AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't wait any longer. I need that game now! I have 3 families mapped out and I built thier family trees, thier house blueprints, I've even scetched thier bodies so I know what they look like. I NEED SIMS 2!!!!!!
I will hug it. And i won't let it go. Then I'll install it, hug the computer, and not eat for a loooong amount of time (due to total lack of intrest in moving from computer chair) *sinff* crazy delay! Ah well.... :(
Maybe we should all start making our plans for a summer camped out at our computers! Hmmm... what supplies would you get for snacks to sustain you while not leaving the keyboard?
:-D sounds like an awesome idea to me . I would haul one of those office water coolers into the room... followed by a microwave and lots of dinners.... (premade of course)... for those i would need a freezer... which i will fondly place next to the microwave and watercooler. I will then buy rediculas amounts of plastic eating utensils.... heehee... and ice cream! Oooooo... this sounds fun! Now that i think of it i'll also get some lemonade... lots of lemonade... mmmmmmmmm
I am going to prepare a sleeping bag and all the food essentials. Like bread, butter, some meat, cheese... cake hehe... Luckily my kitchen is only steps away from the computer... if I ever run out of supplies... it will only take a moment to replenish them! Also, I'm going to pack some clothes, a toothbrush (toothpaste also) and my fuzzy slippers. OH OH! My fuzzy blanket too! Hmmm.... maybe I could arrange a big basin of water to cleanse myself in every three days or so... hehe!!! j/k... Only problem is, I'll be working a whole bunch at the good 'ol Dollar Tree. So I'll wind up just zoning out all day, handing back the wrong change... directing ppl to the wrong aisle... not answering the phones... you know...
haha those all sound like great preparation plans!! I'll probably live in my 'jammies for a week and eat whatever I can manage to eat one-handed at the computer desk.
First thing I'd do is make my Sim as comfortable as possible. Then work my way up from there. Oh by the way Hi all ppl, I'm new and I hope we get along very well together.
Hello hello Welcome to the coolest Sims fansite eva!!! Ok, so I've only been here like a month, but it's been good to me so far ... I'm not just a JUNIOR member anymore... I'm a MEMBER... lol... it's great. Ok, my member high is over! haha.....
Aloha dude... so I'm liking those new screenshots!!! In a way, I'm glad their taking the extra time now to complete this game. The only bad part is, I don't want to spend my entire summer in front of the computer... lol... which is probably what will end up happening. I'll set up a timer and every three or four hours I'll go outside to get some sun so I don't turn into a total vampire. Haha...
right now i'm gonna invent a time machine to go in time about 180 days when ts2 is about to come out!
The first thing that I will do after installing it is make Zanzibar and myself as a couple. And then go from there!!
i wonder what the world will be like when TS2 does come... will malls be deserted? Will workers all "get sick" on the same day? Will millions upon millions of families argue over 'who's next'?? haha, this is gonna rock! come to think of it, i live in a smallish town... that very well might happen
When I get it im gonna take my time to learn every new detail, nook and cranny to the game, make a single sim and go from there and in about a month i'll peel myself off the computer chair, get new glasses because ive sat infront of a computer for so long and maybe catch up on whats new in the real world... that should only take like 5 mins and then ill be back to simming agian. lol *sigh* we are hopelessly addiced to Sims2 and its not even out yet! I wonder if Sims2 will become a new diet fad, you know since youre so involved with your sim family you dont even take time out to eat lol.