Welcome to Knox Patch

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Chee-Z, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Franz was reading through the newspaper. He caught glimpse of the Engagement announcement page and found the name Ed Briggs. The fellow next door had gotten himself engaged to a lady named Sunny. The wedding would take place in a few days. Franz then flipped through the pages and found the birth announcements. The Smiths down the street had given birth to a baby girl named Dizzy. Paine's baby still had not arrived yet, thank goodness to Franz.

    "Franz, why do all the women hate me?" Don was peering over Franz's shoulder, then he flopped onto the couch in despair.

    "None of the women hate you, except for Nina of course."

    "Yes but every time I flirt with one woman, the one I had flirted with before comes and slaps my woman across the face. I don't get it, Franz. What am I doing wrong?"

    "You shouldn't be flirting in front of your previous lovers, Don."

    "Don't tell me I have to keep all this secretive! The horror, Franz!"

    "It's the only way you can keep the women from hating you, Don."

    "I love women, they don't love me back, and they don't accept the fact that I love MANY women..."

    "You're hopeless, did you know that?"

    "Yes, Franz, I know that. I like the woohoo too...is there another way, Franz?"

    "Could be a family man. But then there's the kids...*shudder*"

    "I'm actually alright with kids, if you haven't noticed."

    "I have yet to see you with a child, Don."

    "The way things are going, I bet I'm going to have a ton of illegitimate kids..."

    "Oh god, Don spawn!"


    Don had gotten off the couch and had punched Franz playfully on the arm. Franz left his living room chair and proceeded to playfully punch Don in the shoulder. The two men play-fought like brothers, and Paine walked in the room and shook her head.

  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Hee hee ... Don spawn.
  3. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Little Gregory was born on a Tuesday, late in the evening...in the upstairs bathroom. Paine was joyous about the fact that little Gregory looked just like his daddy. Franz was not so joyous about the fact that little Gregory looked just like his daddy. Yet he loved the child anyway; he changed Greg's diaper, cuddled him, played with him, fed him, tucked him in to his crib that was in Franz's old bedroom. Franz tried to be the best father he could be.

    Paine taught little Greg how to walk and talk; Don had the dirty job of teaching Greg how to use the potty. Don did prove to Franz that he was capable of handling children, and he made a very good uncle to the child. Heck, little Greg even called the casanova "Uncle Don." Uncle Don tried to keep his womanizing down, except when little Greg was sleeping.

    Don patched things up with Marisa Bendett. He found new sources of prey from the coworkers Franz took home for dinner, and he even tried flirting with the housemaid. Don was a Party DJ now and worked evenings. He tried very hard to get to the top of his career, if you could call being a slacker a career. He even spent his earnings repainting his room and updating the furniture...and bought some women's portraits to put on the walls...Don was also striving to have as many lovers as he could have in one sitting; that meant being more careful and sending lovers home when he was done with them.

    Franz and Paine spent long hours studying together, sneaking kisses in between study sessions and going to bed. Paine was a Field Researcher, Franz was promoted to Inventor. He tinkered with things all day long, yet still had a bit of trouble inventing something that would be actually useful. He already wanted a promotion, so he read and played chess until 4 in the morning every day, even if he had to go to work early. Sleep? Who needs sleep...

    The last picture is that of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They're based on a couple who are regulars at one of the message boards I go to. Aren't they happy? :D
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Update! Yay! I haven't been able to play the actual Franz house for a while, since I'm trying to catch all the other houses up (not to mention catch footage for a Sim movie), but here goes nothing:

    Becky and Adam Barker moved into their own little house further down the street. Eddie and Alex Briggs moved into a bigger house next door to the Barkers, so they could accomodate their stuff. Al asked Tifa Lockhart to move in with him, leaving sister Rikku and Yuffie to themselves. Franz awoke one morning to find the old Briggs house bulldozed to the ground. All that was left was a pile of rubble.

    Becky and Adam became used to living without two other guys in the house. They climbed the Science career ladder with ease; Adam became a coworker of Franz's in the Invention Department at the laboratory; Becky became a Franz's replacement as Project Leader. The couple had a baby boy named David Merrick; the sweet boy had his mother's eyes and his father's curly hair. The child grew like a weed and eventually little David became a precocious five year old who was excited to start school. He had a thirst for knowledge just like his parents.

    The Smiths down the street let their daughter Dizzy play with David on occassions. David also played with the alien brothers next door to Franz. Franz looked out his window and noticed the little boy playing chess with one of the aliens---the brothers would take turns depending on who won. David also played with the Elric brothers further down the street, and it was the same scenario all over again; playing chess. All the kids on the block would go down to David's house to play on his video game console---the only one on the street.

    Meanwhile Franz's little boy was just about ready to start school. He was very interested in the building blocks and the xylophone, and barely touched that stupid and annoying bunny thing that Paine bought the child. Franz was wondering how little Gregory was going to handle being with all these other children. Paine would always reassure him that Greg would do fine in school. The fears that Franz had were spurred from a bad childhood of his own...the shy sickly child who wasn't socially active...he would always sigh and wonder if little Greg was the clone that was going to haunt him all over again...he hoped not...
  5. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Gregory grew up to be a very outgoing child. He was also very neat; Paine did not have to get after him about not cleaning his dishes up after he ate. Unfortunately, Greg was also a very cranky child, and serious. He was not very imaginative in the least. When he had his 6th birthday, he requested a chess set and a video game console like the boy had further down the street. Greg also looked like his father. If one were to picture Greg with long hair, he would definitely be a Franz clone. Franz knew where this child was going: Greg was going to be a knowledge seeker like his parents. The child played with building blocks and the annoying bunny toy during his toddler years, and now he was spending time in front of the chess set and Uncle Don's easel.

    Speaking of Uncle Don...the man had Marisa Bendett over for a...um...sleepover...and also had the maid decline his invitation for a date. Devastated, poor Don soothed his heart by buying...

    "Don, what is that contraption doing in my back yard!?"
    "It's a heart tub! Perfect for parties, and soaking with the Missus!" Don winked and laughed.
    "My yard is already cluttered with that bubble blower you bought! I can't seem to get guests out of the house by 2 am because of that thing!"
    "Hey man, I have to be at work late, you know that. It's your problem if you don't want them here."
    "You invite them in here!"
    "How about you two knock off the arguing, Greg's trying to sleep," Paine settled the argument by barging in between them to get to the fridge. She had hunger pangs again, and she woke up that morning with a dire need to use the bathroom and shower and eat at the same time.
    "Honey, are you alright?"
    "I'm fine sweetheart," Paine kissed Franz softly on the cheek, then whispered, "That woohoo we had last night was sensational...care to sneak one in before work?"
    Franz laughed nervously and followed Paine upstairs...he hoped Paine wasn't going to be late for work...meh, the sports car in the driveway was there for a purpose...
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That is an unusual skin color. :) I kinda like the way Franz looks so I hope his kid resembles him. :rolleyes:
  7. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "I can't believe we've had to call this guy over three times in order to get our kids into private school. What on earth are we doing wrong?"
    "I have no idea...the guy's picky...but we'll try it one more time and see..."

    Boba Fett and Starboy came home from school and fell asleep on the sofa and lounge chair. Their fathers were obsessed with getting them into private school, when they could not care less about it. They did not know that their fathers had gotten promoted that day. They rushed to work that day without any more than a goodbye. The boys only had the nanny to take care of them after school. The two women, Aerith and Yuna, had moved out since their house was too small.

    Suddenly, the children were awakened by the doorbell ringing. At the door was the headmaster that had come over several times before. He seemed annoyed.

    "You get it." "No, you!" "You!" "Fine, I'll get it, but talk to that nanny so that she can make dinner." "I don't wanna talk to her, she's smelly." "Do it or I'll hit you." "*roll eyes* Fine."

    "Hello Mr. Headmaster, would you like to come in?"
    "Hello Starboy. Are your parents home?"
    "They're at work, Mr. Headmaster. But our nanny's here."
    "Would you like a tour?"
    "Here's the living room, and the dining room, and here's the kitchen...up here's Uncle Lazlo's room, and his toys (pinball machine and an arcade machine), and here's the bathroom...and here's our bedroom, and our daddy's bedroom..."

    Starboy distracted the Headmaster while Boba tried to befriend the nanny. However, Boba could not figure out a way to influence the old woman to make dinner. Then Starboy realized something...

    "Boba? Come here..."
    "What's up?"
    "The Headmaster's frozen."
    "Yeah, he's a robot or something, he won't move."
    "Well shooty-poots, what are we going to do now!?"
    "Looks like Daddy and Uncle Vidcund are gonna hafta call him over tomorrow..."





    The Elric family was sick with the flu. The boys slept all of Saturday and got over it. Their parents weren't as lucky. Mr. Elric had it worst of all.

    "Daddy are you feeling better?" asked Alphonse.
    "I guess not," said Edward.
    "Here, honey, have some hot tea...I'll put some toaster pastries in the oven."
    "Thank you, dear---AhCHOO!"

    It took until Monday for all the Elrics to recover from the flu. Trisha and Holhemheim were not as obsessed as the Curious brothers when it came to putting their children into private school. In fact, they didn't care at all about it. Their children seemed happy either way.


    "Father, why is Mother so big?"
    "Well son...uh...your mother is uh..."
    "Your mom's having a baby," piped in Don.
    "Really? I'm going to have a brother or sister?"
    "That's right, son."
    "Which one will it be?"
    "I'm not sure, son."
    "When will we know?"
    "When the baby comes."
    "When will that be?"
    "Soon, son."

    "Uncle Don, where do babies come from? Father won't tell me."
    "I'm not the right guy to tell you that, kid."
    "Who will tell me then?"
    "Maybe your mom will."

    "Mother, where do babies come from?"
    "Right here," Paine pointed to the bulge in her stomach. "I'll hold the baby here until it's ready to come out."
    "When will that be?"
    "It'll take time, honey. You can't rush a baby."
    "Is it a boy or a girl?"
    "I don't know, sweetie. Here, let me help you with your homework."

    "Father, Mother said that the baby comes from her tummy."
    "Ah, that's a good answer."
    "Am I getting better at chess?"
    "Indeed you are, son."
    "You think I could beat you someday?"
    "Perhaps if you practice more. Ah, here's the Headmaster of the private school. You practice while we get it settled."

    "Here's the living room, the dining room...there's Don's room, Greg's room...upstairs is the master suite and the master bathroom...and the yard."
    "Very nice house, Mrs. Hoffman."
    "Thank you, sir."
    "Hey, how is that school?"
    "It is a very prestigious school. I'm sure your nephew will do well in it. He's a very bright child."
    "I'm sure, I'm sure...hey, how about them Llamas?"
    "Sure, the ball team. You watch sports, right?"
    "Dinner's ready. I baked a turkey."
    "Franz, you've NEVER baked a turkey before! What's possessed you?"
    "The occassion. I'm sure the headmaster likes turkey."
    "It's a fabulous turkey! And juicy...I'll tell you what, Mr. Hoffman. I do believe your household is the best one I've visited along this street. Since your child has been flourishing so much here, I am sure he will make a wonderful pupil at the private school."
    "You mean?"
    "Yes, sir. I'm expecting Gregory there at 9am sharp."
    "Thank you so much, sir!"
    "Welcome, sir. Ma'am."

    "I don't know how on earth we did it, Paine..."
    "I don't know either, Franz. What has gotten into us?"
    "Maybe the love of that boy?"
    "Maybe so."
    "He's a good kid, that Greg. Let's hope kid number two does just as well," said Don as he headed upstairs to use the treadmill.
    "Yeah it's coming along just fine..." Paine smiled and gave a sigh of relief.
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Boba, Starboy and the Headmaster is the greatest scene yet. So funny. :D
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I know :D The headmaster actually did freeze, and I didn't know how else to write that out or in...:eek:

    Aerith and Yuna Gainsborough had looked through newspapers and online to find a house. Their limited funds could not take them very far. Then, Yuna found a quaint boarding house to move in to. Aerith could not figure out why Yuna was so anxious to move out when their current living conditions were tolerable. But she followed her younger sister anyway, determined to keep her eye on her.

    The sisters packed up their things and moved away while the men and children were sleeping. Yuna has scribbled a resignation notice and placed it on the dining room table. They took their second-hand suitcases and ran down the street to the boarding house.

    Rikku Lockhart was influenced by Yuffie Kisaragi to build a boarding house for extra cash. They built a sweet townhouse that was three stories tall, and decorated it with pink and white. They bought a van for shuttle services. They placed instruments in the basement. It could house eight people easily. And they suddenly had that many living in the house by the time they placed the ad up in the newspaper.

    First, two green women and two dark senoritas moved in, then the nerdy girl and her sweet politician sister.

    Hello there. We saw your ad in the newspaper and we were wondering if you had any room.
    Ah yes we do. In fact, we have room for two more people. Is this all? Yuffie pointed to the sisters luggage piled on the doorstep.

    Yes, we have to carry our whole wardrobe in there. The girls chuckled as they carried their things through the front door and up the stairs, through the hallway, and into their room, which had a nice view of the cornfields.

    The eight women went on with their lives as if it were normal. They all slowly became best friends. Still, Yuna had an aching in her heart that just would not go away. Yet she felt it was wrong to have this feeling. She did not tell anyone, not even Aerith, about it. Even if she wanted to, she could not find an available moment to talk with anyone. Her sister was obsessed with her nursing job and studying for a promotion; Dina and Lola were the same way, except in the business field. Chloe and Nina were dating random men, Yuffie had gotten herself a new boyfriend and was obsessing over him, Rikku waswellRikku.

    Yuna would cry herself to sleep at night because she could not figure out what to do. Shed look out through the window that faced the Curiouss house and sigh heavily.

    Yuna, whats up with you?
    Oh, Im sorry
    No problem, this isnt even my room. What are you doing?
    Sighing like a lovestruck teenager isnt nothing. Whats up?

    I worked in that house over there as a nanny. I helped raise those alien boys over there. Unfortunately, I
    Fell in love? With which one?

    Dont jump to conclusions like that, Yuffie.
    Sorry, but the way youre carrying on
    Okay, okay! Its Vidcund. I have a crush on him.

    I know.
    Why dont you call him up?
    Im afraid
    Afraid of what? Youre not working for the guy anymore, if thats what you mean.

    Im a family type, hes like my sister. Im trying to become mayor, hes trying to become a distinguished scientist. What if it doesnt work? Im afraid of failure.
    Youre best friends with the guy, arent you?
    Ill never hear the end of it if anyone knew!

    You shouldnt care what other people think. Im dating Joe Carr, remember?
    For his cash!
    Youre going to date him for a more worthwhile cause, Yuna. Go for it! If it fails, just jump back up and try again. Come down here to this phone and call him. Yuffie took the shy girls hand and led her downstairs. Everyone else was preoccupied, so no one noticed as Yuffie shielded Yuna and made her call Vidcund up.

    Just stay out on the front porch, no one will notice, I promise. Ill make dinner.
    Okaythank you so much, Yuffie.
    No problem.

    Yuna waited on the steps for Vidcund to come. Vidcund walked on down the street, Lazlo following him. She greeted them, and Lazlo went on downstairs to use the instruments. That left her alone with Vidcund

    Aerith came home from work late. She sluggishly climbed up two flights of stairs to her bedroom. Instead of finding Yuna in bed, she found

    Nina? What are you doing here?
    Your sister took it upon herself to use my bed!
    That doesnt sound like herewhy would she do that?
    Theres a man sleeping with her! I bet they used MY bed for woohoo! The nerve! Hmph! Nina turned over and snored some more. Aerith stood there in shock. What on earth?

    So how did it go?
    Wonderfully! Were in love! Oh gosh, its happening so fasthe had feelings for me toooh, he said he wanted a woman like me to be the stepmother of his child!
    Great! Is there a ring yet?
    Dont rush things, Yuffie, its going to take time.

    Yuna, phone!
    Thanks Dina!

    Hello Yuna, its me.
    Vidcund? Whats wrong?
    Could you come over for a moment? Id like to show you something.

    Sure thing.

    Yuna walked over to the house, her heart pounding. She saw Vidcund waiting for her in front of his garage. Im so happy youre here. Look! He pressed the button to the garage door opener. Inside of the garage was a double bed and a chess table.
    Whats this for? Im glad you converted your garage to another room, but I dont understand

    Vidcund dropped on his knees and proposed. Yuna, lovestruck and shocked, yet giddy, accepted the proposal, her head whirling since everything was going so fast. Vidcund asked Yuna and Aerith to move back in, and she accepted that as well. Aerith, confused, came on over with all the luggage and saw them kissing in front of an open garage door. She shrugged and carried her things back up the stairs to the room she used to sleep in before.

    The wedding happened a couple weeks later. Yuna invited the entire boarding house to the wedding, as well as a colleague from the lobbying office, Kennedy Cox. The guests stood out in the street as Vidcund and Yuna gave their vows in front of the house. And like any good ol fashioned Knox Patch wedding, there was a fight...
  10. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    And more pics :rolleyes:

    1. Hmm I wonder what Vidcund and Yuna were doing on the porch...;)

    2. Wedding Ceremony

    3. Aerith and Pascal discussing...uh...yeah...

    4. Lazlo showing the ladies a good time :rolleyes:

    And I'll try to get a better picture of Yuna soon. :)
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I have to say, I'm growing quite fond of Don. I loved his answer when the kid asked him where babies come from ... very funny!
  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    The days went on. Gregory was doing well in private school, and he was making straight As. The parents studied and attempted to get promotions in anyway they could. Don was on the phone constantly, talking with people he had become aquaintences along the way. He even went downtown to find more...victims...and met two women. Mr. Big was very useful, yet dangerous; he was trying to somehow take Marisa away and it made Don jealous whenever they hugged on the outing.

    Paine went into labor on a Monday morning, after breakfast of burnt pancakes. She gave birth to a baby girl whom she named after her grandmother, Lulu. The little girl looked like Franz, much to the pleasure of her mother and the chagrin of her father.

    Months went by. Lulu learned to walk and talk and go potty. Her hair was a stringy brown and her skin was pale. Her eyes were the stormy blue-gray like Franz's. She was a cute little thing. Franz just hoped that she wouldn't have sunken cheeks like he did. Then suddenly the small family realized that they were going to have yet another addition.

    "The little ones just seem to keep coming. It must be the science teacher job," Paine joked.
    "Maybe we'll have a Paine clone this time. We already have two Franz's," Don talked through the bathroom door.
    "They're darling children though."
    "Indeed," Franz was engrossed in another cookbook. He tried to make salmon but burnt it. Pork chops he mastered in one cooking session. So he was studying yet again.
    "Honey, you seemed stressed again."
    "I'm a Theorist. I make theories. If I don't crank them out, I'm fired."
    "I was promoted to Project Leader before I had to take materity leave. We're doing very well, you don't have to worry about getting fired."
    "Besides, we have Mr. Video Editor Man!" Don walked out of the bathroom in his underwear, heading to his bedroom.
    "Don, who's in there with you?"
    "Oh...alright then." Paine shook her head and sighed. "I hope he's not going to be a bad influence on the kids."
    "Are you kidding? Greg's asleep and Lulu's just a toddler."
    "I know...I'm just worried..."
    "You don't need to worry about the children, just like I don't need to worry about our income."
    "Right." Paine kissed Franz's cheek and waddled upstairs, calling down as she went: "I'll see you in bed later, don't stay up late again. Greg's gotten a notion that it's ok to play piano at four in the morning."
    "I know, I know..."
  13. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Franz took a long walk up and down the street. He looked through the windows of other people's houses and wondered about them. He'd shrug it off and move on. He could not believe that he was going to be the father of three children. It seemed too much for him. He was still unsure of himself around children, even around his own son and daughter. He still had diaper duty since Paine had a fear of doing it...*sigh*

    He walked passed the Briggs household. Of any of the houses down this lonesome country road, this one was by far the most extravagant. He walked up to the big windows of the large townhouse and peered inside. There was junk piled up everywhere in the vast basement of the house. Poker table...some sort of spinny contraption...bubble blower...piano...treadmill...

    He walked across the street to get a better view of the upstairs window. He saw four people milling about. Ed and Al were brothers, of course, and they had married within the past few months. Ed married a country local named Sunny, who had a thick twang of an accent and always wore a cowboy hat. Al married Paine's sister, Tifa. The two sisters did not talk very much. Seemed like that life disappeared when Paine was married.

    There were two pink cribs visible from the big windows. Girls, huh? I guess Lulu will have someone to play with come time, he thought to himself.

    Franz picked up the newspaper and flipped to the birth announcements. Sure enough, there the two babies were. Kairi and Bismark. Who on earth would name a girl Bismark? I guess it was a family name...
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Looking in the neighbor's windows, reading their newspapers. I'm enjoying Franz' inner life and his deadpan observations about everyone else. :D
  15. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    On a Saturday afternoon, right after a lunch of Don's specialty grilled cheese sandwiches, Paine gave birth to a baby boy. The proud parents named the boy Hans. The boy had blue eyes at birth, and was not a fussy baby. Paine tried breaking her fear of changing diapers but it only made her sick to her stomach.

    Franz still could not believe he had a family of five...plus Don. It was amazing how the time flew. He was breezing along in his job, studying his hiney off until the dead of night, and sleeping in the wee hours of the morning until the sun was up. His children were growing up so fast, right before his very eyes and under his sloping snoz.

    Gregory and Lulu shared a birthday. Gregory was turning thirteen, his sister, five. Greg's first act of teenagerdom was to change his clothing and grow himself some facial hair. Lulu's first act of being a five year old was braiding her hair and sporting some heart-shaped rose tinted specs. Both changes in appearance were not strongly supported by the parental units, but they embraced it anyway.

    Don still showed signs of his love for children, especially in taking care of the little ones and chatting with little Greg. He also showed signs of still loving the women folk, but he kept the loving down by only inviting Ms. Bendett over for some canoodling late in the evening. Franz rolled his eyes and kept on reading, or retreated to the backyard to do some star searching.

    Little Hans had his birthday. To everyone's surprise, one day his eyes were a bright shade of...

  16. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Yuna and Aerith adjusted to being part of the Curious family again. Things were much easier since they were not employed by the brothers. Instead of being called Nanny they were called Auntie, or in Bobas case with Yuna, Mama, something he had never had before.

    Boba and Starboy had their birthday on the same day. They had grown to be rather handsome young men, even if they did look a bit scruffy. Boba looked especially ridiculous in a beach bum look, and Starboy was modest in a beatnik style. They finally were accepted into private school once Yuna and Aerith straightened things out. They looked spiffy in their uniforms, and their parents were proud.

    Starboy was not the only one to go through a makeover. Pascal was vying for the attention of Aerith, something that was very difficult to come by. She was always glued to a book of some sort, and was working at odd hours. He even changed his appearance to try to suit her. He may be older bywella lot, but that should not limit him in the dating world. Starboy approved of the change at least.

    Finally after dinner one night, he pulled her to the side and started talking with her, flirting with her, whatever he could, and she finally warmed up to him. She did not leave to go do something else. She talked and flirted back. Several days of success lead to Pascal popping the question, which Aerith gleefully accepted. Now Starboy, at age 13, had a future stepmother.

    A few months passed. Apparently the encounter at the Pinky Boarding house lead to a new addition to the family. Enoch Curious. Now Boba Fett, at age 13, had a half brother.

    Franz read the birth announcements in the local paper at breakfast. Paine was preparing breakfast as Franz shook his head and said, Geez, theres a darn baby boom in this neighborhood. The Curious people next door just had a baby boy.
    Thats great, now Hans has someone to play with close to his age.
    There are several kids that he can play with. The Smiths, for example, have a toddler and one on the way.
    Well, arent you glad this place is growing?
    Not really, I preferred the quiet. Thats why I moved here from downtown in the first place.

    Oh, you ol grump. Paine kissed Franz on the cheek and served him pancakes. Gregory and Lulu were outside playing chess before school. The school bus came and picked the kids up. Franz kissed his wife goodbye as he left for his Top Secret Researcher job. Paine sighed with relief since she had a day off. She retired to take a morning nap and left Hans in the care of Don and the nanny.

    What she did not realize was that Don had something planned and he was taking this very moment to finally implement it. He tipped the nanny a large sum of cash to keep her mouth shut. He picked up Hans and walked out the door. He walked on down the street, several blocks, and no one suspected him of foul play. A taxi, upon request, was waiting for him a few blocks past the last house on the country road. He climbed into the taxi and held Hans in his lap. Downtown, he told the driver. The cab sped away to his rented out house in Downtown Knox Patch.

    Gregory came home from school that day to find the house unusually quiet. He checked the nursery and found that Hans was not there, and he checked Dons room and realized that Don was gone as well. He ran upstairs and woke his mother up, shaking her and screaming that Don had taken the toddler.

    When Franz came home from work that day, Paine was waiting for him at the front door with a nasty look on her face.

    Whats wrong?
    Whatd he do now? Franz groaned, knowing that this was the very expression his wife gave him when Don had done something incredibly stupid.
    Apparently he took it upon himself to steal our son and move downtown. Now, I dont want to get my sister involved since shes the lone police officer in town, since I know that shell get seduced by thatohhh that man makes me so angry! Why on Gods earth would he take our baby?
    Hes a family man at heart. He wants to have kids but does not want the commitment of getting married to have them. Though youd think adopting one would be easier than taking Hans
    Hes an idiot, Franz. He may be your good friend, but this is inexcusable. Isnt there a way to get Hans back?
    Oh boy

    I could recruit my brother, but I havent spoken to him in years.
    I did not even know you had one.
    Its supposed to be a secret. No one is supposed to know.
    What, is he a black sheep?
    One that bites.
    You know how I have these red eyes?

    Theres a vampire gene in my family. Fortunately its harmless, just the red eyes.
    No kidding. My brothers a full blown one, and my familys shunned him.
    They shouldnt, they can be very useful.
    What are you doing, Paine?
    Im calling your brother. I want my son back. Whats the phone number?

    Don lived in an old dump of a house. He hoped to God that no one would find him here. He wanted to live a quiet life with his adopted son, and he was almost going to be promoted to the top of his career. He thought he had it made.
    He fixed up the place as best as he could afford. He did not have much in his bank account, and baby supplies were very expensive. Nevertheless, he tried to make the best with what he had and tried to raise his son as best as he could. Unfortunately, he realized that he needed a lot of help rearing a child. And he needed a lot of help living on his own instead of boarding in somebodys house.

    After a pitiful meal of burnt TV dinner and leaving Hans to play with his xylophone, he prepared for his professional web page designer job by practicing his romance moves. He did not realize that there was a visitor inside of his house

    A bat flew in the open door, which amused the little boy as it flew across the shoddy and dirty living room to the open bedroom door of the Casanova. Womens paintings were all over his walls, and this disgusted the bat to the point that he shifted back to human form. Don did not realize that the visitor was standing right behind him because he could not see anything or anyone in the mirror he was practicing in.

    Hello Don.

    Whos there?

    Not to sound corny or anything, but Im your worst nightmare.

    Wha? Don turned around and was now face to face with a very pale and grim looking guy with bright red eyes, white hair, and fangsin black pajamas. The visitor hissed and grasped Don in a vice grip which literally scared the pee out of the Casanova. Don screamed and pushed the guy back, and he ran to the protection of his leopard print bed, clutching his heart and panting, sweating in a cold sweat.

    Now that I have your attention, Id like to have my nephew back, if you would be so kind as to cooperate. The pale gentleman approached Don, ready to kick his hiney if need be.

    You can take him, just dont kill me! Don cowered from the scary fiend.

    Thanks very much. The visitor left the bedroom, scooped up his nephew and walked out the door like this was a normal routine. Don ran to the front door and still could not believe this was happening. The toddler giggled and waved as his uncle took him away. Don waved helplessly, then plopped himself down on his rundown couch and rested his head in his hands.

    This is such a ****** up place.

    Virgil, I dont know how I could thank you enough for rescuing my child. Paine kissed Virgil on the cheek as Franz shook the fellows hand, then out of character he hugged him and sobbed.

    Quite nothing, Maam. Now, about that spare roomId like to move my coffin in there, if thats alright. And Id like to remove those paintings, theyre gawdy...
  17. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Pictures for Part A:

    1. Boba goofing off in front of the mirror :rolleyes:
    2. Starboy
    3. Yuna and Enoch...aww baby has his mommy's eyes :D
    4. Vidcund's not a good father...he left the baby on the floor as he panicked about the fire...:eek:
    5. Pascal and Aerith
  18. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Part B:

    1. Thief!
    2. New home?
    3. Virgil scaring the pee out of Don
    4. Virgil confronting Don
    5. Virgil taking Hans home...aww...:eek:
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Virgil's kind of cute, actually. I like that hair.

    p.s. What on earth was Don thinking?
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ooh, great story. I like Pascal's makeover. He looks so dorky originally, doesn't he? You've made him quite cute.

    I agree that the vampire is quite cool looking. Love the white hair.

    And sheesh, Don. Hello? Adoption agency? Or just get Marisa to move in with you for a while, pop one out and then kick her out, if you're that desperate for a child.

    Talk about burning your bridges.

    And just when I was getting to like him, too.

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