That's a definite "me, too"! It's one of the reasons I've designed so many of my TS2 neighborhoods to have hills. :winks:
I designed a few neighborhoods but never kept them. I thought it'd be too hard to build on hillsides but i guess i should have kept them...
I can't wait til the new sims2 site is uploaded so we can download houses and other lots. Hopefully we could download the landscapes of the neighborhoods as well. That would be awesome!
As far as I know you can still have 2 homes. One of them as your vacation Home. So You Gots to get your Sims Rich them build them 2nd Home.
I dont really think theres a need for vacation homes. I would want that extra lot to be for a new family. That way I can have more people in my neighborhood. If I want a different home, I'll make a new family.
Right on! More homes/lots should be used for community/residential so you can keep adding onto the neighborhood. My favorite is creating downtown lots because its so much fun to see the sims go there after your done with it.