Welcome to Knox Patch

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Chee-Z, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Hello ma'am! Would you like to buy a cup of lemonade?" A squeeky voice called over to the old woman who emerged from a van.

    "Why Prometheus, how thoughtful! Here you go sweetheart." The old nanny paid and drank her lemonade as she walked into the house.

    "Hmph. I bet I can beat you in sales," another squeeky voice said.

    "Hehe I'd like to see you try."

    A little girl walked down the street. She saw the strangest sight she had ever seen. Two lemonade stands were in front of a small house that were next door to the pink boarding house that closed down. Both stands were manned by two aliens with scary yellow eyes.

    "Would you like to buy some lemonade?" The girl alien called over to her. She came over to see the curiousity. "How much?"
    "Fifteen simoleons."
    "That works, here ya go. Mmm it tastes good!"
    "Yeah I made it myself." The little alien girl seemed proud of herself. The alien's brother watched as the transaction was made.

    "Would you like to buy another drink, ma'am?"
    "Why yes, that would be lovely! Here you go sweetheart," the nanny paid and sipped her drink as she went back to the van. The children's parents had come home.

    "Kids, I think that's enough for now."
    "Aww c'mon Dad!"
    "Please? I wanna sell some more!"
    "You need to eat something. Come on in and I'll make spaghetti for dinner."
    The kids looked at each other, then ran inside. Hoenheim shook his head as his children retreated from their businesses. He had to clean up the lemonade and tear the stands down without them noticing.

    "Do you think they'll come?" Trisha was reading through a cookbook. The twins had gone to bed.
    "They ought to. They don't really have an excuse not to."
    "They're busy with college and girlfriends, apparently. *sigh* Where did our little boys go?"
    "They're men now, Trish. They have a right to come and go as they please. I'm not quite sure if Edward would come back after what happened with..."
    "You could not help it if you were pregnant, honey. And look what wonderful children you have raised. Surely he would not be angry about that."
    "I suppose you're right, dear."
    "I am. *kiss* We ought to get some sleep Hoen. The birthday party is tomorrow."

    It was evening. The Elrics had never had a birthday party before. They did not really have much planned. All there was for food were four birthday cakes. Each person blew them out and people ate all they could eat of cake. By the time the party was over, people were nauseated from all the sugar.

    "Hey Dad, did you ever think that you'd look like a plumber?" Edward teased and poked his father.
    "I can't believe they're allowing you to wear that jacket in the middle of the desert, son."
    "Eh it isn't THAT hot..."

    "Andy, what happened to your hair?"
    "I decided to get it braided. What do you think?"
    "It's horrendous!"
    "Har har."
    "Fix it! Fix it right now!"
    "Fine...is this better?"
    "I suppose so...why do you want it braided like that?"
    "I want to be different."
    "Different? Honey, you're already different enough as it is."
    "At the private school, all the girls have their hair the same way. Could I please have it like this?"
    "Alright, if it makes you happy, dear."
    "Thanks Mom."
    "Hey Mom, how do you like my hair?"
    "Dear...it's a bit long...are you sure you want me to trim it?"
    "I think it's dashing myself."
    "What? Let the lad have his hair long!"
    "Yeah Mom!"
    "Fine...I don't know what's wrong with you people, but my goodness!"
  2. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    A few years went by. Summers were spent at home with parents, and then the cycle started all over again. People moved around or stayed where they were. They studied and worked relentlessly for their degrees. Even Hans settled down a little, at least for Aeryn's sake. Finally, after all the labor, the paper, the typing, the finals, one of them graduated from college with honors. Surprisingly, he even threw a party.

    Franz came to his son's graduation party, helping his wife Paine up the porch steps. Virgil looked around the littered front lawn and shrugged his shoulders. "What a dump," he proclaimed, stepping over cans and potato chip bags. Hans glared at him and picked the trash off the ground, dumping the bag into the can with a loud thud. Hans then sat himself down to the bubble blower and stayed there for the remainder of the evening.

    "Good to see you, son," Franz greeted his graduate.

    "Thanks Dad. It really means a lot to me that you came."

    "Who else did you invite, by the way?" Paine asked as she sat herself down on the couch to rest. "Geez I hate this arthritis..."

    "Let's see...the Lotharios...Starboy...Stella..."

    "Ah good. What about that girl out there talking with Hans?"

    "Her? I didn't invite her..."

    "What are you doing here?" Hans looked up from his blowing to see Bismark standing there.

    "Hey, you always do it to me. I thought I'd drop by to say my congrats."

    "You don't particularly care about Greg."

    "Yeah, shove off," Aeryn returned from her art lesson. She was not amused at the presence of Little Miss Prissy on her front lawn.

    "Fine..." Bismark walked off, but she saw that there was a nice piano on the back porch. She noticed an old man playing the guitar and a white man with shock-white hair playing the drumset. She looked back at Hans and Aeryn, then at the piano. She smiled a little and joined the band.

    "Dad? Mom? What are you doing here?"

    "Greg's like a son to Don. We also wanted to check on you, dear."

    "I'm fine Mom, I'm fine."

    "That's great, honey." Marisa looked at her daughter for a long time. She approved of the way her daughter presented herself, the way she worked hard, and the fact that she was living with such lovely people. Then the bubble burst when Aeryn tickled her mother playfully and without warning.

    Greg seemed pleased with his party. He danced with his parents, danced with his girlfriend Sophie, and played Bingo on the machine with several other people. He tried pranking on Virgil, but he was no where to be found...until he looked in the front yard. "Figures," he said to himself. It was around midnight when his parents and the Lotharios left. Lulu stopped by briefly to say hello, then left due to a final. Sophie was still working on assignments. He had to wait for her, but he was relieved that it wouldn't be for long. He'd live with his parents until he saved enough money for a house for a newly wed couple. He hoped he wasn't going to be blessed with his father's knack for attracting strange people to live with him. Otherwise, all would be well.

    Thank God for the College Timer and College Rampage! :cool: :p
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, Chee-Z. Always funny stuff. As for the pictures, I particularly like the picture of Franz dancing with his son. But the competing lemonaide stands are hysterical, too.
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Yeah both the Elric twins wanted to start a business, so I gave them stands; it was slow going though. :rolleyes: Unfortunately my game locked up when Greg was supposed to catch the taxi, so I have to do that scenario all over again. :(
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Poor Greg. Dancing with Dad all over again.
  6. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Indeed. Sophie won't mind dancing with Greg again though ;)
  7. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Barry Curious was relieved when his mother and aunt decided it was time to stop mooching off their brothers. They packed up and left, to the relief of Aunt Yuna. The younger cousins (yes, Lazlo decided to move his crew in to the house as well) were tearful when Barry left them; he was the cool cousin, the one they strived to become one day. Barry was skeptical of that, however; Cid was not as stuck up or incredibly nerdy like Enoch, yet he still preferred the presence of books and the chess set. Pepe...well...Pepe had a bit of a face problem. Maybe he'll grow out of it, he didn't know.

    Chloe and Lola traded places with Lazlo and Rikku. They bought back the house they moved from in return for having a spot for Lazlo to fit in with his brothers and their wives and kid(s). Once the little family moved into the little house, things fell into place. Chloe became a restauranteur in a matter of weeks, and Lola finally became the Business Tycoon she was working hard for. This left time for Lola to work out back on her robots for the store next door: Robots R Us.

    Barry was saddened to know that Angela and Lilith had moved on to college without waiting for him. Alas, he still had a few more months of school left before he could join them. In the meantime, he painted, cooked meals, helped with the yardwork, did his homework, and worked as the Llama's mascot once he graduated from working as the Llama's locker room boy. His mother constantly reminded him that he was "a good son," even though that grossed him out immensly. He still snuck out on occassions with Lilith, and had yet to get caught by the police. He sometimes drove Aunt Lola's pickup when she was preoccupied with the Munchiebot 3000s. He wondered sometimes if his mom and aunt knew that he was causing trouble out there, but he shrugged it off and continued with his behavior.

    Chloe and Lola aged gracefully; oddly enough they celebrated their birthdays by courting with the same man, Sheldon Nott. Of course, Lola brought the man home from work, and then fell asleep, not knowing that Chloe was showing the businessman a good time in the bedroom. What she didn't know would not kill her...yet, Chloe thought to herself. I'll let her have him soon enough. Otherwise, the two old sisters got along just fine.
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So I guess Chloe is the one in her underwear on the left, sitting for a picture immediately after taking care of the businessman? :D
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Yes it is, and I thought that was quite appropriate :D
  10. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Franz's old friend Trisha became a Mad Scientist before her husband's twins were shipped off to college. Not only did Franz now have competition between Vidcund Curious and Trisha Elric, but Hoenheim was a bit resentful of the fact that his wife was ahead of him on the career ladder. Trisha, however, was still quite humble as always.

    "Do we always have to wear these contraptions?" she asked Franz one evening as they were experimenting in the basement of an abandoned house in Downtown Knox Patch.

    "What, the robotic arm? Yes."

    "It's quite uncomfortable, but if you say so, dear." Trisha had always been quite fond of Franz, and thought of him to be like...well...a cousin or some distant relative of sorts.


    "Dear, take those dreadful braids out of your hair. They're ruining it," Trisha took out the bands securing Andromeda's locks.


    "Oh my, your hair's gotten quite long," Trisha took a brush to the braids and practically made Andy cry out in pain.

    "What on earth are they doing in there?" Prometheus was packing the pickup with boxes and suitcases.

    "Some sort of feminine ritual, son. Don't give it another thought."

    Once Andy's hair recovered from the battle, it was quite long indeed---not to mention quite appealing.

    "Dear, you need a little color on your face---"


    "Just a little---"


    "How about this lipstick?"


    And reluctantly Andy wore a...summery... outfit to college, while Prometheus "borrowed" clothes out of Edward's closet and wore them. The family piled into the pickup truck and drove toward the desert to La Fiesta.


    "Are you sure this is the place, Hoenheim?"

    "Yes Trish, I'm sure of it...where's that map you printed out?"

    "It's right here..."

    "Man these houses look run down and dusty..."

    "We're in the desert..."

    "This is it?"

    "That's it."

    "Will you two be alright? We're just a phonecall away if you need anything."

    "We'll keep that in mind, Mom."

    "Do you need help unloading?"

    "We didn't bring that much."

    "Alright. Have fun you two."

    "We will. Don't worry about our grades."

    "Of course not dears, you're such overachievers."

    The twins carried their luggage into the small house. Their parents looked on for a moment, then drove away. The house was empty when they went inside.

    "Uh...so much for them preparing for our stay..."

    "Yeah...two doubles? Who do they have living here?"

    "I'm not sharing a bed with you, ugh."
  11. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Oddly enough, the next time I played that house, Edward and Alphonse had gone to sleep in the same bed, on their own. *sigh* :rolleyes:


    Ed Elric looked up from his reading. He did not want to be bothered at all this evening. After weeks of working, they had finally finished remodling the rental property. Finally, Ed could relax and read without the subject matter being about mathmatics or baking Baked Alaska. But alas, this was what happened when he had a clingy, demanding girlfriend.

    "Edward! I can't BELIEVE you could let your sister walk out of the house looking like THAT!"

    "I'm sorry Meadow. I do not care what my sister wears. Neither should you." It was blunt. Hey, he was always blunt and to the point.

    "Ugh...did you even SEE what she was wearing?"

    "What, nothing at all?"

    "PINK! Everything was PINK!"


    "Looks like Meadow the Fashion Cop has blown her top again," Lulu looked up from her term paper. She could hear the yelling from upstairs.

    "Hmm?" Alphonse was typing on his paper. This was their quality time.

    "I thought the pink look was quite charming."

    "Quite funny, actually," Alphonse laughed and sent his term paper off to the professor. "I'll go see if Edward has died from the sonic blasts yet."


    "Oh my..."


    "They're in the love tub they bought the other day. I swear they make love seem so nauseating."

    "After a yell-fest they are kissy-face?"

    "Yeah. It's gross."

    "They'd make a lovely married couple."

    "Oh yeah. I'd say the same thing about us."

    "You're so sweet, Al."

    "You're so sweet, Al," Prometheus mimicked and patted Al on the back. He had just finished his term paper as well.

    "Har har. Did you notice Andy?"

    "Yeah. I suggested her cutting her hair, actually. Looks a lot better."

    "Did you see what else she did?"

    "No...oh dear...she dyed it, didn't she?" He went downstairs so he could meet her at the sidewalk. Andromeda came back from class right then.

    "Your hair! Your clothes! It's hilarious!"

    "I even bought these sunglasses," she smiled and put them on. They shielded the fact that she had enormous yellow eyes.

    "Sweet. I'd change my appearance to blend in, but I'm happy with what I borrowed from Ed."

    "Speaking of Ed, is that them in the love tub?"

    "Yep. They're nuts."

    "You said it," and with that the siblings started a game of mock-fighting on the sidewalk.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I think her new look is fantastic. :) :D Think I'll try it for work tomorrow. Hmmm, better not since I'm a staid and boring bookkeeper. :p
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Honey, you're anything but boring.

    Enjoying the thread as always, Chee-Z. It's always so lively and full of fun.
  14. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    No kidding! There's all kinds of commotion. Makes it interesting :p
  15. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart


    "Kairi? Honey, what's wrong?" Tifa Briggs ran up the stairs of the family mansion. Her daughter had just come home from college with a degree in business. To think that her daughter would be unhappy now would be devastating, since they spent hundreds on furbishing the house for her arrival.

    "Oh my God! What'd you do to your face!?"

    "I'm HIDEOUS!"

    "Now now, hon...let's see...how does this stupid thing work!? AL GET IN HERE!"

    "What? Can't you see I'm preparing for my acceptance speech for the Hall of Fame?"

    "Your daughter is more important than your future right now, GET IN HERE!"

    "Alright, alright! Now what seems to be the---WHOA!"

    Kairi was sobbing on the bed. Her face was covered with her hands. When she looked up to see her father, Al Briggs jumped back. "Dear Lord, what the hell did you do to your face?"

    "I...*sniff sniff* used the *sniff* plastic surgery *sniff* machine," she managed to bawl out.

    "Now now, let's not panic. I'm sure this thing has an instruction manual. Ah, here it is! I know my daughter's face better than anyone else. Let's see if we can fix you right up, baby girl." Tifa guided Kairi over to the machine. Al read out the instructions as Tifa manned the controls. Soon Kairi's face was restored to normal.

    "Now Kairi, why did you need to fix your face in the first place?"

    "I...wanted to...fix my eyes..." she shyly replied.

    "Honey, you're perfect the way you are."

    "I know...but I just needed a little bit of touching up...but then the machine malfunctioned and..." she started crying again.

    "Now now dear, it's all over."

    Al Briggs shrugged. "You want me to take a baseball bat to the thing?"


    "What? It's a piece of crap if it can do that to my baby girl's face."

    "Just put it in the closet for now. I'd like a face lift when I'm over 50."

    "Fine, fine...cheer up, Kairi, you're going to be ok." Al patted Kairi on the back, then started disassembling the machine and putting the pieces back in the box.

    And yes I did use the plastic surgery machine and the results were too horrific to take a picture. Eeek. :( At least it made great story fodder. :D I had to quit without saving so I could actually do what I wanted in the first place: widen Kairi's tiny eyes. :rolleyes:
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, phooey, Chee-Z. You know how we love to see 'oops.' Anyway, I hope we get to see the replay. And oh, phooey, I have to exit because another thunderstorm has started around my house. :( And I only just got here.
  17. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    "Honey? Did you notice that Kairi was in her underwear when that fiasco happened?"

    Tifa was sitting at the kitchen table while Al was cooking spaghetti. It was about seven in the evening.

    "Yes I did," he replied as he tasted the sauce. "Hmm needs more salt, I think."

    "Now, why would she be running around in her underwear? Is that common behavior in a college graduate? Oh my God, was she in a nudist dorm!?"

    "Don't overreact, Tifa. And hey, I'm not a psychologist. How am I to explain how my daughter behaves? She's a grown woman, and she can run around our house in any clothes she desires to wear."

    "What's that noise?" Tifa looked up at the ceiling.

    "What noise?"

    "That thumping noise. What IS she doing up there?"

    "Who knows, hon. Want some?" Al placed a plate of noodles in front of Tifa.

    "Sure. I need the carbs for tomorrow's game."


    "What!? When did that happen? And you're in your underwear!"

    "Hey guys," a green man wearing nothing but an undershirt and blue boxers came into the room. He had shaggy blonde hair and a relaxed look to him. "Say, is that pasta? I could sure go for some right about now..."

    "Mom, Dad...this is Boba Fett Curious. Isn't he dreamy?"

    "Quite...charming..." Tifa had to look him over for a while. She wasn't sure what to think of the guy who just proposed to her daughter.

    "Please, have some. I made plenty. Are you an athlete? Llamas fan, perchance? I'm the coach," Al made Boba sit down and eat a large platter of noodles, which Boba politely accepted and ate slowly of. "Yeah, I heard of the Llamas, man."

    "Mom, Boba's going to be a naturalist. He's a really hard worker, and he graduated Summa *** Laude. He's not a slacker, Mom. I know that look."

    "Honey, you can do whatever you want to. You're a grown woman."

    "Thanks Mom!" Kairi hugged her mother, then showed her the engagement ring, which Tifa approved. "My goodness, this must've been expensive!"

    "Mom, he's Vidcund's son."

    That made Tifa really approve of the guy that proposed to her daughter.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Oh my, Chee-Z. That is one extremely serious glitch.:shocked: Poor Kairi. Are you going to try again? I don't think I've ever seen a sim that ugly except over at MTS2 where someone does it on purpose for the horror/sci-fi sim downloads. Whew!

    Luckily, sims never seem to care what another sim actually looks like.
  19. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Even though Kairi had been on a dream date with Boba (easy platnum status), she still had that happen. :( I'm not sure whether it's a random occurance with the machine, a glitch, the fact that I cheated to get the reward, or whatnot, but it's discouraging. I will try again the next time I play the house and see if it happens again. Third time's the charm, huh? :eek:
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I've used the machine just once and I got it with the cheat. The guy looked OK afterwards. I picked a new head for him :)rolleyes: ) because he was just a place holder who happened to look exactly like one of the other sims I regularly played. So I think you got a glitch.

    If it happened twice...sounds like a serious glitch...maybe a corrupted house.

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