"If you know about a Bug or have heard about a Bug and fail to report the Bug to EA, we reserve the right to treat you no differently from someone who abuses the Bug. You acknowledge that EA reserve the right to lock anyone caught abusing a Bug out of all EA products." Wow... talk about treating your user base as a hostile user. I can't believe this. Completely subjective. And if they think you're abusing a bug, you're banned? Wow. Just wow. Instead of doing proper QA, they put the blame on users? That's just mean.
It's an online game. The games developers that I know say that if they let people "exploit bugs" that it would "ruin the game." So, many of the online game folks go hardcore on people who use the bugs to their advantage.
I think during normal gameplay, yes, or if you identify a bug but fail to report it after a certain time-frame, then yes. But the language is written in a way that after the first usage of the bug, you're going to get smacked with the heaviest of hands.