Will you buy the strategy guide for S2?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by grizfan235, Sep 5, 2004.


Will you get the strategy guide for Sims2?

Poll closed Sep 20, 2004.
  1. Yes, why?

    11 vote(s)
  2. No, I'll just play it without.

    12 vote(s)
  1. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    I got the strategy guide today and Wal-Mart. Wohoo!! It has everything including all the new objects....
  2. Branes

    Branes New Member

    I bought the Strategy guide with the game today and I have to say it's very comprehensive and very nice to look at. Many of Prima's strategy guides for PC games lately have been pretty bad, but I'm very pleased with this one. I think it's going to be an important reference. I definitely recommend it.
    As for the game....wow! I stopped playing The Sims a while back when I started playing online MMORPG's but I think this game will turn me into a Simaholic again, at least for a while.
  3. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    I'm gonna buy it then take it to school... then, when it's silent reading time,I'm gonna read that...:D
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I doubt I'd buy it. I've never bought a guide yet. If a game is so hard to play that I need a book to tell me how to cope with the game's complexities then I figgure the game is probably too hard to be enjoyable anyway. If I want to challenge myself I play golf. If I really want to challenge myself I go for an academic qualification ... I don't play computer games. I play those for the lightest of challenges: fun. :)
  5. kristygal

    kristygal New Member

    I bought the guide along with the game and I'm almost finished reading the entire book even though I cannot get my game to work. :mad:
    It's the most in-depth strategy guide of all The Sims and hopefully I'll be able to use what I've learned. It's worth the 20 bucks. But if there's something anyone would like me to look up, I'd be happy to since I may never get my use out of it.
  6. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    The fact is, the Sims is not a game that would require a strategy guide. Of course, thats not saying that the strategy guide isnt useful, or not worth it, but you can easily get by without it. Thats what I like about the game.
  7. Miche

    Miche New Member

    Nova that's the 4th time you said that. We really know ur opinion by now i think :D
  8. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    dont you mean 8th time? :D

    anyways, i got to agree with Supernova somewhat. sims 2 doesnt need a strategy guide. i mean, the sims 1 never had a strategy guide and we all made it by perfectly fine.

    not only that, but any "strategy" we need for the sims 2 we could easily find online at numerous websites.
  9. Miche

    Miche New Member

    Yes, i completely think he is right also.. I mean.. This forum has all the "strategy" that has to be offerd. What could possibly be better then this? You can read other people's problems, you can state ur own problems and get an answer to it, and you can talk about numerous of subjects, that are Sim related.

    And, The Sims is all about managing a family (or families) the way you want to. I don't think there should even be strategy for that, because the most fun thing about the sims is that WE control those sims, and that we can make them do whatever we want them to do, so why should there be a "strategy" guide telling you what is the best thing to do? If we use our mind, we could also have figured out what is the best thing to do, but most of us don't want that, they just want to have fun, and make a family realistic (atleast this counts for me, and i think it counts for most of us). We all want to have fun, and I personally don't think that a guide that is telling you what exactly you have to do, is fun.

    My 2 cents
  10. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I got it Friday night because I was so desperate for my sims game to come which it did saturday in the mailbox around noon. I really like the strategy guid because it told me a lot of stuff that I didn't know and it helped me with private school -.- I was having a hard time with that but now its so easy lol

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