most definately, looks like a fantastic, endless posabilities game that would entertain me for hours.
i will if it doesnt get all mangled by the time it comes out. and if i havent spent my student loan by that time too!
CANT WAIT YEAH i am going to buy it this for everyone that ever saw a creature feature and said, that creature sucks the guy dropped a gernade down its thoart and killed it, but yet missles didn't even scratch it, I mean think of the replayabillaty (sorry bad speller) i mean maybe there was a fault in your ending creature, well start again and change that. This is going to be a good game either way you look at it. Message Edited, please don't overuse smilies. Heat
They had lots of hype about Fable, but in the end it turned out to be a mediocre game. Watch out for Maxis starting to take off "just a few" features; when that happens you know this will be just another game on the shelf.
If they take out enough stuff for it to just be another game on the shelf it probably would have been out already because the main part of the game is a new idea and will need most of the other stuff in the game.
I will probably pre-order. No, I will definitely pre-order. The possibility that this could be a mediocre game is nothing compared to the possibility that this could be one of the best games ever made.