Under the Stars

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by darkdragonluver, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Willow had just brought Ebony home from the hospital when the doorbell rang. All she had for Ebony as of yet was a crib, and she had been planning on sneaking out once Karal got home from work to go and buy more things. Willow put Ebony in his crib and went to the door, curious as to who would be at their door in the middle of the day. She opened the door to a strange dark haired man. He was holding a partially crumpled piece of paper in one hand, and a toy box in the other.
    Can I help you? Willow asked, leaning against the door.
    Are you Willow?
    Yes. The man shoved the piece of paper into his coat pocket and held his hand out,
    Im David. Your boyfriend works for me.
    What do you mean, he works for you? She asked suspiciously, You dont look corporate to me.
    Well, I like to dress casually. Anyway, I heard that you just brought home your son. I figured things had been forgotten with all the excitement so I brought some things over. He put down the toy box.
    Why are you doing this? I dont even know you.
    Well, to be honest, I havent been the friendliest person to Skan recently. I figured that I could make it up to him by spoiling his kid a bit. So Ill just bring this stuff inside and you can decide where you want to put it. All in all David brought her anything shed need for Ebony, hed even thought of a changing table and a training potty for when Ebony got old enough to learn. Willow, overwhelmed by his generosity invited him in for coffee.
    No thanks, I wouldnt want to upset Skan. Ive got plenty of work that still needs to be done anyway. See you around.
  2. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Willow took to motherhood with enthusiasm, and she would spend hours walking around the house that she shared with Karal and Darrie with Ebony in her arms. Willow and Skan had decided that even though they had a child together, it was still too early in their relationship to live together. Skan did come over almost every night to visit Ebony, and usually Willow would cook him dinner and they would eat together. One night, Skan asked if he could bring one of his friends over.
    Sorry, Will, but he came by after work. I havent seen Logan in ages, and this may be a good way for you to meet some of my other friends. Willow was actually kind of surprised that Skan had other friends; recently he had been spending so much time with her and Ebony that she had taken his presence for granted.
    Sure, that would be fine. I hope he likes pork chops, I want to try out a new combination of spices tonight.
    Im sure hell love it, you are an excellent cook. Well be over in a bit. Skan hung up the phone, and Willow was disappointed. She looked over at Ebony, he was almost a toddler now and she still had no idea if Skan was going to ask her to even move in. She took Ebony out of his crib and cuddled him before starting up the stairs.
    Daddys bringing a friend over tonight Ebony. We have to at least give daddys friend a chance so I want you to be on best behavior tonight. Of course Willow knew that Ebony didnt understand what she was saying yet, but Ebony liked the sound of her voice, so she talked to him all the time.
    An hour later Skan and Logan arrived at the front door. Skan was so accustomed to coming over by now that he just let himself in, Logan hesitated at the door for a minute.
    Skan is it really a good idea to just let yourself in? Skan looked back at his friend in disbelief.
    Youre kidding right? I just finished telling you that I come over here every night.
    I know but that doesnt make just letting yourself in any better. Willow walked in to the living room.
    Skan! She said and went over to give him a big kiss.
    Willow, Id like you to meet Logan Lippert. Skan said, turning to reveal Logan. Willow smiled congenially,
    Hi Logan. Her hands were full, Ebony in one arm his bottle in the other.
    Nice to meet you, Skan has said a lot about you.
    Skan, would you mind feeding Ebony? Im trying to make those pork chops
    Sure. Skan held out his arms and Willow gave him Ebony and the bottle before disappearing back into the kitchen, Shes kind of shy.
    I see that. Logan looked down at Ebony, So this is your kid.
    Yeah, hes mine. One thing he has is my temper. Logan laughed a rich deep laugh.
    Watch out for this one when he gets older, Willow. He called into the kitchen, Willow popped her head out staring at him inquisitively.
    What do you mean?
    Trust me, Skan and I have been friends since we were teenagers. You couldnt even imagine the kind of trouble that we used to get into.
    Dinner went off without a hitch, Willow and Logan even seemed to like each other by the time he left. Skan stayed for a little while longer to play with Ebony, but before too long he said his goodbyes too.
    So that wasnt so bad, was it? He asked, as he and Willow stood on her front porch.
    No, Logan has quite a sense of humor.
    So you liked him?
    He wasnt so bad. I could get used to him. She joked, and he smiled.
    Ill see you tomorrow, then. He started to leave,
    Skan. He stopped half way down the steps and looked up at her, I love you. A slow smile spread across his face,
    I love you too.
  3. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    David moved out of the house the realtor had sold him into a house that Logan had suggested. One look at it had David convinced, it was much more to his taste, and it already had some landscaping. David would need more, but for now it would do. This time he refurnished it, top to bottom, everything about this house would be new, accept for his cars. You dont just get rid of a Lamborghini. Once everything was set up, David decided to go for a run. He had a dual purpose for running. He had always liked to run, it gave him time to think and mull over any problems he may currently be dealing with. It also gave him an opportunity to scout out any possible security risks. So he dressed in his sweats and started to run. The neighborhood wasnt overly populated, with only a few houses occupied; still there was room for more people to move in, and so hed have to make these runs a regular part of his routine. He stopped in front of the Sunsinger house, and wondered idly how Skans kid was doing. He stretched for a moment, but didnt get long because another woman running in the opposite direction ran into him.
    Oh, Im so sorry. She had brown hair and eyes and an exquisite bone structure.
    Thats fine. Its not every day I get beautiful women running into me. She smiled and blushed, I dont believe weve met. Im David.
    Im Anja. She said, Really I dont typically run into people. This house just has a rather unusual architecture, and it distracted me. Dont you agree? Only now did he actually notice the house, which did indeed have unusual architecture. Someone apparently liked raised porches quite a bit.
    Yes. I hadnt noticed the house before.
    Well, anyway, I should probably get home. See you around?
    Maybe youll be out running later tonight? Say around 7? She smiled and laughed,
    Its a date. And off Anja went, David watched her as she left. Once she was out of site, David opened his cell phone and dialed, after a moment,
    Logan I want you to do something for me.
    How much are you paying me?
    No, this is as a favor to your friend, not your boss.
    Oh well in that case 100 simoleons.
    All right. What do you want me to do?
  4. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Skan was sleeping when the phone rang,
    Hello? He said rubbing his eyes and sitting up,
    Skan, we need to talk. It was Willows voice.
    Then talk.
    Not over the phone.
    Then where? Skan was still half asleep.
    Is Grace there?
    No shes out working.
    Ill be there in 10 minutes.
    Wait. But shed already hung up the phone. Willow had sounded angry but he was too tired to wonder what was wrong. He turned on the light by his bed and struggled to put his pants on. He had only managed to get his pants on when the doorbell rang. He ran down the stairs, Willow would hardly have a problem with him opening the door in only his pants. She came inside as soon as hed opened the door and closed it firmly behind her.
    Willow, whats wrong?
    Darrie just came home from work, and she had some news for me. She waited for him to respond,
    What did she tell you? He asked irritated by now, he walked into the kitchen where he made himself coffee.
    She told me that that man you work for, David is some well known crime lord. She said that hes moving in to take over the town.
    If hes a well known crime lord, then why has no one arrested him? It was worth a shot as far as he was concerned.
    Because they cant prove anything.
    How did you know that I worked for David?
    That doesnt matter Skan. What matters is if its true or not. She looked at him, her eyes pleading him to tell her it was a lie. Skan took a deep breath and sat down, downed his coffee in one gulp and shoved the cup away from him.
    Willow, I cant tell you its not true. Willow leaned over the table, covering her face from his view,
    Do you do bad things for him? Her voice was steady, but he saw the tears falling on the table. He was uncomfortable, but he had to tell her the truth finally.
    I guess it depends what your definition of bad things is.
    Do you do bad things for him? She lifted up her head and glared at him,
    I steal things for him, sometimes expensive things, sometimes just money. Usually I try not to hurt people.
    Try. Was all she said, before she stood up, You lied to me when you said you were a security guard then?
    Well, thats at least half true He said weakly, his heart contracting. She wasnt going to forgive him, at least not right now. Skan supposed he shouldnt be surprised, since he had been lying to her for so long. He tried to continue speaking, but she put her hand up silencing him,
    I dont want to hear anymore. I dont want to see you again. With that she tearfully walked out of his life.
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Well, good for her. Maybe this is what he needs to straighten himself out.

    Nice story so far.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I agree. I like the story, too.
  7. HockeyGirl86

    HockeyGirl86 New Member

  8. Itsmesweet

    Itsmesweet Sims Nut & Typo Queen!

    I loved the story. I wish I could write them as good as you guys. I can take pictures and stuff. I decided to start a new city called Crystal Springs. I am populating it with a few family I have made. Then I am going to start my story. Man Your store was neat ;) Love it. I want more. It sounds so interesting.
  9. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Thanks for the feedback you guys :) It's nice to hear that people like it. I've got a general idea of what I think should happen next, and I should be posting within the next few days.
    Next I'm going to write a confrontation at Inferno (another club), and David's first official date with Anja.

    I'm always interested to know what other people think should happen, so if anyone has suggestions, I'm open.
  10. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Sorry this took so long! Got distracted with other things :D

    That night, Skan went to Inferno. Inferno was another dance club. The differences between Club Karma and Inferno were huge. Club Karma was trendy and stylish, where the clientele preferred mixed drinks and everyone dressed for the club scene, the music played in Club Karma was traditionally house beats with a good base for those who liked to dance. Inferno was more gothic, playing industrial techno and focusing on more simplistic drinks. It was rumored that vampires liked to come to Inferno though Skan had never seen any, and David had never said a word. David knew everything that went on in his clubs, so unless there was a good reason for him to ignore the presence of vampires, hed know they were there.
    Skan went to Inferno with the intention of drowning his sorrows with beer. He was already drunk by the time David arrived.
    Hello Skan. David said, standing behind him.
    Wha do you wan? Skan slurred.
    Mind if I sit?
    Actually I do. David sat anyway and ordered a drink before he talked again. Skan glanced at David out of the corner of his eye. David as usual was impeccably dressed; he wore a pair of black dress pants, a tight black shirt and a red jacket.
    I know that youre angry with me, Skan. I would be too if I had been you and you had threatened my girlfriend and child. He paused as the bartender put his drink on the table in front of him, with much deference, I can be quite an A** sometimes, cant I?
    You can say that again.
    Its just that I still remember when I found you and Logan, grubby urchins with no living parents who were about to have their house repossessed.
    And there you were, Mr. Richie Rich driving your fathers Viper to your fancy private school. Boy if he knew what you really wanted to do with your life, you may never have made it out of his house.
    I never intended to become a Criminal Mastermind, Skan. You know that. I just wanted to help you. Skan snorted derisively,
    Yes, you really helped me David. Look at me now, I should be locked up for all the things Ive done. My girlfriend left me because Im a criminal, and I may never get to see my son again. I have you to thank for all of it.
    Skan, you have to understand that I cant let you go just because youve got a girlfriend now. If I did it for you, then Id have to do it for everyone who wants out.
    Whatever. Skan said, taking another gulp of his beer, I wouldnt have gotten into all of this in the first place if you hadnt been so intent on helping me, then I wouldnt owe you anything.
    Skan I tried to apologize. Im trying to apologize now. I thought the gifts to you boy would help but Skan held up a hand,
    Wait wait wait. What gifts to my boy?
    Willow only had a crib for him when he was born. Where do you think she got the rest of the stuff when shes so intent on spending all of her time with your son?
    You son of a b**ch, thats how she found out that you were my boss. Skan took a drunken swing at his friend, which David easily avoided. Almost simultaneously two bouncers converged on Skan and grabbed him. The world spun dizzily around Skans head from the sudden movement, so he couldnt put up much of a fight. Skan heard David tell one of the bouncers to go get Logan, and felt the pressure leave one of his arms as the man left. When his eyes finally refocused, Logan was already standing there speaking in low tones with David. Skan could only pick up bits of the conversation.
    Too much to drink
    Willow told him
    Darrie may become a problem.
    Whas wrong with Darrie? Skan found himself slouched over onto the counter of the bar; he pushed himself up on shaky arms.
    You mean you didnt know? Logan turned to him, Darrie is a cop.
    Huh? Darries not a cop, shes a business woman; She tole me that she made Vice President last week.
    No you dope, she was probably making it up so you werent suspicious. Logan said, and then surveyed Skan. Well youre too drunk to talk to tonight. Let me get you home. Logan helped Skan to his feet and led him to Logans car. Skan must have passed out on the trip home because it seemed that they got there a lot faster than usual.
    Stay here, Im just going to tell Grace that Im here. A few minutes later, Grace and Logan came out of the house, and while Logan helped Skan out of the car and balanced him, Grace led the way up to his bedroom. The last thing Skan remembered before passing out was falling onto the bed.
  11. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    Logan arrived at the address that David had given him. The house looked like a traditional town house with attached garage. There was no car in the driveway, but that didnt mean that there was no car in the garage. He walked up the set of stairs to the second level where the main entrance was and rang the doorbell. He wasnt waiting very long before the door opened. A dusky skinned beauty stood before him, with black hair and dark eyes and a perfectly chiseled face. She smiled seductively and leaned against the door, showing just enough leg to get his imagination going.
    Well hello there, youre a good looking one arent you? She also was very blunt apparently, he cleared his throat,
    Im looking for Anja. She pouted artfully,
    Oh pooh, you dont want Anja. She leaned forward, but he steadily focused on her face. All this girl had to recommend herself was her body, who could blame her for trying to use it? Unfortunately, that wasnt his only turn on. He held up his hand, revealing his ring.
    Sorry sweetie, Im married.
    So, I want to stay faithful to my wife.
    Thats no fun. One woman cant satisfy one man all the time.
    Oh you would be surprised. He smiled artificially, Now I really need to see Anja.
    All right Ill get her. The woman said defeated, she closed the door, making him wait on the porch while she went to get Anja. Moments later the door opened again,
    Sorry about Livvie, shes kind of broody.

    Broody is too light of a term if you ask me. She laughed musically, Im Logan by the way.
    I guess you already know who I am, because you asked for me specifically. My question is what are you doing on my doorstep. It wasnt an actual question, but he answered it anyway.

    Im a business associate of Davids and he asked me to give you something. He held out the box. She took it, giving him a puzzled look,
    How did he get my address?
    Phone book, Id imagine. She opened the box, revealing a set of keys. Her hands were shaking as she took them out of the box.
    What are these?

    The keys to your new car.
    My new car? She looked up at him, eyes wide, He got me a car?! Logan stepped back calmly as Anja rushed out to look at it. The car that David had instructed him to get was a black sports car, and had only enough room to seat two people. Logan followed her down the stairs as she examined the car.
    All this just because I agreed to go on a date with him? She asked, surprised.
    No, all this just because you bumped into him in front of the Sunsinger house. David has a habit of going over board, Id expect more expensive presents from him in the future. Hell probably deliver those himself, though, he just had a business trip to go on.
    I cant accept this. Anja said suddenly, Im uncomfortable with a man that gives expensive presents to women he hardly knows.
    But he does know you, and its a nice car.
    I cant accept it. She continued stubbornly,
    If I go back with this car, David will hang me from the rafters by my toenails. If you wont accept it for yourself, at least accept it to spare me the pain. He smiled at her,
    Well, I wont drive it then.
    He didnt tell me you had to drive it, just that I had to deliver it. Though it would be a waste to not drive such a nice car. He said cheerily, Ill be leaving now.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Absolutely fascinating. I'm looking forward to more.
  13. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    "So I take it all went well?"
    "If you mean did she accept the car, then yes, though with some reservations."
    "She didn't like it?" David had been standing in an out of the way corner of Amelia's Closet when Logan had entered. Logan was looking for new clothes for himself, and if he saw something he thought Summer would like, he'd pick that up too.
    "It wasn't that she didn't like it, she had trouble accepting an expensive gift from a stranger." Logan had already picked out some new clothes for himself, and was flipping through the rack of clothes looking for something for Summer, "Man I'm no good at this. What do you think she'd like, David?"
    "Hey she's your wife."
    "Yeah but you're better at this whole 'fashion' thing than I am."
    "Oh all right." David pushed Logan aside and began flipping through the rack himself, "It's not like I'm some crazy stalker or something, that I'm never going to leave her alone. I just thought she'd want a nice car."
    "Yes but David no one just gives someone a nice car because they agreed to go on a date."
    "So, she's either thinking that your insane or that you have so much cash that buying a car is pocket change for you."
    "Buying a car is pocket change for me."
    "That can be kind of intimidating to a woman. Also, she may think that you're going to expect things out of her now that she's not willing to give."
    "I would never ask her to do something she doesn't want to."
    "But she doesn't know that." David pulled out a dress,
    "Summer will look nice in this, don't you think?"
    "Well, it's definitely in her style, at any rate." Logan took the dress and walked to the counter to pay for it, David followed, "Hey, she's making a turkey tonight, you want to join?"
    "I have business to attend to." David said hesitantly,
    "Whatever the business is, I'm sure it can wait for an hour or so. Summer is complaining that she hasn't seen you since Alec was born."
  14. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    For all who are interested, I will be posting pictures of Summer, Logan and Alec tonight. Alec has some astonishing cheek bones right now, I really hope he'll grow into them and not look terrible as an adult. Also, the pictures will be my last post until I get Pets :) Going to add some new members to some of my families.

    "Summer, I'm home!" Logan called out as he got inside, placing the shopping bags by the door.
    "Coming!" Her muffled reply came from Alec's room, and moments later she emerged, "Davey! I didn't know you were coming tonight!" There was obvious pleasure in her voice as she hugged David.
    "Summer no one calls me that anymore." He protested with a laugh,
    "I don't care what others call you, you will always be Davey to me." Summer spotted the bags, "Where did you go?"
    "Clothes shopping." Logan said, pulling out the dress he had bought for her, she squealed in delight and did a little dance in place before grabbing it and dashing down the stairs to their bedroom.
    "I'm just going to try this on!" She called, and Logan chuckled.
  15. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    The first pictures are of Alec as a toddler and a child

    The next is Logan in his spunk shirt "the man, the legend" hehe

    The last is Summer holding Alec as a toddler

    Attached Files:

  16. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    "Dad, I want to get a dog." Alec said one day while waiting for Summer to serve breakfast.
    "Absolutely not." Logan said, folding down the paper to look his son straight in the eye,
    "Why not?" Alec whined, "All my friends have pets, why can't we?"
    "A dog is a big responsibility, I don't think you're ready for it."
    "Actually," Summer placed a plate of pancakes in front of Alec and put down the serving platter, "I think a dog is just what this house needs."
    "You too, Summer?"
    "Yes, I think it would be a good experience for Alec. Besides, having a dog around would be nice... don't you think?"
    "I guess I've been out-voted." Logan smiled, "We'll go to the pet store when you get home from school, Alec."

    In the end, the Lippert family ended up getting two dogs, both Border Collies, a male who was very friendly and very hyper which Alec named Skif and a more reserved but still friendly female which they named Cymry. Skif was constantly running around. He would run in endless circles around the yard until Alec came home. Alec would play fetch with Skif or take him on walks in the evening, while Cymry was Summers faithful companion. All in all, Logan realized that Summer had been right, and a dog or in this case two dogs was exactly what their family had needed.
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, DDL. I've never seen that t-shirt slogan before. Almost choked on my cereal here. :D I've been so absorbed with my own little simmy world I've just now had a chance to catch up on yours. Enjoying every minute of it.
  18. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    I've been bad and let my story slip a bit recently. My most recent excuse has been that my boyfriend got ahold of me last weekend and insisted that I try playing World of Warcraft with him. I've spent the last week trying to get used to all the controls and all that, it's a complicated game! Anyway, I will be updating within the week, because I am NOT as obsessed with WOW as he is... though I can see how people could get sucked into that game and never leave it! My brother has told me stories of friends that he's lost because they discovered WOW and that's all they do now beyond sleep and work. lol. I laugh at it now because it seems to newbie me that there's so much to do in that game you could get lost in it forever.

    Anyway, for a bit at least I'll be focusing on the Lipperts and David. I'm farther ahead in Willow and Skan's part of the story than I meant to be, but they are fun to write.
  19. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    so now it's time to send in an update on Karal and Grace. :sly:

    Karal hesitated before he knocked, took a deep breath and wondered if he should be checking himself into the local asylum. oh well, and he knocked on the door without a second hesitation. It was a few moments before the door was opened, and he was still re-thinking his decision when the door opened. Skan stood there, looking out with guarded eyes.
    "Is Willow alright? Did something happen to Ebony?" Well, if Willow wasn't upset with Skan she'd be happy to know he still cared about her. The relationship between Skan and Willow was complex to say the least, and he didn't think that it would get any less complex if she forgave him.
    "No Willow and Ebony are just fine."
    "Well, has she forgiven me then?" Karal sighed, almost irritated,
    "If she had forgiven you Skan, don't you think she would be here, not me?"
    "True enough." Skan hesitated, the door half way closed already, "Then why are you here?"
    "I wanted to speak with Grace."
    "With Grace?" Karal nodded, "All right, your funeral I suppose." Skan opened the door enough for Karal to squeeze past him. He found himself in a living room, painted in cool tones of blue and green with a blue carpet covering the floor. In one corner was a huge flat panel TV, and a comfortable looking couch. On another wall was a bookshelf and a desk with a computer, and sitting all alone was a paint easel.
    "This is your living room?"
    "Wait here, I'll get Grace." Left alone, Karal took some more time to explore. There were two doors leading out of the living room, the one closer to the TV led into a well appointed, if oddly shaped, dining room. The other door was closed, and not the one that Skan had just left through. That door led to a garage, where a sporty car was parked.
    "Nice car, huh?" The familiar voice startled him,
    "Yes it is." He turned towards Grace. Her hair was up in the same simple bun it had been the night they had met, but she was wearing a pair of jeans and a turleneck instead of a dress tonight.
    "It's Skan's and lo that even one drop of water spills on it." He laughed with her.
    "Well, it is a nice car." His face must have betrayed some of his discomfort, because of her next words.
    "Karal, don't worry about avoiding me these past couple of months. If you had showed up any earlier I might have thought something was wrong with you."
    "And now?" He asked, relieved,
    "I imagine that now you're wondering if there's something wrong with you."
    "It's alright." Grace said, sitting down on the couch, he sat on the other side, "You and I, we are not so different as you may think, just different ways of going about it I suppose. Your sister, Darrie, is a cop. She tries to make a difference in the world by arresting the bad guys and sending them through the judicial system, you try to make a difference by saving innocent lives. I try to change the world by taking care of the really bad people, the ones who get away with it all."
    "Tell me something then, I know Skan works for David. We all found that out, but what about you?"
    "Yes, I work for David."
    "But he's a crime lord!"
    "I didn't say that I fight crime, Karal. It isn't that black and white."
    "Explain it to me then."
    "David doesn't purposefully hurt innocents. It's too complicated to explain to an outsider, and I'm not sure I really want to. I just want you to know that my targets have never been innocent, and if you can't accept that then I understand." Grace stood, and Karal stood with her. "Don't think that if we get serious I'll ever quit my job for you, or anyone." Karal composed himself and stepped towards Grace.
    "When I arrived here tonight, I wanted to take you to dinner. I still do if you're up for it."
    "Where are you taking me?"
    "Do you like steak?"
    "I don't mind it."
    "Well, then Millie's Steakhouse it is."
    "I'll just get changed." And she disappeared into the dining room.
  20. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    "That man who gave you the car is back." Livvie sighed dramatically, "Would you just look at that face? Perfect." She practically purred.
    "Logan is back?" Anja went to the window that Livvie was currently drooling at and saw that Logan was there, but David was with him.
    "Who is that gorgeous man with him?"
    "That's David, the man that the car actually came from."
    "You should go and thank him properly."
    "Livvie, not all of us are only interested in WooHoo." Anja said, heading for the stairs, "Tell him I'm sick with the flu."
    "Anja Hafter you get back here! I will not allow you to let an opportunity like that pass you by twice!" Livvie said, grabbing Anja by the shoulders, brushing her off as best as she could and shoving her at the door, "Now you get out there and thank that man for giving you a car out of nowhere!"
    "That's the problem, there was no reason for him to give me a car."
    "I don't understand the problem, that's a sexy car. He's just telling you that he thinks your attractive." Livvie made shooing motions towards the door, "Now go, create sparks!" Anja continued to hesitate, so Livvie rolled her eyes and went to the door herself. Anja would have made a quick escape accept that Livvie snaked her arm through Anja's as she went and proceeded to drag her along.
    "Hello boys." Livvie purred, throwing the door open wide and posing, languidly leaning her perfectly sculpted body against the door frame. No one would guess by her attitude that she worked out at least three hours a day.
    "Hello, who are you?" Logan shot David a significant look.
    "My name is Livvie," She held out one hand, palm down. "And who are you?"
    "David," He said, shaking her hand. Livvie gave him an affronted look, and David spotted Anja, "Anja! Now there is the woman I was looking for." Livvie, once again shunted to the side, pouted for a moment before sulking off. Livvie was probably going to call one of her boyfriends, though whom was on that list at the moment was a mystery to Anja. When Livvie had disappeared David spoke,
    "I heard you were uncomfortable accepting my gift." He waved vaguely at the driveway, and she blushed, "No don't be embarrassed. Logan has brought it to my attention that women aren't always so receptive of strangers giving them expensive presents."
    "It's a nice car." She smiled,
    "Yes, I had hoped you would like it." He paused and looked a Logan, who nodded slightly, "Well, let me make an effort to start again. I promise not to give you any more expensive presents until we know each other. As a start, I was wondering if you would like to help me walk my new dog in that park that just opened up?"
    "You've got a dog?"
    "Yes, she is in my car. Would you like to meet her?"
    "I would love to meet her!" So down the stairs they went to where his car was waiting. A husky sat in the passengers front seat, with one blue eye and one green eye, she was one of the most endearing dogs David had come across. Anja was immediately smitten with her.
    "Her name is Molly." He opened the door and Molly hopped out of the car and into Anja's waiting arms.
    "You're such a pretty dog!" She exclaimed, petting Molly while Molly excitedly licked her face.
    "So, to the park then?"
    "Yes, I want to play with your new puppy." David held the car door open for her and she got in. Logan got into the back with Molly and David drove.

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