Welcome to Knox Patch

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Chee-Z, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Cool, Cheezy. Twin alien babies. Very funny, too. I like Boba teaching Enoch how to talk. And Gregory and Uncle Virgil's conversation. :D
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Man dooooood.

    Hee hee ... fun story, Chee-Z.

    Prometheus and Bob would have been funny!
  3. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    A bit off topic, but can someone convince me to get OFB? In Knox Patch, I can only see a few people owning a business:

    ---Yuffie Kisaragi, the boarding house owner, and her gaggle of money/romance women. That ought to be interesting. :rolleyes:
    ---Don Lothario and his wife Marisa
    ---Virgil...nightclub anyone? :D

    Maybes include the Hoffmans, the Smiths, the Barkers, the Briggs's, and the Elrics.

    I've heard horror stories of bugs and glitches, but in a game this complex, anyone's bound to get them anyway. I can easily get the game at Best Buy for $20 with a giftcard my brother's not going to use anytime soon (mwahaha :D ) so...any good points? Bad points? Any suggestions before I install? Back ups of course...and removing the Orb off my lawns...and making sure all my Sims are home...eek...:eek:
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I love it, Chee-Z. It's so totally worth any minor inconveniences. I did not install the patch yet, because I'm not sure it's a good idea, so I just make sure to delete any renu-u-orbs and not drive to owned lots. No big.

    You can do so much more with your sims with OFB! Going to work with them is a blast, and it's quite a challenge to get good at it, which I like.

    Apparently the register's the hardest job in a business. :rolleyes: Porter Kane can dazzle your socks off and make you buy anything he wants you to but still can't figure out those little buttons.

    Anyway, I think it rocks.

    Back up your entire game first. That way, if you hate it you can uninstall.

    But I'm pretty sure you won't.

    Oh, and P.S. Do follow Mirelly's very good steps to do before you install. I did, and with the exception of one lot all went well. And I'm pretty sure they had a renu-u-orb, which I didn't know to delete ahead of time. I didn't lose the sims, just had to move them to a new house and delete their old one, which was a little sad because it was a beautiful one-of-a-kind house that I made myself.

    Oh well.
  5. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    As a precaution I moved my Sims out of their houses and moved them into new ones. I also made sure they had their essentials in their inventory (darn you Tifa and your punching bag!).

    Now I'm moving a backup onto my brother's computer. I was allowed to buy OFB, yay! :D
  6. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    As soon as the Lotharios were settled and Aeryn had her fourth birthday, Marisa realized her dreams of owning a business. Unfortunately, she dragged Don in with her into the depths of retail.

    "Now, when I'm at work and you're sitting on your *** all day, I want you to crank out inventory, all right?"
    "What? You WANT to be a lazy ***? You're a poor example for your daughter, she LICKS the plates instead of bringing them to the dishwasher!"
    "Now, hey, I didn't teach her that trick..."
    "I NEED a starting stock in order to open this robotics shop up. Are you going to help me or am I going to have to boot you out and find someone else?"
    "For your information, dear, I've already been making some starting stock. Not those Robby Robot toys though..."
    "Well, what? Flowers? Cakes? You've always been a softee."
    "Toys. I want to sell toys."
    "Toys! That's a riot! Who on this street is going to buy toys!? The majority of the kids on the block have gone off to college!"
    "There's the Smith's youngest...and the Curious boys...not to mention our little Aeryn...and Hoenheim's aliens..."
    "Wow, six kids!"
    "Marisa, please don't give me a hard time. This'll work, you got to have faith in me. You know how much I love children..."
    "I gave you one, didn't I? Why isn't that enough for you?"
    "She's a darling girl, honey...I want to do more, though..."
    "And so do I! Now get up there and make more Robbies!" Marisa shoved Don up the stairs, and he grumbled as he went. Little Aeryn was playing in a puddle in the upstairs bathroom. He chuckled and instead of finishing Marisa's Robby Robot, he resumed painting smiley faces on bricks that he had found lying around the neighborhood. Hey, he had to get started somewhere...soon he'd be able to make more elaborate toys, ones that kids of all ages would enjoy. He wasn't sure if Marisa's interest in robots was such a good idea...who knows what good would come of it? Those Robbies ate up the bank account so quickly, and the store was not even opened yet. If she were to make bigger robots, ones that functioned like people, who would buy them? Sure all the science nerds on the street would gobble them up like candy...*sigh* he worried too much...he added a flourish to his brick and took the pile of them downstairs, where he stacked them neatly on the shelves. He noticed that his wife had already set up her display of Robbies. Two of them were broken. He shook his head sadly and went back upstairs to help his daughter with her homework.
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Poor Don. I'm not surprised his daughter's a slob, though. He certainly is.

    Maybe he can divorce Marisa and find a nice family sim. :D
  8. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I agree! I'm not liking her much. I never liked her in my game either. I had one male sim flirt with her and she developed a crush, even though he didn't. From that point on she became obsessive. I don't let her near my other sims anymore!
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Lazlo Curious stepped out of the taxi, carrying nothing but a meager amount of belongings in a musty suitcase. He stood in front of a pink stucco house, wondering if he had done the most insane thing in his entire life, or the most brilliant.

    He did not have a lot of time to think about it.

    The boarding house, the only one on the street, was home to a bunch of single women who could not afford, or did not want, to live in a house of their own. At once, he was surrounded by a swirl of women, scooting him up the stairs, through the threshhold, and up another flight of stairs to his bedroom. A couple wanted to take him down to the basement, where there was "room for two." But Yuffie Kisaragi did not want any of that, especially toward her first male boarder.

    "Scat, all of you! Git! Sorry about that, Mr. Curious. They're very..."
    "Yes, indeed. Well, this room should accommodate your needs. If you need anything, just call on me."

    Lazlo unpacked and laid on the bed for several minutes. He still wondered what he had gotten himself in to. Yet anything would be better than raising his brothers' children. He had already done that once. All he wanted to do was to find his own footing, find his own girl, find his own life and house instead of bumming off someone else.

    And yet here he was, lying down on some frilly-covered bed, in a room painted light pink, in a house filled with giggly, crazy women. What was he to do in here? Oh yeah...his sisters were here...of course! He had forgotten! The only reason he was here was because of them! He sorta knew them...more than his brothers did...they did not even consider them family, those girls...the aliens...

    "Ah Lazlo, I see you've gotten yourself settled."
    "Hey Lola, how are you?"
    "Fine, just fine. Taking a little break from the flurry of paper work at the office..."
    "You work yourself too hard, sis."
    "I love to work, though. I'm bored when I'm not doing anything. I don't know how Chloe does it."
    "Does what?"
    "Chloe, you need to pick some other clothes besides that gawdy thing, it's appauling!"
    "What, afraid I'm going to offend Big Brother? Please, I've been wearing this kind of stuff since I was a teenager, right Laz?"
    "Ugh, you frustrate me sometimes..."
    "So do you, Miss Work-A-Holic."
    "I did not forget our Girls Night Out thing, Chloe, we still need to do that."
    "Maybe we can bring a boy with us? *wink*"
    "Splendid! We'll go out tonight!"
    "Get your clubbin' clothes on, Laz, if you have any..."
    "We'll leave at eight, is that alright with you?"
    "Sure...I guess..."

    A few hours later, Lazlo was climbing into a van with a gaggle of crazy, giggling women, heading downtown to do God knows what...he still wondered what he was getting himself in to...
  10. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    Saying that is like the kiss of death!
    VERY brake man! lol :D
  11. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Where the heck are we?" Lazlo looked around and did not recognize the concrete jungle at all. There was a gawdy pink building that resembled a cheap chapel.

    "Yuffie's getting married! C'mon, the minister's an Elvis impersonator!" Chloe dragged Lazlo into the chapel and sat him into a plastic fold-up chair.

    "Wha? In this place?"

    "Yeah, everyone who can't afford a proper ceremony get hitched here." Lola was not amused. She was expecting a quiet evening in Londoste, or dancing at the Lulu Lounge. She was not expecting sitting in a clapboard drive through chapel listening to some lounge singing Elvis wannabe croon some oldies while taking breaks to let the bride and groom share their vows.

    "Who's been here before?"
    "Don Lothario was married here. I miss that guy, he was a riot. He never calls me anymore." Chloe sighed and rested her feet on the chair in front of her.
    "That's because he's a married man with a daughter. You have no chance of breaking that marriage up, and I'll laugh at you if you attempt to try."
    "The wife is a downright *****, Lola. I hate that woman so much..."
    "Rival, maybe?"
    "She has a dominant personality that drives me nuts. She wants everything perfect. She clings to you like glue if you try to get close. She's nuts! I don't know what Don saw in that woman."
    "Maybe she was better in bed than you---"
    "I pronounce you husband and wife!"

    Joe Carr and Yuffie Kisaragi were married, and a couple of days later they received a legal marriage license. In the meantime...

    Lazlo, Chloe and Lola spent their evening at the bar, drinking. Lazlo had a little too much; he did not really drink too much alcohol when he was living with his brothers. This was the most excitement he had ever had since his teenage years...meh...those were not very good years anyway... The bride and groom were dancing the smustle on the disco dance floor. Dina and Nina were talking with a couple men on the other end of the bar. Rikku was not having a good time; she could not strike up a conversation with anyone without them finding an excuse to walk away.

    "What's wrong with me?" Rikku sat down next to Lazlo.
    "What do you mean?"
    "No one wants to talk with me. Is there something about me that's offending? My breath?"
    "Ah, so that's not it...God I can't seem to find my footing around here. I'm swamped at the police station, I can't seem to get a break for myself." She sighed and rested her head on the bar counter. "Paine is married to a scientist who is successful. They have three kids, one of them in college. They have a vampire living in their house. She's living a more interesting life than I am."
    "That is very interesting..."
    "Don't rub it in...and then Tifa's a superstar athlete and is married to a coach. Their daughter's in college, but they never talk. That poor girl keeps calling me and I don't know what to say to her."
    "She says she's always in the shadow of her cousin. Unfortunately, I'm always in the shadow of my sisters, so I don't know what advice to give to her."
    "I'm a middle child myself. Though, I think my family disowned my younger sisters."
    "Lola and Chloe?"
    "They were always the oddballs, being aliens and all. Mom was not happy about that. I think I could hear her cry every night."
    "That's sad."
    "Yeah. And then my brothers were abducted by aliens and their offspring are in college now."
    "Yeah. I was always in the shadow, trying my best to contribute whenever I could. But I got sick of it when the bros got married and, I'll be darned, had more kids for Uncle Lazlo to help care for. I want my own life, I don't want to be an accessory in someone else's."
    "Same here."

    Their eyes met in the dark bar. Something clicked. Lola and Chloe noticed, whispered to each other, then motioned Lazlo and Rikku to step out with them.

    "The reason why we invited you over to live with us is because we needed a co-signer to a plot of land."
    "We don't have enough dough to buy a house, but we do have enough to BUILD one."
    "Yes, build."
    "And you expect me to build the house?"
    "At least help with it. You can leave whenever you want, or you could add on to it when you wanted."
    "So when are we going to do this?"
    Chloe whistled for a cab while Lola pulled a sheet of paper out of her trenchcoat pocked. "Now."
  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "You know, Franz? Being old isn't so bad."
    "Happy Birthday, honey *kiss*"
    "Oh, you devil you!" They giggled like schoolchildren and Franz kissed Paine up her arm.
    "Teehee, Mom and Dad are smooching again."
    "Shouldn't you be heading to school, young man?"

    Hans was a bit of a handful, and really full of himself sometimes. He freestyled in the living room one time when Franz had guests over. Franz had to give Hans $50 in order to stop. The guests were highly amused.

    "I don't understand that boy sometimes."
    "How so, hon?"
    "He lounges in his pajamas, he does his homework only 'when he feels like it,' he dances like one of those rappers on TV, and just a few minutes ago he jumped over the couch in over to sit in it. He even got a job as a gas station attendant!"
    "Just go with the flow, honey. He's a free spirit. I wouldn't try to restrain him."
    "I don't know how on earth he's supposed to survive in college. His brother and sister have a better work ethic than he does."
    "Leave it be. We'll see what happens."
    "Alright...but I'm afraid of what's going to happen..."
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'll always love Franz. :D
  14. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I downloaded him, Cheez. I think I'll set him up in his very own neighborhood first, to check him out. I've never downloaded a sim before. :rolleyes:
  16. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "This isn't what I had in mind when you said we were going to build a house," Lazlo said as he watched a prebuilt house be plopped down in a plot of land in between two existing houses on the country street. The house was ordered weeks before, and was delivered on the back of a semi.

    "Hey, why make it hard on ourselves?" Chloe was lounging in a plastic lawn chair, her feet resting on a concrete chess set that looked like it was there for years.

    "Then what was that thing I signed?" Lazlo watched as the house was lowered by crane.

    "A loan. We're going to start a home business, and we needed the money."
    "And a co-signer!"

    "Why am I so gullible?" Lazlo laughed and paid the man who delivered the house. It was quite generic, but it would do. It had schoohouse brick for the exterior, and green pain and gray carpeting for the interior, with flowery linoleum.

    The rooms were divided out to accomodate the room for the business. Lazlo was wondering what Lola had up her sleeves. In the meantime he had a job to go to; he was an inventor for the labs, and he could not be late again. He bid the ladies goodbye and left in the carpool.

    Lola had taken the robot making machine from Yuffie's basement, and a stash of toy robots. A lot of them were broken, but she figured that an idiot would buy them all the same. She set them up on a shelf and bought herself a cash register. She called and obtained a business permit. She opened up shop, turning the little sign she placed on the door. People came and went, buying a few robot toys and asking for more. Lola was able to reach a rank of two on the first day, and received a bronze badge in the mail for making robots.

    "I need you to open shop everyday at nine in the morning, Chloe."
    "Why do I need to babysit your robots for you?"
    "I still have a job at the corporation, and these bots can't sell themselves."
    "Fine, but don't expect me to be perfect with it. What smells like pie?"
    "I thought I'd bake a few pies for the customers," Rikku called from the kitchen.
    "In case they're hungry."
    "Can we sell them?"
    "I don't know, I didn't think of that."

    Chloe and Rikku manned the shop while Lola and Lazlo were at work. Rikku left for her shift at the police station. Chloe sat at the cash register and sometimes smoozed with whoever came in. She ticked off one guy when she tried to flirt with him.
    "Fine, be that way."

    "Chloe?" It was Don.
    "Hey, what are you doing here?"
    "I was checking to see how the business was. Marisa hasn't opened her robotics shop yet, and it's more elaborate than it should be."
    "She's a crazy woman, that Marisa."
    "Indeed. I should've realized that when I married her, but I was a desperate man who wasn't thinking straight at the time."
    "What, you're regretting it now?"
    "I hate commitment, and I now know why."
    "Aww, poor thing."
    "You had several women to choose from, and you picked that woman. Why should I have sympathy for you?"
    "I don't know. Can I buy one of these?"
    "Sure, let me ring you up."

    "I miss you Chloe."
    "I miss you too...man this is awkward..."
    "I hate to admit this, but I'm in love with a married man."
    "Who would that be?"
    "Funny, I'm afraid I'm in love with a single woman, yet I've got the baggage of a wife. I love my child dearly, but I'm not sure about Marisa..."
    "Come 'ere, tiger." Chloe unlocked her bedroom and led Don in. "Wait here while I close up shop."

    A few days later, Chloe was tossing her cookies in the small bathroom.
    "Is she alright in there?" Hoenheim asked as he played chess with Lola. Lazlo had invited him over for dinner, and for dessert was...
    "Yeah, maybe she ate too much of Rikku's pie. I can't believe she made ten of those."
  17. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Hey Dad,

    I finally moved into the dorms today. They're pretty small; only five rooms. I guess that's a good thing, since it's just DM, Starboy, Boba and me. There's this alien girl there too, whose name is Stella. She's alright, keeps to herself though.

    I'm majoring in mathematics. Boring eh? I'm doing well in there, don't worry about me and my grades. I'm not going to fail out. Heck, the final exams are days away and I've already finished the term paper. Not much to say about numbers.

    A few of the other kids from the block have moved in to another dorm. This girl named Bismark was greeted with a waterballoon when she first arrived. I do believe she's going to have nightmares of guys in cow costumes.

    Is there a reason why Edward Elric has a robotic arm? Is that normal? Might wanna ask about that...

    A few of the girls from town moved into a house further down the road as well. Ivy, Meadow and Sophie. They're alright I guess. They don't look the same as they did when they were teens. Ivy already has eyes for Starboy. Not sure what he thinks of it, his nose (or whatever) is deep in a book all the time.

    Speaking of girls, we encountered our first streaker. She was crazy, and yelled at us, ran around like crazy, and waved hello to Boba. I think the nudity freaked Boba out. I laughed at the absurdity of the thing. Why do people do this kind of stuff?

    It's four in the morning. I've always been a night owl but I have classes later in the day. I'll write later, say hi to everyone for me. I'm sorry I missed yours and Mom's birthday party. You two age very well. I'll try to call Hans as soon as I can, and try to straighten him out for you.

  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Oh, fun! They're all in college now. And is that robotic arm a download? I've never seen that before. :D

    Uh, Chloe. I don't think it was the pie.
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Knowing that family they'll name the baby Pie. Pie Curious. Hee hee ...
  20. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Edward's arm is a downloadable skin. I'm not quite sure where I found it...maybe on The Sims 2 website, most likely. It may not be the best worksmanship but it'll do. :eek:

    This story's going to get complicated because Don and Marisa made amends. They spontaneously make out in the kitchen. BUT whereas Don has a couple lightening bolts for Chloe, Marisa has three for Mr. Big. Soap opera time! :D

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