Welcome to Knox Patch

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Chee-Z, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    There's a family at the end of the neighborhood's street that composes of Teal and Kari Smith, no relation to the Smiths from Strangetown. They're Sim versions of people I met on the Internet. :eek: Since Sim Teal is a Family Sim, he wanted three kids---Dizzy, Garrett, and Vivi were the result of that. Sim Kari is a Romance Sim, but thank God she wanted the Professional Party Guest LTW, else that marriage would've gone to the toilet. :D Dizzy = Popularity; Garrett = Family, thus clinging to Melody Tinker :rolleyes: ; Vivi = Knowledge. Hope that clears things up. :)

    It was weird. When Dizzy left, another girl came to live in the dorm. Meadow Thayer. She was not the most academic of girls, to say the least. She must have been taking her sweet old time, and just now got to her sophmore year. When she said that she had come to get her "Eddie," people thought of her as being insane. They did not make eye contact for several days. It almost seemed like Edward did not consider her to be living there at all. It made little difference to Meadow though. She went right along like nothing was wrong.

    Bismark and Kairi were like a superhero and a sidekick, in terms of their relationship. One could tell that Kairi resented the fact that she was doing very well in college, yet she was always in the shadow of her flamboyant cousin. One day, Kairi went nuts on Bismark and slapped her silly. Needless to say, Kairi moved out and Bismark misses having a sidekick.

    DM met his soulmate one day. He did not notice it at first, but he saw something special in her. The shy fellow started talking with her, and she was exactly like him in every single way, as more things were revealed the more they talked. Except that she was...well...different. She felt the same way he did; they were soulmates, yet somehow they could not communicate the feelings for each other without blushing and stammering. Yep...DM and Stella were meant for each other. He wondered how his parents would feel about having their perfect son date an alien.
  2. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Franz had a few newspapers lying around on the floor. Their pages were turned to certain articles.

    "Don Lothario had his 54th birthday. The successful toy tycoon and everyone's favorite party guest celebrated with his wife Marisa, daughter Aeryn (who is about to leave for college!) and with his live-in friends, the Carrs. Yuffie Carr is expecting the couple's first child. Better have some of that merchandise ready for the little one, Don!"

    "Lazlo Curious and Rikku Lockhart announce that they were married privately last Tuesday evening. The couple had Pascal and Aerith Curious as witnesses. Also, Lazlo and Rikku announce the birth of their son, Pep Juan Carlos Curious. The tyke was 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 20 inches long. Congratulations!"

    "Vidcund Curious has struck it big! His lottery winnings earned him enough simoleons to land him with a deed for a $100,000 house with the works! That ought to make State Assemblywoman Yuna Curious beam with joy! Also, sorry folks, but Lola and Chloe Curious have closed the doors of their home business in exchange for a quiet life in the Vidcund Curious household. You may see their robots again sometime, though!"

    Franz smiled and folded the newspapers up. He placed them on the desk and left them be. He heard the honking for the carpool, so he went to the bedroom to change into his labcoat before leaving. As he left, he looked back at the newspapers and smiled again, then sighed happily and caught the ride to the labs.
  3. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    awww, their lives are wrapping up so nicely. Are you ending the story? I'll miss them if you are.
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I have a feeling the story will be ending for those who are turning into elders, like Franz, Paine and Don. The second generation will carry the torch though. :)
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    YAY! Although I'll really miss those three, I love Don in your story, makes me want to go play him in my game.
  6. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I was thinking the same thing.

    I like that the story is continuing. Isn't that what we like to think when we read books or watch movies, that it keeps going?
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I really like the way post #102 is done. Very nice.

    Like DuzzyGirl says, too, I like the books that last all summer long because they're so big and full of detail. :)
  8. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart


    Marisa was building sentry bots on the front porch. She had closed the store in order to make more stock and to celebrate her monetary award.

    It was a Saturday, and Aeryn was practicing how to kiss a guy, whenever that day came. She also secretly was planning on calling a cab and getting the heck out of dodge, but she'd wait until evening to do so.

    Don was overworked because of the store, and he called work to say that he was not going to make it in. Instead of resting on the couch, which was preoccupied by a very large Yuffie, he spent his time on the bubble blower in Aeryn's room.

    Joe Carr was at work. He was an All Star and never missed a day of work for anything. Too bad he did not pay the bills on his way out.

    A van plastered with sad faces pulled up on the street. A man with a ray gun jumped out and greeted the house with a jolly hello and an explanation of why he was there. "I've come to repossess some items in order to pay the bill you failed to pay yourselves!" cried the man as he cackled and repossed a kitchen counter. As quickly as he came, he quickly went away.

    Yuffie was in labor in the downstairs bathroom as the strange fellow repossessed the counter.

    Once everyone realized that the counter was gone, everyone realized that Yuffie gave birth to a baby girl. Since Joe was not there, Yuffie named the child Sakura. The baby was the cutest, sweetest thing, at least that's what Yuffie cooed. The baby had her mommy's eyes and her daddy's dark skin and features.

    During the commotion, Aeryn called the cab and got the heck out of there.


    "Who the heck are you?"

    "I'm going to be an art major."

    "Lovely, but who are you? Why are you in our house and using our computer? Why is there a bed outside?"

    "Number one: I'm Aeryn Lothario. Number two: I needed a place to stay. Number three: You have a really small house."


    "I'd like to ask who you are, but I'm afraid you'll bite my head off. Are you always this viscious?"

    "Oh no, no...I'm usually a laid back kinda guy. But having some strange chick in my house catches me off guard..."

    "Eh, I'm laid back too. I'll forgive you this time."

    "Hey...Lothario, eh?"


    "You're Don's kid."

    "Yeah. Why do you say that?"

    "I'm the toddler that he kidnapped. Or have you heard that story?"

    "There are tons of things my dad has done, yet he doesn't tell me everything. Hehe that must've been hilarious..."

    "Yeah my uncle came and scared him half to death." He lowered his sunglasses and winked, then smiled.

    "Cool eyes. Is that for real? Contacts? Surely you're not a vamp..."

    "Eh my mom has the same eyes. No biggie. I'm Hans."

    "Charmed I'm sure." There was a pause. Then Aeryn tickled Hans in a spontaneous manner. Greg and Lulu looked at each other, then up at the ceiling, as they heard the noise of Hans laughing and trying to force Aeryn away.

    "What have we gotten ourselves in to now? Is this the Hoffman curse that Dad was talking about?"
    "Maybe so, but Don's a good guy. Maybe his kid is too. I don't mind it when people drop in without saying a word." Greg picked up the newspaper and read. Lulu rolled her eyes and went into the tiny kitchen to make some grilled cheese sandwiches.
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "How come you look like a monkey?" Barry Curious was watching his older cousin practice a speech for school.


    "That's what they sang at your birthday. You DO kinda look like one."

    "It's just a stupid song...HEY!"

    Enoch Curious chased his little cousin out of their room.

    "Hey what? What did I do? Gosh he's cranky, Momma."

    "Teenagers." Chloe rolled her eyes and watched some more of her cooking show.

    "Momma, can you help me with my homework?" Barry rested his head on the couch, right next to Chloe's. He stuck his tongue out at the lady on TV that was burning the food.

    "I haven't had math problems in a long time, but I'll see what I can do, hon," Chloe stood up and followed her son upstairs.

    "She's such a great mom," commented Vidcund from the kitchen.

    "Great mom? Are you joking? My God, I don't know how many times I've had to pick up the slack when she has her darn dates at the house." Yuna was preparing a salad for dinner. She was giddy that she was elected to Congress, but still in shock that her husband invited his sisters into their house to stay. What an image! Alien wild women and a toddler that did not know its father! That still bothered Yuna, but she tried to be civil. She even befriended Lola, who actually seemed quite sane once she got to know her. As for Chloe...

    "TWO men! TWO!"
    "Now Yuna, be reasonable. She's just trying to find a Dad for Barry."
    "Either pick one or the other but DON'T bring in TWO strange men into MY house!"
    "It's my house too, dear. She's my sister. I can't control the way she is. Neither could my parents."
    "She needs to learn a lesson from Mr. Lothario. He was a wild man, and now look what he's become. A toy tycoon with a wife and daughter in college. Quite successful."
    "Anyone who's got money in his pockets and a reputation is successful to you, huh?"
    "Indeed. By the way, dear, how's your work coming?"
    "Still top secret research. Can't really say."
    "When will you get a promotion, dear?"
    "When I can, honey."
    "Lola is president of the company she works at now. I like the way she's buckled down and is trying to get to the top before she sells more of those darn robots."
    "I liked those robots..."
    "You didn't buy any of those darned things, did you?"
    "Maybe a couple for the kids..."
    "Oh you didn't!" Yuna served up the salad and playfully kissed her husband, laughing a little. She then yelled for the others to come for dinner. Her voice carried throughout the spacious mansion. It took a while for everyone to come. Eventually the Vidcund Curious family sat down and ate their dinner peacefully.
  10. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Momma, I don't feel well."

    "Oh no...honey, what's wrong?"

    "My tummy hurts." And with that, Barry ran into the bathroom and threw up.

    " *sigh* Sometimes I wonder if I'm a good mother..."

    "Why do you say that, sis?" Lola was playing chess. Chloe sat down with her and joined the game.

    "Barry has a stomach flu. His cousin had to help him with homework problems because I wasn't able to. I'm barely here for him. Being a Sous Chef is hard, Lola."

    "Try being a CEO. I am so relieved that I put the robotics on hiatus."

    "I'm trying to be the best mother I can be, but what kind of example am I setting by acting like a teenager the majority of the time?"

    "You said it yourself, you need help. You have help. I'm there for you. Vidcund and Yuna are there for you too. So are Pascal and Aerith...Lazlo and Rikku..."

    "I feel like a burden to everyone."

    "You're not. Don't beat yourself up about it, Chloe."

    "Do you think Barry needs a dad?"


    "A dad. A role model."

    "Oh no, what did you have in mind?"

    "Not Don, that's for sure. He's long gone. Maybe Goopy or Abijeet or Sheldon..."

    "The first two are just as bad as you. Sheldon I was hoping to nab for myself, but your cause is more worthy than mine."

    "Har, har."

    "You think about it. Sooner or later Barry's going to be a teenager and he won't need a dad. Then he'll be off to college and will graduate and become an adult, and he'd only need a mom then. Don't pressure yourself. Kids are low maintenance."

    "If that's the case, why haven't you had one?"

    "I'm a career nut. I'm getting my business out of the way before settling down. By then, though, I think the biological clock would have timed out."

    "Why can't you take risks? I have."

    "Stupid ones."

    "Hey! Checkmate!"

    "Good work, sis. You've really improved."

    "You think so?"

    "Aunt Chloe, Mom's been offended by Barry's belching on her podium."

    "And?" Chloe smirked at her nephew, then laughed. Lola chuckled and put the pieces away. Enoch stood there a moment, then started laughing as well.

    The last picture I thought was neat: Enoch, Yuna and Vidcund. :)
  11. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I interrupt this program to give a little off topic thing. :D I was playing earlier today and I realized that I hadn't made a music video in a while, and two expansions have been released since I made the last one. :eek: For OFB I have either "Takin' Care of Business" or "Money for Nothing" in mind, but I have several songs for NL. :rolleyes: I have it narrowed down to these:

    Wonderful Night by Fatboy Slim ...unfortunately this has swearing and I don't quite know how I can edit it. :eek:

    Starry Eyed Surprise by Crazy Town

    A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix) by Elvis vs. JXL ...lol the Tennessian in me :D

    And if I'm desperate, there's always Let's Get It Started! by The Black Eyed Peas, but meh. :rolleyes:

    Once I pick a song I'll have to get some footage. It'll be sweet to see the Knox Patch Sims in a video! Whee! :D
  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Hey, it's the little dude!"

    Enoch Curious arrived in front of what appeared to be a...hippy house. It was small and had peace sign windows everywhere. The lawn was...dirt. He swore he saw a tumbleweed blow by.

    He ditched the glasses for contacts. He slicked his bangs back so they weren't plastered to his face. He seemed pretty confident with himself. Then he faced his mentor...his half brother...who was dressed in the most ridiculous getup he had ever seen. The bright neon colors almost blinded him in the desert sun. Heck, the desert sun even made him sweat in his sweater and dresspants.

    "Hey little dude! Whoa man, you're not so little anymore..."

    "Yeah...I've grown up since you left for college..."

    "Come on in, bro! We just, like, remodeled and everything! See? We even put another room up there," Boba pointed to the box on top of the house. He then took Enoch by the shoulder and led him into the hippy house. The walls were a blinding shade of yellow, and the floors were carpeted a royal blue. There wasn't much room to walk inside.

    "Yeah over there is Starboy...say hello to the little dude, cuz!"
    "Hello there," Starboy waved from the computer. He was typing on his term paper for the semester.
    "Uh...hi..." Enoch realized that the alien with the large eyes and long black pony tail was his cousin that he had never met in his life. He seemed otherwise normal. Then there was a girl reading on a cheap looking couch. Boba introduced her simply as "Starboy's girlfriend Ivy." Enoch stood there for a moment as Boba retreated into the tiny kitchen to cook some grilled cheese. He then sat at a computer that was next to Starboy.

    "So you're Enoch. I've heard a lot about you, Boba won't shut up about 'the little dude.'"
    "Ah...unfortunately I do not hear a lot about my other family members..."
    "Neither do I. I would like to hear about everything. I don't mind the chatter, actually. I used to live in a filled dormatory."
    "Ah I heard...um...gosh I don't know where to start..."
    "You're Uncle Vidcund's son. You have his chin."
    "Yeah." Enoch felt embarrassed about that chin. As he aged, he also noticed some of his father's sharp features in his face. Why did he get his mother's delicate eyes and nose, yet inherit that blasted chin and those awful cheeks and sloping forehead?
    "I'm Pascal's son, if you didn't know. Do you know him?"
    "Not really..."
    "Shame. He's a nice fellow. He married your mom's sister. I like her. They also have a toddler...err...I guess he's a teenager now, probably...his name was Cid...I haven't seen him in forever...*sigh*"
    "Why's that?"
    "Being in college for me is like being in a whole other world. I can't seem to find a break to be with my family. When I left, I was thrilled to get out. Now it's dismal. Fortunately after this term paper, I'll take the final and become a junior."
    "You don't act like Boba. You're very subdued..."
    "Eh...being the kid of a scientist and politician can do that...I was seen and not heard much. I kinda kept to myself. When Barry came though...oh lord..."
    "Barry? Barry who?"
    "He's our cousin...Aunt Chloe's son..."
    "She's married?"
    "See, that's what I don't get. She has this kid, but there's no Dad that anyone knows of."
    "Odd. Surely there's a father."
    "Yeah that I know. But who it is I'll never know. She seems quite pleased with that...son...of hers..."
    "You don't seem to be."
    "He's not like me at all, complete opposite. When I was a kid, I wouldn't dare use my mother's podium as a plaything, to belch with. I wouldn't bounce on beds or play in puddles or put off doing my homework until waking up in the morning."
    "Yeah. And you know what he is now? A locker room attendant for the stadium. Says he wants to be an athlete, and the only reason why he's going to college is so that he can get a leg up on the draft and pick up some girls. He's a mess!"
    "Funny how you're ranting at me about a cousin I've never met to a cousin you've never met. Done!" With a flourish Starboy saved his paper and sent it to his professor. "By the way, have you registered?"
    "Yeah...history major."
    "Ah good. Nice. I'm physics. Almost everyone is."
    "Hey everyone! The sandwiches aren't burnt today!" Boba called from the kitchen. The two fellows got up from their computers and went to the card table to eat the lunch. Four people sat there and talked about everything under the sun. Enoch wouldn't mind this. Very curious being a Curious...

    The last moments of Enoch being with Barry. Teehee. :D
  13. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Aeryn Lothario was like a sister to us. She had enough money to build onto our rental property. She cooked meals and tickled Hans half to death all the time. I do believe she likes him. He feels the same way. I can tell by the happiness in his face.

    Lulu called that Alphonse fellow over today. Funny how I notice these things... Alphonse never goes anywhere without his brother. So Edward tagged along for the visit. He did not seem very amused about the fact that we had a bubble blower and an old pick up truck in front of the house. He did not seem very amused that Hans and Aeryn were giggling and playing on the couch or the bingo machine the entire time he was there. He did not seem amused at Lulu leaving for class halfway through the visit. Yet...there was this look as if tough ol' Ed saw the angel in his dreams for the first time in his life. Yeah, I don't take to anyone looking at my sister like that, especially a guy who has a girl clinging onto him already. Yet...I felt badly that I was the only one that noticed. Lulu looked at him the same way, yet barely talked with him the entire time they were there. She's good friends with Alphonse now. I was even pulling for the poor guy. But nope. Maybe next time, champ.

    As for me...well...my love life isn't that shabby. Dad would probably be proud of me or something...I don't know...but...it's funny how things turn out, you know? I was very good friends with Sophie Miguel. I felt sorry for DM getting picked on by her, yet laughed at the same time. There was something very charming about her. I don't know what possessed me, actually, but I called her over to the house. She seemed impressed that we built on the house like that. She also seemed impressed with me....to the point that she would kiss me. And also to the point where we would...ahem...have a private talk in the pickup...I don't know what possessed Hans to buy that darned thing, but my oh my, it was the most useful vehicle for private time I think we could probably purchase for cheap.

    Funny how things turn out.
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    This is great, Chee-Z :)
  15. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Thank you :) I've been having a bit of Writer's Block for the past few days though. :( Let's see if I can break that. :D

    "God, what is this place...Cupid's Paradise?"

    "What do you mean?"

    "Look...Greg's practically head over heals for that Sophie chick. And Lulu's always next door with Alphonse. I would be crazy to go over there now, yet she's at that place all the time."

    "Why do you say that?"

    "Ed and Al keep questioning themselves every five seconds. They way they use Lulu as an object of brotherly feuding sickens me."

    "Oh come now, Hans...we're all confused..."

    "Ed has that Meadow chick hanging off of him like a leech, yet he had the hots for Lulu, when Al didn't. Now Al's onto her like white on rice, and Ed's swallowing his own medicine...Meadow has eyes on Starboy."

    "That's horrible..."

    "Yeah really. I'd feel sorry for them, if the whole Lulu thing wasn't happening."

    "Right...say...uh...I've been thinking..."

    "Oh no, Aeryn. Don't give me that."

    "What? It's only a little outing, nothing more."

    "I don't want to get attached to someone right now, alright? Look at Greg out there...I don't want to turn into that."

    "Are you still bitter about Bismark dumping you?"


    "I can tell, you can't lie to me under those sunglasses of yours."

    "We weren't even an item, so it's not 'dumping.' She's just not that interested in me....or anyone else, for that matter."

    "Come on, Hans. I thought you were Mr. Fun-Guy."

    "I am. Why wouldn't I be? Hey! Stop! Ack!" Aeryn started tickling Hans again. She then grabbed the remote to the stereo system. "Come on, Hans," she said again. She pushed the on button and a nice salsa started playing. Hans stood there at her like she was insane.

    "You know you want to...I can tell..." She started dancing, she pointed to him and finally he gave in. "You're pretty good, but I bet you don't know this one..." Suddenly she started doing that funky dance that all the night clubs were advocating. Hans, not knowing this move before, tried his best to keep up with her. She was pretty darn good at dancing, he thought to himself. Finally a slow tango started playing.

    "May I have this dance?" she asked, taking his hands and moving him close. He couldn't say no to that one.

    It was around 4 in the morning, and Lulu and Gregory had already gone to bed. However, Hans and Aeryn were on their way up to bed, when Aeryn took Hans over to a lonely corner and kissed him for the first time. They smiled, then started making out like it was their last moment together. Then they said goodnight and went on to bed, Aeryn giggling and Hans blushing and smiling a goofy smile that he never had before.
  16. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Bismark? What on earth are you doing here?"

    "They moved out. I need a place to stay. Don't tell me you're still bitter about me."

    "Actually I was just starting to miss you."

    "Really? Why?"

    "I'm quiet, you're not. Need that ying to my yang, you know?"

    "Ah I guess so...wait, who the heck is that?"

    "Cousin DM."

    "We have a cousin? ...And he's cute?"

    "Yeah, I didn't know either. We're going to rent this dorm out together, along with his girlfriend."



    "Uh...hi...nice...skin tone..."


    "I see you two are going to get along just nicely."

    "Wait...why are we renting this place out again?"

    "Dizzy's moving out and..."


    Hey Dad,

    I hope you're not going to freak out or anything, but I asked Sophie to come stay with us. Look, I'm not going to do anything risky with her, alright? Don't worry. I also hope you're not going to freak out because Lulu moved in with Alphonse next door. I was quite fine with it, Dad...I was there when he asked...funny how laid back I've gotten about things. Now if Hans would just stop giving me funny looks...wonder what's up with him...hehe, I'm supposed to be the psych guy and yet I can't even figure out my own brother sometimes.

    I'll write later, say hello to Mom and Uncle for me.

  17. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    David Merrick Barker was typing on his term paper in the early evening. The place was quiet enough; Bismark and Stella had gone to class, and Kairi was watching television in the great room. As he was finishing up the last sentence in his paper, he felt a presence in the room that he had not felt before. He placed a period on his sentence, then fell silent. He slowly turned his head and...


    There was a guy hovering over him, watching him type his paper from over his shoulder. The fellow had long scraggly hair and wore sunglasses and clothes that were clean yet grungy at the same time. When DM freaked out, the guy lowered his sunglasses and looked at him funny. The guy had red eyes, which freaked DM out even more.

    "Who on Earth are you?" DM had his hand clutching his chest as if he had recovered from a heart attack. "And why were you watching me?"

    "Hans, and just 'cause."

    "Well Hans...uh..." DM stared at Hans for a while. "Do you always do this, to everyone?"

    "Uh, yeah. It's what I do."

    "Oh..." DM stared again. Then attempted to start a conversation, which went well enough. Hans talked and joked with him. Then he retreated to watch television. DM stared after him for a while, then snapped out of it and realized that he needed to use the bathroom.

    "Hans? Why are you here? Did SHE invite you in?" Bismark gave Hans an ugly look and pointed at Kairi at the same time.

    "I didn't do anything---he just walked in here," Kairi said calmly, then yawned and excused herself to go to bed.

    "Kairi you're supposed to...ugh you're impossible!"

    "So are you." It was Stella. She just came back from a late class.

    "Honey-love's gone to bed, in case you were wondering," Bismark replied.

    "I'll let him sleep. He's had a long day of it. Unless you want me to leave you two alone?" Stella motioned toward Hans, who was contently blocking out the fussing and watching the Llamas play soccer.

    "Whatever." Bismark shrugged and sat herself down on the couch, farthest away from Hans. Stella sat between them.

    "What the **** are you doing!?" Hans yelled at the TV. Bismark sat there in a smug manner. Stella watched, interested, then yawned and excused herself.

    "So...what ARE you doing here?" Bismark said finally.

    "I dunno. Just walking the neighborhood. Thought I'd drop by."

    "Do you ALWAYS do this?" She sounded annoyed.

    "Yeah I've been doing it since I was a teen. Made friends that way." It was true.

    "You barge into people's houses and eat their food and watch their television?"

    "Yep. By the way, whoever made those grilled cheeses..."

    "They were from lunch."

    "Oh that's why they were smelly."


    "Well then. Uh...yeah it's getting late."

    "Yes, yes it is."

    "I'll see you tomorrow then."

    "What!?" Hans got up and went out the door before Bismark could protest. She stood there at the front door and watched him leave with a slouch and his hands in his pockets. What on Earth did she see in him? she thought to herself.

    The next day, Bismark called Vivi Smith over to rant about the night before. He listened calmly.

    "Can you believe that guy? He barges right in like he owns the darn place. Heeyah!" Bismark angrily lunged the bowling ball down the lane, and it smacked the pins so harshly they flew and broke to pieces.

    "Uh..." Vivi shook his head and took his turn. He knocked all ten pins over without shattering them.

    "What, you approve of that kind of behavior?"

    "No...it's just that he's always done that. He made friends with my sister that way."


    "He's a different kind of guy...a free spirit in a town filled with disciplined and snooty men in lab coats."

    "My father was a disciplined and snooty man in a lab coat. He's a surgeon. He wouldn't have let me roam the streets like a wild child."

    "Hate to tell you, Bis, but Franz Hoffman is Han's dad. He's a prestigious scientist. Now, how the heck a man that's a mad scientist have a kid with that kind of personality, I'll never know. But don't give me that story that it's the family's fault that a kid turned out the way he did."

    Bismark stared at Vivi for a while, letting this bit of information sink in. Then she walked over to Vivi and gave him his first makeout. "You know, Vivi, I like you." She said afterwards.

    "Yeah I love you too."

    She laughed and then motioned him over to the elevator. He wondered what was up, then realized what she was asking. He smiled and rode the elevator down a floor, then walked out.

    "Hey wait a minute, come back here," she beckoned.

    Kairi was wondering why it was taking so long for the elevator to come back up again. When it finally came back up she found two lovebirds laughing like they had the best times in their lives in that elevator shaft. She looked at them funny, rode the elevator down and went into the great room to use the phone.

    "Hello, is Boba there?"
  18. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Huh...hey honey, take a look at this."

    "Hmm? What is it Yuna? I was just enjoying this lobster..."

    "You know that old house that was near ours? There's a nice family moving in there."

    "Oh really? Interesting."

    "I'd like to go greet them. Would you care to join me?"

    "Such a politician you are, always greeting people..."


    It took a while for the elderly Curiouses to walk down the road. The hills were a bit unbearable to tread. Finally the couple reached the old house with the gray brick. Outside was a florist table and nothing more.

    "Hmm this is pleasant. Very calm...must be a nice family," Vidcund commented.

    "Yes they had two lovely daughters, this couple. I noticed them move their things in," Yuna peered through the window for a moment.

    "Nosy, nosy."


    The two old people were taken aback at this loud outburst from within. The glass shuddered from the sonic wave of the yell. Yuna almost jumped backward onto the sidewalk.

    "Oh my..."

    "Teenager angst. I do believe we were blessed without that."

    "My Enoch was an angel, wasn't he?"

    "Yes, he's a nice lad...uh...shouldn't we knock honey instead of stick your nose against the window?"

    "Hmm I wonder what's going on in there..."

    Vidcund sighed and went up the stairs to the front stoop. He rang the doorbell and waited. An Irish gentleman with red hair and an impressive red beard opened the door.

    "New neighbors!" Mrs. Smith from a few blocks down came to see.

    "Ah I didn't realize we'd be having a greeting wagon come," the red haired fellow chuckled and shook Vidcund's hand. Yuna walked quickly away from the window and came into view.

    "This is my wife Yuna..."

    "Ah my wife's heard so much about you Mrs. Curious! She's a politician...we're from Pleasantview. I'm Dan Pleasant...Mary! Come out here and meet the neighbors!"

    "Coming dear, the grilled cheeses were burning!"

    "Such a wonderful cook she's turning out to be," Dan beamed and then lead Vidcund to the florist table. "Yep, my wife's going to start a florist business here in Knox Patch. First one of its kind that we know of. The Little and Local in Bluewater, you see..."

    "Yes I'm quite proud of my daisies," said Mary Sue Pleasant, who emerged from the house. She was a prim looking woman with small eyes and her hair tied up in a neat bun.

    "What was that commotion in there earlier? Quite startled us on our walk..." Yuna cut to the chase.

    "Oh our daughter Lilith...she can be quite a handful."

    "She's very rebellious, and makes her twin sister cry."

    "Angela's such a sweetheart and very with it. Lilith we can't even get to do her homework or help around the house..."

    "Insists on going out on the town. We put our foot down when we refused to buy her a car. 'Get a job,' I said."

    "Oh and she found one too, in the gym's locker room cleaning out the gym socks."

    "Hey that's how I started and look at me now!"

    "Yes you're quite the jock, hon. Unfortunately I do not approve of my daughter becoming a Llama's mascot, let alone picture her as a professional baseball player. She just doesn't have the discipline."

    "Or the talent..."

    "We're going to ship both of those girls to college when the time comes. Angela's quite thrilled, but I can't say the same for Lilith..."

    "Unless parties are involved."

    "Or drinking..."


    "Our son Enoch is in college. He's..."

    As Vidcund talked with Mary Sue about his son, Dan tried putting the moves on Yuna, which made her appalled. Mrs. Smith watched from a distance, then came on over to meet this Mr. Pleasant. Sparks flew.

    "Here Vidcund, let me show you the florist table. It's quite nifty."

    "I'm sorry ma'am but Yuna and I were just about to leave...isn't that right honey?"

    "Yes, indeed...hmph!"

    "Suit yourself then," replied Mary Sue. She worked on the flowers on her own, letting Dan play kicky bag with Mrs. Smith. She kept in mind that she married a giant flirt, but she did not mind a bit. Just as long as the Llamas still had a job for her husband while she sold flowers at the Little and Local.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    hehe, Chee-Z. I think your writer's block is over. Took me a while to catch up. Bismark is not very nice, is she. :rolleyes:
  20. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Barry Curious was waiting on someone at around midnight on a Saturday morning. He napped on the front foyer couch, and then he played pinball. Once he was bored, which was fairly quick, he stepped outside onto the front lawn. His mother left a bunch of roses on the walkway. He read the cards on each one. Sheldon...Goopy...Abijeet...who were these people? And why were they dropping his mom roses? Multiple roses for that matter...*shrug* whatever made her happy, he supposed. She was really overworked at the restaurant. He was proud that she was an executive chef. Unfortunately he was unable to enjoy his company and her food more often than he did.

    "Now son, you need to head on to bed soon," Vidcund called from the ajar front door. He then shuffled off to the bathroom.

    "Whatever," Barry mumbled under his breath. He needed his space. It was bad enough that he had to share his breathing room with two oldies, an old maid auntie and now his Uncle Pascal and his family. His cousin Cid was just as bad as Enoch, but at least he did not look like a giant monkey.

    A red sportcar pulled up in front of the house. He could not believe he was pulling this off. But hey, when one was living in a house with several stuffy adults and a kid, you could definitely get away with sneaking off. The car honked at him to hurry up, so he ran over to it, opened the door and climbed in. He tried not to slam the door since she already risked enough by honking at him.

    "So where to?"


    "Alright then. Who's that guy sneaking up to your house?"

    "I have no idea. Let's drive off before he notices anything and tells my mom."

    "Sure thing."

    The next morning Chloe found a big screen television at the front door with a card from Abijeet. She shook her head and went off to work, leaving the television there. Vidcund and Pascal had to carry the tv in and placed it in the front foyer.

    "Yeah, I can't believe you convinced me to come here."

    "What, it's where everyone else goes to."

    "Yeah but...a corn field?"

    Barry shrugged. Hey, there was not much to do in a country setting. They could've gone downtown but it was already risky enough as it is. At least the police could not catch them here.

    "So...uh...Lily, right?"


    "Uh...you're new here, right?"

    "Yeah. My parents moved us here from Pleasantview. Dad got a better paying job for the sports team here."

    "Oh. Is that why you're working in the locker room?"

    "Yeah. I wish I was doing something else though."

    "Like what?"

    "I dunno."

    "Oh. Um...I heard that you were a..."


    "In a way, yes."

    "I really don't like my family. Quite honestly, I hate people in general. But most of all, I hate the way my family attempts to be perfect even though they're not."

    "Do you hate me?"

    "No. You haven't done something stupid yet."

    "Has your sister?"


    "What'd she do?"

    "I don't want to talk about it, but let me put it this way: She's not the pretty perfect princess that she leads people on to believe."

    Barry fell silent at this. "Uh...what did your parents do?"

    "Meh you'll find out soon enough. That's also why we moved from Pleasantview."

    "Oh. Um...why are you telling me all this?"

    "Who else could I tell it to? I don't have anyone. At least in college I can get the heck away and meet new people."

    "That's true...it's the same reason why I'm going."


    "Hey...the sun's rising...we probably need to get back home."

    "Alright. I'll drop you off." They walked through the corn to her car, and they drove off toward the small town of Knox Patch in the distance. She dropped him off several houses down so he could walk home. He whistled and shoved his hands in his pockets, then walked on home. He went to bed at around four in the morning. He did not wake up at six like everyone else did. He did wake up at around 9:30, however, and made breakfast.

    "You're such a sweet young man," said Yuna as he served breakfast.

    "Thank you ma'am." He sat down and ate with the rest of his family, like nothing had happened.

    "Where were you?"

    "None of your d*** business."

    "It IS my business, Lily. We share the same bedroom and it's obvious when you're not there."

    "What are you going to do, tattle to Mom and Dad again? What are they going to do, ground me? They can't control me."

    "Lily, you shouldn't be running off in the middle of the night."

    "YOU shouldn't be telling me what to do! Leave me the **** alone!" Lily slapped Angela across the face.

    "I am NOT going to let you slap me!" Angela slapped her sister back. Lily pounced and they fought in the kitchen.

    "Oh no not again..."

    "C'mon honey, they'll fight it off...in the mean time we have some private time..."

    "Sweetheart it's six in the morning..."

    "Hey what ever happened to having some quiet time whenever?"

    "Well...LILITH STOP THAT!"




    "Don't 'Mary' me! That girl has NO respect for me! What kind of parent allows that to happen?"

    "Honey there's nothing we can do..."

    "There is, too, Dan! Girls, pack your bags. I'm sending you off to college early. My God, I need some sort of order in my household!"

    Once the girls finished fighting, they gave each other hard stares for about five seconds, then stomped off. They then fought for possession of the bathroom, who was going into the bedroom first to pack, then who was going to leave in the cab first. Mary Sue fumed and fussed the entire time, shooing them off and using the bathroom before them.

    Dan shook his head sadly and made pancakes in the now quiet kitchen.

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