have many of my questions answered but that would take forever so I'll just ask here.

    I've had the Sims Deluxe for a while but only recently started playing and have gone out and gotten all of the expansion packs except for Superstar which I'll probably get pretty soon. It wasn't until I started looking around the net for cool stuff to download that I even heard of TS2.

    I've heard about some of the changes but can anyone tell me more? Come on....I know ya'll can so please fill me in!
  2. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    3D- TS2 will have a completely new 3D environment. It has a lifelike feel, and amazing details.
    Building Options - Build mountains, multiple story homes, and you can add doors, windows, ect on diagonal walls (finally!)

    Careers - For adult sims, there will be 18 careers, with 10 levels each. For old Sims and teens there will be 7 careers, with 3 levels each. Also elderly sims will recieve a pension apon retiring.

    "Exotic" Characters - New to TS2 is the ability to create Aliens and Elfs.

    Family - The family limit will still be set at 8. But new to TS2 is the ability to create all ages, except infant, in the create-a-sim area. You may make Elderly, Adults, Teens, Children, and Toddlers.

    Leaving the house - The only option to leave the home right now, is to send your sims to their vacation home, which you can create.

    Lifecycle - You'll now follow your sims through 6 stages of life. They include infant, toddler, child, teen, adult, and geezers.

    Life Moments and Big Decisions - These will effect your life score, and also have an effect on your sim as they get older. Some of these included: Toilet training, first step, first kiss, first crush, getting a job, getting married, ect. Several decisions will affect your Sim's physical traits as well, for example, if your Sim doesn't exercise he will develop that hideous belly.

    List of new objects (Some are not confirmed) - There will be 500 new objects in TS2 including: in-ground hottub, corner shower, polygraph machine (one of many career reward objects), Large telescope for star gazing or neighbor peeping, T.V. video game system, playpen, childrens building blocks, various other childrens toys.

    Motives (the new ones) - 2 new motive will be added, thirst and mind, and social motive will be split into two seperate ones, friends and family.

    Multi-Tasking- Your sims will now be able to do things such as get and eat popcorn while watching TV .

    Neighborhood - 2 possibilites with this one. 1 is a mention that there will be a world creator where you will be able to build the neighborhood from scratch. Another mention is that as your families expand, so will your neighborhood. There will be 50 lots in the neighborhood.

    Object Customization - There is now in game customizing of the fabric styles (but not shape)

    Other Options - Choice to breast feed or bottle feed babies, teens may "play" but not have babies, Adult sims will have the option to move out, and start a family of their own.

    Pets - No there will not be any pets in TS2. But there might be in expansions for the sims 2. : ) *

    Weather- Rain, thunder, lightening, sun set/rise (so far, that's all we know)

    Teens partying- Yes teenagers can party hard.. But if their parents catch them you have a choice to make.. Kick them out or ground them...if you find them drinking, you should definetly kick them out, but they might come back and beg for money (yikes!)

    Calendar - The new sim calendar will work by the week instead of month. Sims will have the weekends off from work and school : ) *

    DNA & Genetics - DNA, and genetics will be a big part of TS2, allowing generational game play. Your sim parents will now pass traits down to their kids. Things such as, eye color, body size, and personality are able to be passed down, as well as some career skills.
  3. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    - every age-period needs a special time of play-hours, Maxis is now busy on figuring out how long every stage will be. The toddler-stage will be the shortest, and the adult-stage the longest stage.

    - During a Sim's life, the rate which needs have to be satiesfied more, will change. For example: Teeangers need more social contacts and become hungrier in a faster way. And they need more fun. An old Sim needs a lot more comfort than a younger.

    - A family will most likely consist eight members. And to have different generations in one house is the best. Grandparents can tend to the babys and toddlers. And they receive a retirement pay. After grandpa or grandma die, their children will inherit. But how much depends on their relationship-points.

    - A teenager can't make out with an adult or a senior, but Seniors can love an adult, old men can even conceive a child. (Old women can't get pregnant).

    - Sims recognize family-members, even when they don't live in the same house. They know who is their mama or their uncle.

    - There will be different foods! And the best of all is: Sims have to go shopping and buy goods to make a very special meal. The neighbourhood has some public buildings where Sims can buy things to cook, or new clothes!

    - Life-Score: The first kiss and being a father or a mother add points to this Sim's lifescore; if he or she loses his or her Mom in an early stage of his life or dosen't get enough love will get a minus. But there's not a right or wrong way. There are some really cool interactions if a Sim has an extremly low lifescore, the same at the other end. Only the Sims with a null lifescore lead a very boring life.

    - The lifescore also affects how high a Sim will climb his job-ladder or how often some needs he has to satisfy. A Senior with a high lifescore doesn't have to satisfy his comfort as often as a senior with an low lifescore, and so he has a lot of time to play with his grandchildren.

    - The lifescore is the Sim's "memory". Every event in a Sim's life will affect his future.

    - Sims are much more intellligent than in Sims 1. If a sims likes another one doesn't only depend on his interests. Also he analyzes the other Sim's appearance and his social background.

    - Sims can even marry the maid or the firefighter!

    - Sims don't have to work every day - there will be weekends or free days (for a surgery for example).

    - Even kids and teenagers can work on their skills.

    - Special events: something like "short missions": for example: invite your boss to dinner! When everything works fine, and your boss leaves your house after a good meal, saturated and in a good mood, the next advancement will come sooner. But if your boss will witness your kitchen burning down or your wicked kids bother him, your boss won't like you much.

    - Building: three floors; and walkable attics!
  4. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    more info on game info n news page forum!
  5. kelley1976

    kelley1976 New Member

    WOW!!! Thanks for all the info on TS2. I'm almost afraid to go and read about what else is gonna be new...I don't want to be like some others I've read about that quit playing TS1 because TS2 sounded so much better!
  6. lilfaeriegirl078

    lilfaeriegirl078 New Member

    lol the same thing happened to me. i dont play it anymore
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Me, too. I just can't get into the game. Love the decorating and the downloading. The sims themselves are driving me crazy.
  8. simsamgrl16

    simsamgrl16 New Member

    ure welcume n me 2 lol
  9. kelley1976

    kelley1976 New Member

    I'm still having fun with it, but I only recently started playing. I agree that sometimes the micromanagement of it all can get boring but when that happens I just take a break and go play my favorite online game, AC2.
  10. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    what is AC2?

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