Welcome to Knox Patch

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Chee-Z, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    There were six teenage boys and one teenage girl on the no longer lonesome country road. Most all of the teenage boys came from prestigious families who fully valued academics and awarded their achievements. In other words, they were nerdy braniacs. The lone teenage girl was somewhat left out of the bunch.

    She was smart and sociable, yet rebellious. Her father was a military and family man, her mother was a slacker and a giant flirt. The combination of the two somehow worked. At least her mother had not gone insane having her third child.

    Yes, Dizzy Smith was either blessed or cursed to have two younger brothers. Her middle brother, Garrett, was a giant neat freak. It seemed like all he ever did was clean. He was a very shy, sweet, and thoughtful child though. She did not know how her baby brother would turn out. Her parents picked out the name Vivi for him, not knowing if the child would be a boy or a girl. It worked she supposed.

    The fortune of having six teenage boys to choose from turned out to be a mixed blessing to Dizzy. There was Gregory...the two alien brothers...the Elric brothers...and David Merrick...

    David Merrick was closest in age to Dizzy, yet he was probably the nerdiest of the nerdy to her. Glasses, sweater vest tucked into the shorts, and socks with sandals. He was an artsy fellow, and he painted for a hobby. He hung his finished pieces on his wall. He also was obsessed, like she was, with chess and the telescope. She had never really met the guy in person before, she just saw him, like everyone else, from a distance.

    The Elric brothers lived next door, and they were obsessed with science as much as the next guy. The younger one was kinda cute...if he is younger...hmm...
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    With that collar she's wearing, Dizzy had better be careful hugging the baby. :D She's cute. Hope she doesn't give up on nerdy. Nerdy guys can be pretty nice for the long haul, IMHO.
  3. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I'm having a hard time posting pictures, I'll post them as soon as I can. :)

    "I swear, I don't know why on Earth you named that child Bismark. Were you that hell-bent on having a son?"

    Ed Briggs shrugged and continued studying. Sunny rolled her eyes and continued reading as well. Bismark skipped happily into the living room, kisses her parents on their cheeks, then scampered over to the chess table.

    Bismark was a girly-girl. She wore pink, loved pink, and lived pink. Her hair was always curled and neat. She played piano and played chess whenever she could, and did her homework every night before going to bed. She also had a fascination for ponies, which she played with whenever she could.

    Kairi Briggs, however, was the complete opposite of her cousin. She was a playful child and bounced on the beds when no one was looking. She wore a pirate outfit all the time, even to school. Yet Kairi still was serious enough to do her homework...an hour before the bus came. She played the piano more than Bismark, who had to fight for her turn to use it. Otherwise the two girls got along just fine.

    Kairi did not spend a whole lot of time with her parents. They lived and breathed sports, which she was not in to very much. They worked out on the treadmills and the punching bags downstairs every day, and wanted her to join them. She was not an athlete in the slightest. She wanted to be a business tycoon when she grew up, yet how she would get to that point, she did not know. At least she had a more realistic dream than her cousin; Bismark wanted to be a super hero when she grew up.

    Bismark and Kairi shared the same birthday. Even though they did not have the same parents, they were born hours apart. That made it easy to celebrate birthday parties. Bismark grew up to be a pretty preppy girl at age 13, whereas Kairi...grew more confidant and sure of herself. At least sure enough to experiment with Bismark's makeup.
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    1. Bismark and her pony toy...

    2. Kairi bouncing on her parents' bed

    3. The two girls getting along. The game that brings everyone together :rolleyes:

    4. Bismark as a teen

    5. Kairi as a teen
  5. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart


    Don Lothario became used to the single life. His rented-out condo was a bit cramped, but it was the right size for just one person. Instead of fearing the creepy fellow that barged into his house to steal back the toddler, he actually befriended him. He was even forgiven for his crime, and no one pressed charges against him. He was used to the single life, but he was a very lonely man yearning for a child. He loved women, yet he was afraid of the alter and commitment. He was also afraid of disappointing women, so he only developed crushes on them instead of a deep love for them.

    Except for Marisa.

    Marisa was a different woman. She was somewhat of a clone of him, only she was more take-charge and domineering, maybe a bit boisterous. She probably would have killed him (almost did actually) if she found out that he had several lovers besides her. Don loved this woman deeply, and one evening after a romp under the sheets, he escorted her to his rundown car for a chat.

    "You know Marisa, I've been thinking..."
    "About what?"
    "I was just promoted to Professional Party Guest...I make decent money for three days a week..."
    This piqued Marisa's interest.
    "And yet..."
    "And yet...I feel so...empty."
    "Yeah...empty. I have fulfilled my dream to become a professional party guest, yet I feel like there's something missing in my life."
    "Lemme guess, a kid?"
    "How did you know?"
    "Hon, word spreads like wildfire around these parts."
    "Oh...yeah...the baby-napping..."
    "That was really stupid of you, Don."
    "I know that. It took a vampire to snap me out of it though."
    "Why on earth did you take that family's child?"
    "I was afraid..."
    "Of what?"
    "Well...why would the adoption agency allow a guy like me to raise a child on my own? And I'm not the kind of guy any lady would want to marry..."
    "Why do you say that?"
    "I'm...uh...a bit of a flirt..."
    "I know that."
    "Of course."
    "Yet I love you anyway."
    "Of course."
    "Marisa...I've been wanting to tell you..."
    "I want to be a family man."
    Marisa laughed for several minutes.
    "I'm serious, Marisa."
    "Why are you telling me this? Don't you have several women after you?"
    "Yeah, but I can drop 'em."
    "That'll be hard to do."
    "Oh well."
    "Who are you thinking of settling down with?"
    "Who else?"
    "Wow. I'm honored."
    "I bet. Uh...how should I put this..."
    "Tell you what. I'll make you a deal."
    "Yeah, a deal. I agree to marry you, IF you allow me to start a business in our house."
    "My place is a bit small."
    "So's mine."
    "Our combined incomes can afford a new house. We can move back to Knox Patch and leave this dump."
    "I don't know if I can face everyone there..."
    "Sure you can. You're turning over a new leaf. Besides...uh...I think that woohoo we had the other night..."
    "Let's take this rattletrap to the 'church' down the street. I bet the 'priest' is still there."
    "Why the rush?"
    "Just because." Marisa kissed Don on the cheek. Don smiled and turned the ignition of the car and drove out of the driveway and down the street to the 24 hour drive-through wedding chapel. The Lotharios were married in their car, in their underwear, and they happily lived in the rented condo for a few months until little Aeryn was born in the Lotharios' bathroom. Then the little family moved from Downtown to a large farmhouse that was built beside the Hoffman house. Let's just say Marisa had a bit of an obsession for things...lots and lots of stuff...
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Awwww ... a happy ending for the Donster.
  7. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I hated to leave him as a bad guy since he was a friendly sort of character, so I let him have Marisa. I'm curious to see what Aeryn will look like since I like the looks of Don yet Marisa Bendett's nose is triangular and flat. Aeryn does have her daddy's hair and her mommy's eyes, so that should be interesting. :D
  8. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Chloe: Amazing...just amazing...

    Lola: What is it now? (She eats on her toaster pastry and reads the newspaper. She looks at her watch, impatiently waiting for her carpool.)

    Chloe: I just finished calling our brothers.

    Lola: And?

    Chloe: Apparently Pascal, bless his heart, has moved out and has married that nerdy little Aerith chick.

    Lola: Really? That's great! Why weren't we invited to the wedding? (Does not really care but asks out of curiousity.)

    Chloe: They married privately...let's just say we have another neice or nephew on the way...

    Lola: Jeez, they're popping the kids out like crazy.

    Chloe: Tell me about it. Fortunately Vidcund says he's done with the whole business. Lazlo is still looking for Miss Right. Pascal will probably stop at kid number two.

    Lola: What are we going to do?

    Chloe: Ha! The day I settle down will be the day that pigs start flying and Hell freezes over.

    Lola: I'm still waiting for Mr. Right myself...I feel like my biological clock is ticking...not like I care, really. I enjoy being a career-oriented single.

    Chloe: Even if I was interested, unfortunately Don has "turned over a new leaf" and married that...argh...married that...Bendett woman...

    Lola: Which one? I thought he was smooching on two of 'em.

    Chloe: The blonde one! I KNEW she was trouble! I almost had him!

    Lola: I guess you need to find another guy to prey on, sister.

    Chloe: And he has a kid too! Not a stolen one, either!

    Lola: That was an interesting episode. Who told us that story again?

    Chloe: Heck if I know, word spreads like wildfire around this place.

    Lola: I bet, it's really small here.

    Chloe: No kidding. (Sighs, finishes eating her toaster pastry, takes a section from Lola's paper and reads.)

    Lola: They're constructing a college down the road from here.

    Chloe: Really?

    Lola: Yeah. I sort of regret not going to college. I could've had a better hold on the whole business scene if I had a degree.

    Chloe: You and your business scene...

    Lola: You and your cooking scene! My goodness, you come home covered in food! What on earth do you do at that restaurant of yours?

    Chloe: I serve. Sorry if I'm clumsy.

    Lola: Don't apologize to me, apologize to your customers. Or do you even care?

    Chloe: Not really, it's just a thing I do to get myself out of the house. Besides clubbing.

    Lola: Right... (She looks at her watch again, it strikes 8 am, she hears a honking outside and she gets up from the dining room table.) I guess I'll see you later then? Before you have to go to work?

    Chloe: Sure thing, sis. Maybe we can go out to eat tonight. Girls' night out, you know?

    Lola: Maybe so...Later, Chloe.

    Chloe: Later, Lola.
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Starboy Curious awoke one morning to the sound of crying. He heard his father come into the room and shush an infant, and Starboy opened his large black eyes to see his father holding an infant that looked exactly like dear ol' Dad, except with...green eyes...

    "Sorry that Cid woke you up, son," Pascal apologized, then plopped Cid onto the floor, where the little tyke crawled away.

    "S'ok Dad...uh...why's his crib in my room?"

    "In the living room he kept waking up, so we moved his crib in here."

    "Ah ok..." Starboy got up and stretched, then went to take a shower before breakfast and homework. Starboy had mixed feelings about living in a small house with his father, stepmother and half brother. He missed Boba, whom he called almost every single day---hey, he was his half brother/cousin, after all. Strange how family relations worked...

    Yes, he did find out he was an alien. He learned it from his aunties, who lived further down the street. He liked his Aunt Lola, and did not know what to think of Aunt Chloe. He also learned that Boba was an alien too, and that their fathers were abducted at around the same time, by the same alien pollinating person. In a way, his aunties were his half-sisters/aunts as well...which was freaky...he tried not to think about it.

    Starboy was a star student and a star employee. He made $125 a day at his job at the hospital, where his stepmom worked. He made straight A's and earned scholarships for them. In a way he was an overachiever. Yet all of that work sacrificed his social life...which was...non-existent to say the least. His brother/cousin was probably his only bestfriend, besides that Ivy girl that worked at the hospital with him.

    Starboy was about to move on to college. He would be the first kid to go to college on the street. It made him proud, yet he was anxious about how things would turn out. He debated on which college to go to...Academie would be good for a scholarly type like him, yet the two others, La Fiesta and Sim State, would allow him to socialize as well as earn a degree. He still had a little bit of time to decide. He was going to wait until the little tyke had his birthday.

    In the meantime, Starboy spent his weekends babysitting Cid, which was tolerable. He did not mind it at all. He actually liked the little fellow, and liked the fact that the toddler was a smart kid and caught on fast. He let Cid play while he studied his books, or did homework, or attempted to make grilled cheese sandwiches...which was a pain...or attempt to fix the bathtub leak, which resulted in him playing in the tub instead. Figures...
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    The grow up fast, don't they. :rolleyes: Alien children certainly do look strange. I never played the Curious brothers in my game and have never had a sim abducted so I've never had a chance to play with the alien children. I like following the lives of yours and the one in SBW's Porta de Luca.
  11. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Franz was an old man. An old man with a wife, three kids, and an indifferent houseguest. An old man with a wife who was just now showing her age even though she was much younger than he was. An old man with a teenage son ready to go to college, a teenage daughter who was not sure of herself, and a wild child of a youngest son. An old man with a boring vampire brother who risked his life to earn some money, stole blood from the hospital, and spent the nights reading through books and...well...that was it. Franz was a Theorist, yet still...he was an old man, and quite proud of it.

    His daughter ditched the heart shaped glasses and modestly put on some makeup, and looked quite appealing. She probably could not compete with Bismark down the street when it came to looks or being dynamic, but she did not really care. She earned some scholarships with her good grades and her intellect. That's all that mattered to her.

    His youngest was two years younger than his daughter, and the kid could not sit still to save his life. He grumbled when he did homework, he gobbled down food as fast as it was served, he fidgeted...and yet he was so lazy, slothy, when it came to other things. Franz had no idea why Hans acted this way, but he came to terms with it; the child had a different kind of personality.

    Gregory was trying very hard to be a somewhat normal teenager. He attempted to maintain a job, which he excelled. He was a Lab Assistant at his parents' work, and he had the weekends off to do whatever he pleased. He tried dating Sophie Miguel, a classmate of his, and the date went well. Even if it was at his house...and during his father's birthday party...and they didn't do anything romantic except slow dance to some classical music...but hey, that was a giant leap compared to what his neighbors were doing. He wasn't even sure if the other guys had gone out with a girl, let alone kissed one. Gregory could not wait to go to college so he could get to know this Sophie girl a little better. Who knows what would happen though...he was like Starboy in that he knew not what college to go to, yet he had all these scholarships to show for it...
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Good picture of Franz. I think it captures his personality. :cool:
  13. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    David Merrick was perfect.

    He was a straight A student and a Fast Food Shift Manager.

    He did chores around the house, without being asked: he gardened, cleaned toilets, and repaired the shower. He cooked, and he loved to cook.

    He painted in his spare time, creating works of art and hanging them on his bedroom walls. He played his father's drums proficiently.

    The girls even seemed to like him, even if he did dress silly.

    DM was perfect, and he went off to college to share a dorm with his best friend Starboy and a girl named Stella. When he arrived there, he realized that he was dorming with two aliens. Oh well.

    Gregory was somewhat perfect. He was a straight A student, a lab assistant, and an expert chess player. His family was in tears when he left for college. His uncle Vergil gave him reassurance that Greg could call him anytime if he was in trouble.

    "You know, kid, you could make a great vampire," the uncle once told Greg as he was playing the piano at four in the morning.
    "Maybe. How long have you been one?"
    "Not too long, I am your father's younger brother, you know."
    "Have you ever thought of turning normal again?"
    "This IS my normal."

    Don also called Gregory to wish him luck, but could not stay on the phone long, since Aeryn was a bit of a handful.
  14. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    The Elrics were enjoying a pleasant meal of spaghetti with the Headmaster of the private school. They were a modest family with a studious streak, so of course the two boys were accepted into the school. Edward and Alphonse did their homework and went to bed, since they had a hard day of it; Ed was promoted at the hospital, Al was struggling to do anything in the underground criminal ring. Their parents were alone to themselves.

    "We ought to call it a night, Trish," Holhemheim told his wife as they talked at the dinner table.
    "Honey, have we ever used those telescopes outside?"
    "We probably bought them for the kids when they were little."
    "Why don't we stay up a little bit and look at the constellations. There have been reports of some strange glowing in the skies lately."
    "Alright, but only for a little while. I'm curious to see what's going on."

    The couple went outside and perched themselves at the telescopes, straining to look for anything unusual. Unfortunately, this was the perfect time for the spaceship hovering in the clouds to pick a perfect specimin for their experiments.

    Holhemheim caught a glimpse of a strange light zooming through the sky. "What?" he thought to himself and rubbed his eyes.
    "Honey, look, behind you!" cried out his wife. The spaceship was right behind him, and the hatch was open. Trisha screamed and tried to grab her husband, but the tractor beam sucked him right from the ground. Not even holding on to the telescope could help him. The spaceship caught its prey and zoomed away into the evening sky. The poor woman sobbed and screamed for the ship to give her back her husband. Ed and Al rushed outside and found their mother raising her fist in anger at the sky. Al tried to calm his mother down while Ed tried to find the ship with the telescope. The boys put their mother to bed and attempted to stay up, hoping the aliens would bring their father home.

    Alphonse fell asleep on the couch while Edward read. He heard an odd noise outside. He looked out the window and saw the spaceship zoom in. He ran outside, just in time to find his father in a daze on the sidewalk.
  15. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Are you all right, old man?"
    "Yeah...I think so...help me inside, I've had a long night of it..."

    Edward helped his father up the steps of the porch, through the house, to the master bedroom, and helped him into bed with his mother. Once the parents were settled in, Edward went into the living room and woke Alphonse up.

    "He's alright. Let's get on to bed; we still have school in the morning."

    The two brothers walked groggily to their beds. Their alarm clock read 4 in the morning. Three to four hours of sleep. Lovely.

    They woke up to find their father tossing his cookies in the bathroom and their mother making breakfast. They shrugged and ate their omelettes in silence. When they heard the bus honk outside, they went on to school without a word. Trisha and Holhemheim went on to work like nothing had happened.

    Holhemheim called work the next morning, saying that he was ill and could not come. He went downtown and bought himself an extra extra large t-shirt and some sweatpants. He spent his "maternity leave" studying, sleeping, eating large quantities, and just tried to be normal.

    "I'm quite proud of you, honey," Trisha kissed his forehead as he read a cookbook.
    "Thanks sweetheart. At least now I know what you went through when you had the boys."
    She laughed and went in the kitchen. She and the sons cooked almost all the time, giving him a wide range of food to eat. Macaroni or spaghetti or burnt omelettes. Life went well.

    "Father, I don't know how on Earth you could be pregnant," Alphonse said as he whipped up a platter of pancakes.
    "I'm not sure either, son. I'm still trying to figure it out myself."
    "What did they do to you up there?"
    "I don't remember a thing, actually. They drugged you once you were inside. I found myself smacked down on the sidewalk once they were done with me."
    "Yeah. Care to feel?"
    "What? Oh, sure...wow there is something in there...feels like two..."
    "Now don't you be teasing me! That's the last thing we need!" They laughed and had breakfast. The bulge had gotten bigger.

    One morning, before breakfast and before anyone else was awake, Holhemheim woke up to use the bathroom. He suddenly went into labor right next to his bed. His family woke up to help him.

    "Oh dear lord!"
    "What is it!?"
    "There's another head!"
    "Ack, it's a monster!"
    "No no no, you're carrying two babies!"
    "Two!? How the Hell was I carrying two!?"
    "Push honey! Push!"

    Holhemheim was the...I'm assuming proud...father of twin alien babies. They were blessed with his eyes. They were named Prometheus and Andromeda, and they were promptly placed in their cribs to sleep. The house had been renovated for the new arrival...now arrivals...and the brothers had a large loft room to share upstairs. They now had to stay behind while their peers went to college so they could help take care of their new siblings.

    "This isn't fair...how were we supposed to know that Dad was going to get pregnant!?"
    "We have to, brother. They need us right now. Our college education can wait. We still have our scholarships, they'll understand at the school."
    "That's besides the point! We're ready to leave now for all we know, yet we're being held back because of a couple of alien babies!"
    "Mom and Dad had to hire a live-in nanny when we were toddlers. They can't handle two more on their own, brother."
    "They better hire one now, because I'm not staying."
    "No use trying to convince me otherwise, Al. I'm tired of living here anyway..."

    And that was that.
  16. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart


    1. Proof for the nonbeliever :rolleyes: This was such a random occurance, I wasn't even expecting this to happen. I was screaming with joy when the cutscene happened. :D Before this the Elrics were probably the most boring household on the street. :eek: Oddly enough, this happens the day after Cartoon Network showed the last episode of Fullmetal Alchemist. :p

    2. Edward looks for his father

    3. Holhemheim sporting some spiffy maternity wear. Paternity wear? Who knows...

    4. Alphonse feels daddy's tummy

    5. Prometheus and Andromeda. I was hoping for twin boys so I could name them Prometheus and Bob. Maybe next time. :rolleyes:
  17. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Kairi and Bismark Briggs were very competitive. They beat each other out when it came to every single thing they did. Bismark received a promotion before Kairi; Kairi received scholarships for logic and creativity before Bismark; Bismark received a scholarship for communications before Kairi; Kairi received an athletics scholarship, Bismark received a cooking scholarship. In a way, they were like sisters: they bickered, they fought, and yet they preferred each other's company rather than being with their parents.

    "Oh my god! I have a pimple!" Bismark screamed and ran out of the bathroom crying. Apparently she beat Kairi out in that race as well.

    Kairi snickered and resumed doing her homework. It was six in the morning, and she would not have time to do it when she came home from school. She had a late shift as a security guard, and she did not come home until the wee hours of the morning. She spent her afternoons sleeping.

    Kairi did not see her parents much nowadays. Her mother was a superstar athlete, and her father was a coach. When they were not at work, they were either exercising their heads off or were playing poker in the basement.

    "Ha ha, your parents have a gambling problem!"
    "I hate to tell you this, Bismarky, but your parents have a problem as well."
    "Yeah right, they know better than to spend all their cash doing something as stupid as that."
    "Hey! I won the pot!" yelled Ed Briggs from the basement.

    Bismark wanted to be perfect. She had the looks, the intelligence, and the willpower to succeed. She wanted to be popular, to stand out in the crowd. She wanted to get out of the "hell-hole" in which she lived and succeed in college, then move downtown where she could get a grip on the police business. She wanted to be a superhero. She wanted to save people, and preferrably get their attention. Unfortunately, with parents like hers, she was not getting anywhere fast. She was driven insane with the lack of a social life. Her parents wanted her to nab scholarships, not nab 50 friends at once. Education came first.

    Kairi just wanted out period. She wanted to own her own business and make a lot of money. She did not want to be depending on her family any longer. Her $125 she earned a night guarding the corporation downtown was not taking her anywhere fast. She was fed up with her parents' behavior. In a way, she wanted attention too...and lots of money...but mainly attention. She wanted to move out just as badly as Bismark, but for more practical reasons. Fortunately the day for both of them will come soon.
  18. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    The twins had their first birthday. They turned out...uh...pretty well. At least they were not identical.

    Edward mellowed out and kept his ill-feelings to himself. He helped with the toddlers as best as he could, and even grew fond of them. Alphonse did a better job, though. Their parents did most of the dirty work, like teaching them to walk and talk. The brother potty-trained the twins at the same time. In a way, having two pairs of helping hands was much better than having a pair of greedy Yuffie hands.

    One day, the family had a meeting. The parents were pleased with their sons' assistance in raising Andromeda and Prometheus. Instead of holding them back from college, they allowed them to move on. This was the most exciting time of the brothers' lives, and they seized the moment. They called the cab right away and drove off to La Fiesta Tech. They found a dorm, a modest dorm that held eight rooms, and immediately declared majors and typed on their term papers.

    Their parents were quite proud.
  19. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Hans was a man about town, in a way. He barged into people's houses and chatted with them, ate their food, and watched their TVs. He made friend quite easily. He could not sit still for the life of him, though. He moved from place to place, saying hello to everyone he met. He was a very sociable person.

    Some people kicked him out, others let him stay. When the Elrics had their alien encounter, Hans was the first one there to see what was going on.

    There were crop circles in the fields. Everyone was talking about it. They wondered what had happened that one night, when the whole strip of houses saw a flash of night and heard a whirring noise. They wondered what on earth happened to Hoenheim (I had misspelled the poor man's name, whoops :eek:) to make him miss months from work. He was never that sick, from what they knew. The Smiths heard the sounds of babies crying at two in the morning, and they called to ask what was going on. Finally Dizzy went on over there and put all the puzzle pieces together. She even got to talk with the cute Elric brother. Heck, Edward Elric could even make girls pull weeds in the garden, he had that kind of way with him.

    Strange things happened in the middle of nowhere. A lonesome country road with a few houses sprawled along it can hold many secrets. Vampires, aliens...romancers, overachievers...what else could happen to rock these people's worlds?
  20. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    The Briggs cousins moved off to college while their parents were sleeping.
    "Let's get out of here before WE get addicted to that ******* poker table!" "Yeah, let's!" Before she sneaked off, Kairi was given one of the punching bags in the basement. "You might need it," she was told by her loving, yet indifferent, athletic parents. They moved into the same dorm with the Elric brothers down the street. The girls did not even know that they had a cousin, let alone a cute, nerdy guy cousin, living down the street.

    Boba Fett Curious was a bit of a beach bum slacker. He still had that thirst for knowledge, but he did not show it very much. He only had a handful of scholarships. When he taught his half brother Enoch how to talk, this was how it went...

    "No, man, dude."
    "Man dooooooooode!"
    "Okay...can you say 'bro?'"
    "No, man, bro."
    "Way to go, little dude!"

    The "little dude" had his fourth birthday in the presence of the "big dude's" friends and cousin. Vidcund and Yuna were always tired when they came home from work, so they slept through the entire birthday party. The little dude grew up not following in his older brother's footsteps.

    He was charming, sure, but a bit of a know-it-all. He wore a polo and khakis. He was cute in a sickening way, at least to Boba and Lazlo, who suddenly moved out because he "needed his space." The adults fawned over him, and thought he was going to be a protegy, a boy genius. Boba rolled his eyes and laughed whenever there was a conversation revolving around Enoch.

    Dizzy became friends with Boba and Edward Elric. She kept in touch with both of them. She studied and earned her way through, without being in private school or maintaining a job. She mainly helped raise her younger brothers, who were turning out very well. Garrett celebrated his thirteenth birthday with little fanfare. He slicked his hair back and grew a goatee, and was desperate to find a girlfriend. He tried flirting with Sophie Miguel, then realized that they were not...compatible...then he flirted with Ivy Copur and there were some sparks involved. Little Vivi grew up to be a dream child, yet insisted on dying his hair blonde to look different. It was uncanny the resemblence between Garrett and Vivi...they looked like twins...

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