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Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Chee-Z, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Franz was taking his usual walk down the country when he was invited into the Smiths household. Not wanting to be rude, he accepted the invitation and came on in.

    He sat on their couch and absorbed everything. Apparently their daughter, who was around Gregory's age, was in college, and their eldest son was about to start college. He was about Lulu's age. Franz chuckled as the boy tried to put the moves on some girl that he had brought home from school. Ah, teenagers. Then there was the youngest son. He was a studious fellow, and he reminded Franz of Gregory when he was a child. This Vivi was the complete opposite of the rebellious Hans. Wonder what would happen if you locked Vivi and Hans into the same room. Franz chuckled again, then was summoned to eat some lunch meat sandwiches that the elder son, Garrett, had prepared. He chatted with Vivi, and he was impressed with the boy's intellect. Today was apparently his birthday. His parents had their birthdays a couple days before.

    "They're old," he said simply.
    "Ah really?"
    "Yeah. Dad's an astronaut."
    "Ah that's an interesting job. What does your mother do?"
    "She goes out and parties every weekend. She's a 'Professional Party Guest.'"
    "Ah...alright then."

    "Who's ready for cake?"
    "Me, me!" The boy was excited to be turning thirteen. Franz couldn't blame him. He then noticed that the elder son was in an euphoric state, and covered in lipstick. The girl that he had brought home was giggling. Franz chuckled yet again. He then excused himself, saying he had to come home before Paine started worrying. The Smiths thanked him for stopping in, and gave him the rest of the cake to bring home to his family. They were nice folks, he supposed. He carried the tray down the street until...

    "Whatcha got there, Franz?"
    "Chloe? Is that you?"
    "Yeah. **** that man..."
    "What on Earth...?"
    "Long story. Say, were you at the Smiths?"
    "Yes, yes I was."
    "Ah I was going to drop by and say hello." And so Chloe waddled off in the direction of the Smiths. Franz stood there for a moment, the cake on a platter still in his hands. He then walked slowly home.

    "Where'd you get that cake?" Paine asked him as he walked in the door.
    "The Smiths."
    "Ah that was nice of them. They had a party?"
    "Yes. Could you excuse me? I need to call Don."
    "Don? Whatever for?"
    "I have a feeling he has been at it again..."
    "What? I thought he was a changed man."
    "So did I until I saw Chloe as big as a house."
    "Oh dear..."
    "Hello Marisa. May I speak with Don?"
    "Let me get him, Franz. DON! PHONE!"
    "Alright, alright. Hello?"
    "Hello Don. How are things?"
    "Terrible. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a marriage counselor, would you?"
    "Not that I know of. The only doctor we have on the street is a surgeon."
    "So things aren't going well?"
    "I love Marisa dearly, but she can be such a..."
    "She is a loud one, considering she's so petite. I know, I had to work with her at one point."
    "Yeah I remember first meeting her. You invited her over for dinner...*sigh* What happened, Franz? What's with the concerned phone call?"
    "I saw Chloe on my walk today."
    "Oh dear...how is she?"
    "Darn it! I knew I shouldn't have done that!"
    "You had...?"
    "She's a seductive type, and I was so depressed and needed a pick me up of some sort. Now I'm going to have a..."
    "Baby. A lovely green one, I might add."
    "Don't rub it in, will ya?"
    "Eh I brought it upon myself. That's why I need this marriage counselor. I work my a** off all day long, selling bricks and broken robots and other toys to people. I've earned three badges! THREE. And yet she owns the darn operation and gets all the credit. She works all day and comes home and sleeps. She makes things in the mornings before work, then says 'bye!' and is gone along with the kid. I love that kid so much, Franz. I love kids. I love making toys. But I don't like the fact that my wife is my boss. Things in the bedroom are on the rocks. That's why I took it out on Chloe. And I've screwed things up big time."
    "Sounds like you have, sorry to say."
    "It'll work out in the end, Don. It always does."
    "Did Don screw up again? Do I need to knock some sense into him?"
    "Virgil, I'm on the phone!"
    "Tell Virgil hello for me, Franz. I may need an employee over at my place if he cares to come."
    "I'll relay the message Don. Take care. I'll come visit."
    "Thanks for calling Franz. You've always been there for me. I still regret taking Hans from you."
    "It's all right Don. Unfortunately he's adopted that streak of yours."
    "He'll grow out of it."
    "I hope so...we only need one Don in this neighborhood."
    The men laughed and hung up. Virgil was looking at Franz funny.
    "He invited you to work with him at the store. For some reason he really likes you, Virgil."
    "Interesting considering I scared the pee out of him at one point. I'll see what I can do. I seem to be the stupid man's conscience."
    Franz chuckled and went to read. He saw Virgil transform into a bat and fly into the night sky toward the Lothario's house. Franz wondered what his brother would do to the confused Don.
  2. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Dizzy Smith greeted her brother Garrett at the steps of the dorm. He climbed out of the taxi, then helped a girl out. A girl? Who knew? Oh well, there was plenty of room. The more the merrier.

    "Melody Tinker, charmed," the girl shook Dizzy's hand and then brought her bags into an unclaimed dorm room. Dizzy stared after Melody for a while, then looked at her brother, who was grinning sheepishly.

    "I met her before I left, she's amazing. Isn't she?" he smiled and his eyes had a hope for approval.

    "Who is she?"

    "Her parents are inventors, and they have a toy shop in Bluewater Village. She's really down to earth...smart...pretty..." Garrett went into another euphoric daze. Edward Elric came back from class right at that moment. He looked at the fellow for a while, then smacked him upside the head with his metallic hand.

    "Is he always like this?" Edward asked.
    "That's my bro for you. Hopeless romantic." Dizzy rolled her eyes and walked off. Edward stared at Garrett, shrugged, then followed Dizzy. Garrett rubbed his head where the newly formed bump was. "Ouch."

    Garrett did not know why he was here, actually. It was his father's wish to send all his kids to college. Sure, Dizzy liked it because of the social life. Vivi was excited to study and earn a degree. Garrett? He just wanted love. He followed the girl that took his heart right to this dormatory, and he was going to follow this girl to the ends of the earth.

    I appologize for not having a longer chapter. We bought Kingdom Hearts 2 today. 'Nuff said. :D
  3. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Seems like my Simming has taken a back seat to watching my brother play KH2 with my jaw down to the floor. :eek: So the only quality time I was able to squeeze in was cleaning out the neighborhood music folder. :rolleyes:

    Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get It Started --- I put it in for NL, seems appropriate
    Bowling for Soup - 1985 --- I put in for the base game
    Rewrite - Asian Kung-Fu Generation ---FMA fan, and I have the Elrics in my neighborhood :D
    Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. ---I also put this in for NL, seemed appropriate at the time as well
    Maroon 5 - Harder to Breathe ---base game
    Project Orange - Tell All Your Friends ---I put this one in for Uni, along with
    The Caesars - Jerk It Out ---which I used for my Uni music video :D
    U2 - Vertigo ---base game
    Velvet Revolver - Slither ---base game
    Fatboy Slim - Wonderful Night --- NL
    Crazy Town - Starry Eyed Surprise --- NL

    And my silly songs:
    The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
    Ozone - Dragostea din Tei aka the Numa Numa Dance

    I did have P.O.D's Boom!, American Idiot by Green Day and They Might Be Giants' Particle Man, but I tired of them after having them in the game for quite a while. Since I lost a way of downloading music for free, new music is hard to come by. :eek:
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Hey Dad,

    I moved into a rental house this week. I'm not quite sure what to think of it, actually. It's like a giant dormatory, but with no "dormies" and no cafeteria worker. There's another one like this one, and it's right next door. I've already heard that Bismark's burned ramen in the new kitchen. How one goes by burning something in the microwave, I'll never know. She seems to be ditzy to me anyway.

    I'm sharing the house with Starboy and his cousin Boba, DM, Stella, Ivy, Meadow and Sophie. It's a pretty big crowd, but this place accommodates everything and everyone very nicely. There are seven dorm rooms (wonder who's going to share a room?); a living area with a flat panel TV, sterio system, a full instrument set, and worn out furniture; a computer lab, which I'm using now; and an elaborate bathroom. Why we need six toilets divided off, I'll never know that either. There are also public showers...I hate those so much...why am I so pale? Is it genetic? Eh...I try to take the showers early in the morning, when no one's awake, so...

    The dorm next door is very lively. I can hear them all still going at 4 in the morning. I heard that one girl stayed in class for almost 14 hours. She about died by the time she came back. Needless to say she switched majors. I don't know why a physics class would go on for that long, but oh well. That's why I'm safe in the major I'm in, though I'm thinking about switching.

    How are Lulu and Hans? I'm trying to see if I can rent out a house for just us three. It'd be great if we were able to go to college together. I hope you all are well. I'll keep in touch.

  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Greg is sounding a lot like his father. :rolleyes:

    By the way, I saw Franz in my Create a Family screen. He looked really good. I'm bogged down in Errol's life at the moment so I haven't set Franz up in a house yet. I kind of picture him as the mysterious toy maker. ;)
  6. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Dude, I thought you were a psychology major."
    "I am. I just wanted to make it seem like I'm pleasing my father."
    "Then why don't you just flat out say you're a psychology major?"
    "My father wants me to be a scientist, not a psychic."
    "Oh. Bummer, man."
    "Yeah...how's Biology going?"
    "Dude, we, like, cut a frog open, and it, like, was awes---"
    "Sounds...great...uh...I smell pancakes..."

    Greg made a beeline for the cafeteria. There he found almost all the tables set up for a nice pancake breakfast. He saw Meadow Thayer cleaning up before partaking in her dish. The others flocked to the filled tables like flies to the maple syrup. "Man, I'm starving!" was the shared sentiment. He sat in front of Meadow, who seemed to be picking at her meal and staring off into space.

    "Uh...you ok...?"
    "That girl's daydreaming about that Elric guy again. You know, the one with the metallic arm? I don't really know what she sees in him." Sophie Miguel was hovering over Greg. They were best friends, nothing more. When David Merrick walked in, she poked him as he walked passed.
    "Sorry," Sophie rolled her eyes. "That guy's a softie, and he can't take teasing very well."
    "So that's why he was sobbing in the bathroom stalls."

    Greg sighed and finished his pancakes. He sat on the couch and studied, and people came and went, zooming around, doing all sorts of things he could not keep up with. Ivy and Stella were older; they were already sophmores when Greg was attempting to finish his second semester of freshman year. Meadow was younger, and further behind. She was still on her first semester. She did not really do much except stare out the window to the dorm next door, or check her email, or call Edward on the phone at all hours. She was nuts, in Greg's humble opinion.

    He quickly made friends with the guys in the dorm, and they all studied together; even beach bum/clubber Boba would sit down and read with them. The girls...well...Greg wasn't that interested in love yet. If he HAD to fall in love though, he wouldn't mind Ivy or Sophie. Though...he thought Starboy had attraction to Ivy...and...Sophie...he guessed Sophie was open...DM certainly did not want her, he's furious with her. Stella was so quiet and distant. She kept to herself, and did not let anyone else in. He shrugged. She read with the guys a lot. That was all.

    Greg missed home...he wanted to move out as soon as his siblings graduated from high school. He had his eye on a modest piece of property down the road from here. He tried to do things that reminded him of home. He played the guitar, for example. One day though, as he was playing, he watched as Meadow greeted Edward (Who else would wear a leather jacket in the desert, and gloves for that matter? To hide the arm of course...) and they talked in front of the TV. He curiously watched them for a long time. She danced and joked and flirted. She was making a fool of herself, complimenting him and sweet-talking him. Yet Ed absorbed all the attention like a sponge. Greg watched as they hugged...and kissed...and retreated...in the direction of her dorm room...and he kept on playing the guitar like he had not paid attention to them at all.

    Ed left, smiling in a goofy expression, and Meadow was lost in her little world again, muttering about getting engaged and having "Ed babies" after the wedding. Greg was now unsure of whether he would fall into the snare of a girl's affection. If he was going to let a girl have him, it certainly would not be in that manner at all. He remembered the stories his parents told him about how they met and were married. He shuddered at the thought of "doing it" frivolously and then rushing to get to the alter. He knew they loved each other, of course. Why else would they have "done it" in the back of a car? He sighed and thought to himself as he plucked chords, then he put the guitar away and went to bed, the thought of love still on his mind, and in his dreams.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm liking Greg. And LOL, I particularly like that picture in the middle of Greg facing the mascot, nose to nose, so to speak. :D And I'm also wondering who he's going to fall in love with. Smeone quirky?
  8. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Maybe so :D I'm letting the game pick the mates, so far it's only nabbed Meadow and Edward, Garrett and Melody. ;)

    "Where is that boy?" Franz kept looking at his watch and looking out the window. He'd read on his book, then place it on his lap again, looking anxious.

    "Don't worry about him, Dad. He knows how to take care of himself," Lulu patted her father on the shoulder, then sat next to him on the couch, with a book in her lap.

    "I know, but I can't help but wonder where he went with that girl..."
    "Tosha Go works for Don and Marisa. Don hired her, and he has good judgement." Paine kissed Franz on the top of his head, then sat on the couch with them.

    "Good judgement my..."
    "Virgil? Is that Vamprocillin?"
    "Uh...love potion? I had a failed blind date from that matchmaking woman."
    "Oh really? I did not even realize you were wanting a date."
    "Yeah...uh...yeah...need...sleep..." Virgil yawned and went into his room. The door clicked as it locked.

    "That was odd."
    "I swear that was Vamprocillin...love potion my---"
    "Hey, you all didn't have to wait up on me," Hans walked into the house as if nothing had happened.
    "So what happened?"
    "Nothing." Indeed, Tosha was dull for his tastes. Though it was impressive that she picked him up in a limo. Speaking of which...

    "Need to head off. Goodbye honey. I'll talk to you later about your 'date,' Hans." Franz kissed his wife, gave his son a stern look, and walked out to his carpool. Being a Mad Scientist was hard work for several hours, but he only had to keep this up for three nights in a row per week. He even had a snazzy mad scientist outfit, complete with mechanical arm attachments for surgical precision. He really did like being at the top of his career. It certainly made things easier on everyone. They even bought new furniture and repainted Virgil's room from the horrible red paint to the neutral color once more. Yep...things were going very well...even Gregory was doing well in college, which pleased Paine. She had her heart set on all three of those kids graduating from college, even Hans, whom she said was "very intelligent despite his wild behavior." The thought of Hans going to college made Franz shudder in his lab coat.
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "**** him! **** that man!"

    Chloe screamed and wailed like an injured cat. Rikku and Lazlo had to help her, leaving the customers hanging in the tiny store. She was in labor, and they couldn't get to the hospital in time. In the bedroom in which Don committed adultery, Chloe gave birth to a baby boy, whom she named...

    "Yeah, it ought to make Lola laugh. I can hear it now...she'll laugh at me for having him..."
    "I think Barry's a lovely name. We'll help take care of him, won't we, sweetie?" Rikku cooed at the baby while Lazlo rolled his eyes.

    "I need some, uh...romantic advice, while you're not busy," Lazlo came in to check on Chloe, who was bedridden for the rest of the day.
    "Hey I'm not busy now, what's up?"
    "I uh...you know...Rikku...she's..."
    "Cute, isn't she?"
    "Yes, I was about to say..."
    "Ask her on a date. Wouldn't hurt. Hell, just take her out right in here, since it's a **** love house."
    "Why are you so bitter?"
    "Don. He's going to get marriage help, I hear. A little bat told me."
    "Yeah, a bat. Came in through the window one night, said he had heard about me and needed to tell me that."
    "That doesn't sound like a normal bat, if it talked to you..."
    "Hell no. It was creepy, thought it was a dream, but I know that it's real. So he still loves the *****."
    "Of course he does, and he'll love that green baby in the living room too. It's his child as well as yours."
    "Ha! Like the missus will like that one! What excuse will he make, that he was abducted by aliens?" Chloe laughed her head off hysterically and Lazlo backed away slowly, sliding out of the room and shutting the door.

    "What's up with her?" Rikku asked. She was cute, with the button nose and curly hair.
    "Beats me, she's nuts."
    "Say uh...since the business is closed...um...would you like to...uh..."
    "I can tell that look." She smiled and hugged him. After that one night something had clicked. They were comrades in the store, friends off duty, and now something else was going to happen.

    Lola came home one evening, terribly tired. She was a business owner and VP of a company downtown. To see her brothers, sister in laws, Don Lothario, and Rikku celebrating in the tiny kitchen made her double take.

    "What on earth?"
    "We're celebrating Barry's first birthday, did you forget or what?"
    "I am always so tired, Chloe. Everything goes through one ear and out the other. Why is everyone in here?"
    "To show Don that I don't need him to raise a child. I have family to help me out."
    "He's adorable!" a gaggle of aunties were cooing the toddler, who was, in fact, adorable.
    "That's a lovely way to show it, sis."
    "I know." Chloe grinned and took a piece of cake. Lola rolled her eyes and went on to bed, not talking with anyone.

    Meanwhile, Lazlo was getting an earful from Yuna, Vidcund's wife.
    "You mean to tell me you left OUR home to live with THESE people?"
    "Enough, Vidcund! You're crazy, Lazlo! Crazy! What on EARTH do you have in common with these women?"
    "I'm engaged."
    Rikku smiled in her cute manner and came on over to meet her future sister-in-law. She even handed Yuna a picture.
    "He had a polaroid camera set up, isn't that wonderful?"
    "Thanks for coming, brother."
    "Quite welcome. Yuna, we're leaving now. Enoch is probably up waiting for us."

    Things became hectic in the robot store. Rikku made pies whenever she could, and they were snatched up quickly. The robots sold like hotcakes, and Chloe had to close the store at noon everyday because of lack of merchandise.
    "This is ridiculous, don't you think, Barry?"
    "Ga ga!"
    "Yeah I thought so too. Let's get some help."
    She posted an advertisement on the Internet, then screened the first few people that came. She picked out a college girl with a knack for the cash register, and a guy named Orlando that could smooze his way out of a paper bag.
    "Now, not only are you going to man the cash register and sell stuff, I need you to make robots. Here are your aprons. You don't have to wear them today." Chloe shooed the people to the back yard, and they cranked out toy robots until they almost peed themselves, at which Lola sent them home and scolded Chloe for hiring "slave labor."
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You are so funny, Chee Z. "Ga ga." :D
  11. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "I quit my job."
    "Did you?" Don was working on a toy fire engine. Marisa was on her way to bed, but had to use the phone for a moment.
    "Yes, I did. I couldn't keep up with two jobs at once."
    "Not like you were getting anywhere anyway, with that inventor's job."
    "Har, har."
    Marisa kissed Don on his cheek, then changed into her nightgown and went to sleep. Don finished the fire engine, and then checked on Aeryn before heading to work.

    Aeryn celebrated her thirteenth birthday with her parents and their workers. Aeryn was able to help with the store now, to the joy of her mother. Unfortunately, she was a slothy teenager with only the desire to become a celebrity chef like on the television. To the disgust of her mother, she wanted a bubble blower for her birthday. "These things are great!" Don convinced Marisa, and used it himself.

    Aeryn was a good student in private school. She came home and did her homework before working in the store. She was also a hardworking saleswoman. Anything else, though, was not her fort. She left the cash register to Troy and Marisa.

    What happened to Tosha Go?

    She was gracefully let go by Aeryn, without Don and Marisa knowing.
  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Uncle Virgil?"
    "Yeah, kid?"
    "I was wondering..."

    Virgil Hoffman was sitting on the porch of his brother's house. He felt like a giant failure and a giant leech. He was always uncomfortable and always threatening his health and life trying to scrape a few dollars. He couldn't even do what he loved best: study. Being a vampire was not for him; he had never bitten anyone since...well...he became one.

    Lulu was a curious kid. Ever since she was little, she had wondered what it was like to be one. Mainly she just wanted to meet her uncle. So there they were, sitting on the porch.

    "What's it like?" she said finally after a long silence.
    "Nothing to write home to, actually. If I had my choice, I'd end it all right here and now."
    "What!? You don't mean...?"
    "Oh god, you CAN'T disintegrate!"
    "No no no, kid...*sigh* the main reason why I did let someone bite me was because I was afraid to die."
    "Really? Then why do you sacrifice yourself in order to go to work at the hospital?"
    "I need the money...and the...cravings...are awful...but I can't go around and bite people."
    "I thought thats how things worked."
    "Kid, it's not all it's cracked up to be unless you put your heart into it. Unfortunately I'm trying to act like something I'm not."
    "Like Uncle Don?"
    "Yeah. Giant faker, that guy. Don't you screw around with anyone and everyone, Lu, or else you'll make you'll make your life exactly like his."
    "Lovely words of wisdom, uncle."
    "I've been around that fellow for too long, he's getting to me. *laugh* I'm like the guy's conscience. That's another thing I don't like about being a vampire. I hate making that guy pee his pants."
    "Wanna play red hands?"
    "Red hands? Where'd that come from?"
    "Just a thought. C'mon."
    They got up and played the kiddy game on the front porch. His hands were stony cold. She looked into his eyes and they were the saddest red eyes she had ever seen. They weren't happy like her mother's or Hans's at all. That struck a chord and she felt sorry for him.
    "If you have the bottle, Uncle Virgil, I suggest drinking it now before dawn."
    "Really, kid?"
    "Yeah. You'll feel a lot better for it." She did not want to be a vampire anymore. The want dissipated as quickly as Virgil popped the cap off and chugged the potion down. She went in as Virgil writhed on the front porch. She could see the red eyes melt into a clear blue. She could tell that his skin was as pale as her father's. His hair, however, was still the white color. She smiled and cleared up the dirty dishes and then went upstairs to bed. Franz was still at work, and Hans was manning the counter at a convenience store somewhere. Paine was fast asleep.

    She could hear Virgil going to bed before her father and brother came home from work. She woke up the next morning, the day of her parents' wedding aniversary.
  13. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Hey Dad! I couldn't miss your party," Greg had come home since going off to college. He hugged his father and about cried.
    "So glad you could come, son," Franz patted Greg's back and excused himself. "I need to start on that turkey. If you want, your piano's still upstairs in case you feel the itch to play."
    "I'll keep that in mind," Greg smiled and went on upstairs. He had not played that thing in ages. He felt a tingle in his fingers as he touched the keys, and the music just flowed.

    "You're still a **************!" Nina Caliente was cussing Don Lothario out again. Ah, memories, thought Franz.

    "Hello Nina, Don. I'm so glad you could come." He shook Don's hand and nodded at Nina. She glared at him and then stomped off. Dina rolled her eyes and apologized for her sister's behavior. "She still has a grudge despite the fact that he's changed."
    "I figured as much. Speaking of which, where's Mrs. Lothario?"
    "She wasn't able to come, she still had to work at the store," Don had a worried look in his eyes, but smiled as he saw Virgil come out of the bedroom that used to be the "love pad."
    "Virgil? Is that you?"
    "What do you think?"
    "Haha! You're not...scary!"
    "Hehe, don't have to use the washing machine on those jeans anymore."
    The men laughed and talked. Franz kept watch on his turkey and for his wife, who was supposed to come home at six.

    Chloe and Lola arrived. Nothing out of the ordinary happened between Chloe and Don. They actually steered clear of each other. The guests spent their time in front of the big screen TV and dancing to the music of Chloe on guitar. Paine arrived home and was surprised at the gathering of people that used to live in the house.

    "My goodness, you all came home!" Everyone laughed and ate turkey; some of the guests had to sit on the couch and eat their meal. The kids came home from work and took in everything. Though, Lulu spent the evening reading the paper and keeping it low key. Hans showed off by freestyling for tips again.

    The party was a success. Virgil met a few women and was somewhat attracted to Dina. No fights occurred; only a bit of slapping. Paine and Franz slow danced well into the night, until he had to go to work. After the party was over, Paine went on to bed due to fatigue. The kids stayed up late to do homework---Hans was three assignments behind and his grade dropped---and Virgil was finally able to savor some time with the books in his room. He sighed happily and read. All was well.
  14. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    *click* *click* *click*

    "Huh? Wha?" Hans woke up one morning, a few days before he was off to college, to the sound of someone playing chess in his room. He figured it was his dad, or Uncle Virgil, or someone. He looked at his alarm clock and it read seven in the morning. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, only to find some red haired dark lady sitting there, playing chess by herself.

    "Hey, who are you?" He sorta recognized her from the aniversary party, but he did not know her very well.

    "Dina Caliente. Heh, you must be Hans."

    "Why are you here?"

    "Didn't you hear? The boarding house closed down."


    "I'll explain later. Nina's finished with breakfast. Talk about good luck to have a Sous Chef make breakfast for you."

    He shrugged and followed Dina into the living room/kitchen. There was a blonde tanned woman in a chef's outfit, with a platter of omelettes. She served the meal and picked out a plate for herself and began to eat. This Nina woman looked pretty *****y to Hans, so he tried to keep his cool around her.

    "You look like Franz. Are you the tot that Don stole?"
    "Yep. Funny how that's still being talked about. I'm eighteen, you know."
    "Nina has a slight...grudge...against Don."
    "Slight? Dina, he's a horrible man! Terrible! I don't know how you people tolerate him!"
    "Only because you poked him and he poked you back that first day living in here..."
    "We're destined to hate each other, you know that."
    "Give the poor man a chance."
    "Why should I? Look, he just stole our newspaper." She pointed at the retreating Don outside.
    "Our? Wait...you two are living here?"
    Nina laughed. Dina rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes we are. Franz 'let' us back in after the boarding house closed its doors."
    "Yeah, the nerve of that woman!"
    "Yuffie saw other...profits...elsewhere..."
    "You're darn right! She sniffed dollar bills flowing down the street, and she took a job with that Lothario woman. The nerve, putting us out on the sidewalk!"
    "She's going to get married, Nina. She was probably going to shut the place down anyway."
    "That Joe Carr guy she's marrying is a darn joke."
    "What? Doesn't a girl have a right to speak her mind?"
    "Ugh, I can't stand you sometimes."

    "Well well, I'm going to be liking this..." Virgil emerged from his bedroom. He sat next to Hans, and gave him a confused look. Hans shrugged.

    "Franz, I thought you said you wouldn't take boarders again."
    "I did, honey. Unfortunately, they come right on in anyway."

    Franz and Paine joined the crowded breakfast table. Nina and Dina had finished their meal and were now partaking the family liquor. Virgil looked at the women funny as they chugged down wine like it was water, at eight in the morning.

    "You mean you had these strange people living in your house, and you had no idea why? Brilliant, brother."
    "Yeah yeah...*sigh* I'm an old man. I shouldn't be having to deal with this crapola."
    "It'll be alright, dear." Paine patted Franz's shoulder as she cleared up the breakfast dishes. Hans was watching everything with amusement. "And Hans, don't you be getting any ideas..."

    "I'm not, Mom. Man, this place is going to be crazy once I go off to college. I bet you guys will miss me." He smirked and left the table. He noticed Dina checking her watch, then there was a honk outside. Ah, she was a business woman. VP, eh? And the sister was a Sous Chef...if they were so successful, why did they have to bum off somebody else for a house to live in?

    He missed his siblings, but he was going to join them soon. Thank goodness, he thought. Some of the things he had done were off the wall, but his dad letting crazy people live in his house was nuttier than what he could ever do. Hans guessed Franz was a crazy party guy deep down after all. He just did not let it out very much...Hans smiled as he changed into his school uniform and caught the bus for school. He had a shift at the Patty Palace after school, so he packed his apron and ballcap in his backpack before he left. Once the shift was over, he was going to start packing for the trip to La Fiesta Tech.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm catching up on all the action (while at work). Virgil's a nice looking guy it turns out. Poor Franz -- boarders again. :rolleyes:
  16. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Hey Dad,

    We were finally able to find a decent house to rent. We bought a few things with the scholarship money we accumulated. I do believe Lulu takes the prize when it comes to earning the dough, so to speak. I'm impressed with Hans's amount though. He really is a smart guy, deep down. All he wants to do is have fun. No harm in that, right?

    Oh gosh Dad, you wouldn't recognize Lulu and Hans now. Lulu, for some odd reason, is wearing this aviation getup that makes her look like Amelia Earhart. I have no idea why she's wearing it, but she says she "likes the bomber jacket style." She's also ditched the braids for a shorter cut. I swear, I don't recognize her as my little sister anymore without the braids. She's really into her studies, so you don't have to worry about that. She's making 4.0s every semester.
    As for Hans...well...he's got the grundge look going. He's very laid back and I'm worried because he doesn't take care of himself like he should. His hair's really long! I don't know how he's able to see through that hair, let alone the sunglasses that he wears all the time. "It's cool," he says. Yeah...right...oh, and did you know that Hans has a suitor? Yeah that Bismark girl...I don't really know what's gotten into her. She's really pretty, yet snobby, and yet here she is, going on dates with Hans every night, practically. Also on the love report *rolls eyes* for today, we have this Elric guy coming over and asking for Lulu. It's not Edward, it's Alphonse. He seems very quiet. He barely makes it into the house before he gets anxiety and has to go home again. Oh brother...

    As for me, I switched majors. I'm a psychology major, Dad. Can you see me being a psychologist? It's like I'm analyzing everyone else around me, yet I can't seem to figure out myself. As for Lulu and Hans, they're a Math major (Lu) and a Philosophy major (Hans of course...). I'll write you when I finish my next final. Junior year, here I come!


    PS: I hope you're not offended by some of the pictures lol And I just heard that Hans got into a fraternity...oh boy...
  17. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Hi Greg."
    "Hey, what's up?"
    "Nothing much, the usual."
    "Ah ok. Um...so...how're things since I left?"
    "Hmm...apparently Starboy and Ivy hit it off so well, they bought themselves a double bed and he moved into her room."
    "Good for them."
    "Yeah really. Starboy's cousin or whatever doesn't seem to mind."
    "Boba's a pretty laid back guy. Maybe Hans should meet him sometime."
    "You didn't know I had sibs?"
    "Why no, I didn't."
    "Oh. Well...I have a sister and a brother. Lulu's about your age...Hans is..."
    "Like Boba?"
    "I'd like to meet them sometime."
    "Everyone's invited to come, if you pass the word on. Though, Hans has already invited a few people over."
    "Yeah I heard. It was quiet without some of them here."
    "I bet."
    "Greg, you're a psychology guy...why am I so shy?"
    "I guess I need to figure that out for myself, huh?"
    "I could attempt to figure it out for you, but...hey, I'm only a sophmore."
    "I know, me too. Physics."
    "What I want to know is, why is everyone obsessed with becoming a scientist? Lu wants to be one, and so does everyone else."
    "Knox Patch is a safe haven for scientific research. Everyone knows that. There's a lot of...um...activity here, there."
    "Yeah...you mean..."
    "I'm one of those alien babies, if you hadn't noticed."
    "I did. Pretty nice one too."
    "Welcome. Uh oh...Hans is burning something, may I call you back?"
    "*sigh* Sure. It was nice talking with you."
    "Same. Goodbye Stella."

    Stella hung up the phone and realized that she was late for class. She passed everyone by in the dorm, without saying a word and without anyone else saying a word to her. She sighed heavily and walked out the door, under the awning to the sidewalk, and ran on to class.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Hmmm. Stella and Greg, maybe? I guess we won't know that for a while. Interesting mix of skins types, if so. Wonder what a baby would inherit? As SBW has said, 'love those sim genetics.' (maybe not an exact quote)
  19. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Vivi was dressed in a brown sweater and blue jeans. He fiddled with his hair so that it looked funny, but he did not have a mirror to check and see if he looked proper. He finally broke down and bought himself a pair of glasses because he ran into the bathroom door at home. He was self conscious about his big nose, and self conscious about his muddy brown eyes and dyed blonde job. His hair was originally black.

    Yet here Vivi was, sitting in a cab, being driven to college. He did not know what La Fiesta was going to be like. He wondered how his siblings were doing. He wasn't close to his sister, and he had a fairly decent relationship with his brother. He was proud of his parents: General Teal Smith was doing just fine, as was his wife, Professional Party Guest Kari. He left in the morning and they were in their pajamas waving goodbye to him.

    Vivi arrived, and he did not realize that the place was out in the middle of the desert. He was sweating in his sweater, but he didn't feel like changing his clothes. The cab stayed there instead of leaving though. He found that odd. Then he realized why the cab was still there.

    "Hey Vivi! Sorry to split like this, but quite frankly, I'm in need of a different setting. If you need me, I'll be next door!" Dizzy threw her bags in the trunk and got in the cab. She rode a good couple blocks away. Vivi stood there in the dust for a moment.

    "She's crazy. Are you related to her?" A guy with large green eyes and glasses approached him. He was wearing a sweater as well, but was not bothered by the heat of the afternoon sun.
    "Yeah...yeah that was my sister..."
    "Ah you're a Smith? I'm Alphonse." Al reached out for Vivi's hand, which he shook.
    "I'm Vivi. Nice to meet you."
    "Same. I just got back from a final. I'm relieved, to be honest. Come on in. Is that all you have? Here...ED!"
    "Come get these bags, will ya?"
    "What, can't you get them? Oh for crying out loud..."
    Edward emerged from the dorm. He was wearing nothing but pajama bottoms, and he had a metal arm and gloves on.
    "What am I, a bagman? Oh...you're Dizzy's replacement? You look like her."
    "Yeah...she's my sister..."
    "I hope you're not as crazy as she and Garrett are. I don't know which is worse, one that's in your face all the time, or one that's kissing on some girl all the time." Edward jokingly punched Vivi in the shoulder, to which Vivi winced and grinned nervously.
    "Oh really? They're like that?"
    "Odd that you're their brother and yet you don't know much about them."
    "We were born a few years apart..."
    Vivi was escorted into the dorm by the Elric brothers. The place was covered in stucco, and the floors were made of stone. The first room was gargantuan and filled with chairs and couches and...stuff. There was a punching bag in the corner, and it was well worn. They showed him to his room, which used to belong to a girl named Melody. He found that Garrett and Melody were sharing the same room. Their doors were fixed so that they sat side by side. Vivi sighed and moved his bags in. The room was huge and desolate. A lone, cheap bed was the room's only occupant besides his duffle bags.

    Vivi asked where he could use a computer. Alphonse escorted him to the computer lab, and sat next to him at a desk. Alphonse was already starting on his term paper. Vivi registered for school online...he picked Drama as his major for now. "If you start on your paper now, you won't have to worry about it later," Alphonse told him. So Vivi spent his first afternoon writing a term paper and finishing it.

    Vivi about collapsed from hunger afterwards. The dining room was huge. The bathroom was huge. Everything about this place was huge. He was unsure if he liked it being this huge, but he stayed. He ate spaghetti with everyone else. There were the Elrics...and the Briggs's...and...the Smiths...and Melody Tinker...that was all. Kairi Briggs eyed Vivi the entire time at dinner, but he didn't pay any heed to it. He was so tired, he almost fell asleep in his noodles. He barely made it to his room, and he collapsed on the bed, making it shake and squeek from the weight and force. He sighed and stared at the ceiling for a long time before falling asleep.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Finally caught up, Chee-Z. Fun story! I like Hans. He seems like a cool guy ... and Franz must like having people impose on him, since he lets them do it so much, hmmm? Dina and Nina are a hoot. I'm sure they keep that household lively!

    Who's Vivi, again? Is he a child of Pollination Tech #9 and Jenny Smith?

    Just wondering. Sorry if I missed something.

    Keep writing! This is very funny stuff.

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